During the changing of the royal guards at Buckingham Palace the guards surprised the crowd by playing the theme song of HBO’s series “Game of Thrones” 15/7/14

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  1. May the seven and the old gods of the north bless Queen Elizabeth from the House of Windsor, second of her name, queen of Andals, the Rhoynar and the first men, queen of the 4 Kingdoms and Protectress of the Realm.

  2. The dismounting guards are canadian, i was a coldstream guard for 25 years. british guards carry the sa 80, the guards you see dismounting are carrying a longer barreled rifle. that has to bbe ordered arms the old way

  3. Queen in front of the TV watching game of thrones like "Hmmm so that's how I should solidify my rule!"
    Calls forth a Butler "Have the guards learn this piece by winter, and send Charles my regards!"
    shovels popcorn into face

  4. Next time; Stick to the ORIGIONAL music don't add your fucked up little flare to the tune, I only see it with brass bands and it's something that pisses me off. If you're going to play someone else's music play it properly!


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