Game of Thrones Theories and Speculation: Is Tyrion a Secret Targaryen? Part 1

**Beware Potential Spoilers (Book & Show)**

An exploration into the possibility that Tyrion Lannister is actually a Targaryen, drawing upon favourite fan theories and evidence from both the show and the texts. Part one of two.

Next: Is Tyrion a Secret Targaryen? Part 2


Other Available Playlists:

The Ancient History of Westeros (

The Reign of Dragons

The Targaryen Kings

Game of Thrones: Theories and Speculation


Special thanks to: Kevin MacLeod
Laid Back Guitars by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (



  1. I agree with everything in your video, but want to point out something of importance now that season 7 is over. Viseryion is a wight now, thanks to the Night King. Wouldn't that mean that only another undead creature could ride him? Tyrion is clearly alive at this point. Do we have a clue about who will be killed in the upcoming war against the White Walkers? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

  2. I've always been of a mind that Jamie and Cersie were the Mad Kings, but it can be all three. They would have Lannister blood no matter the father. Tywin may not have even cared as he's said to put his House first and even if it wasn't his he may have ultimately cared more about having Lannister blood sit the throne.

    Also, he may not have known. It's said a hand would keep a tunnel to a brothel for a whore but it could have been that Johanna would secretly come to Kings Landing to meet with Tywin, but she might have snuck off to see Aerys while he was busy.

    When the twins were born he gave Tywin their weight in silver, that is what lords do for their bastards.

    There is a lot more evidence to this theory. But, who knows.

  3. One of more plausible theories, certainly given credence by these well-researched items of potential supporting evidence. It's just a shame that YouTubers generally don't give a second glance at "videoless" videos, this won't get the views it merits, despite it's professional appearance and production.

  4. If anyone – and in particular, any Lannister – were to be a secret Targaryen, it would certainly have to be The Imp, Tyrion Lannister. At least in his case one can point to certain passages that could reasonably be considered at least hints to that effect.

    One of the primary aspects of a Targaryen is their fascination with Dragons; a fascination that Tyrion has had from childhood, when he even used to dream of riding a dragon.It may also be considered relevant that he is the only stranger that has been able to approach Dany's dragons without harm.

    But that means nothing without examining his parentage – the second son of Tywin and Joanna Lannister, Lord Tywin is said to have been awed by his beautiful and dominating wife, and part of the ill-will he bears Tyrion is due to his having been the cause of her death.

    His dwarfism is another reason, but could there be a third? Could he harbour his own doubts about Tyrion's paternity? Doubts that his pride would not allow him to make known (he could not even accept what the entire realm knew about the lineage of Cersei's children)?
    Perhaps the most interesting, possibly enlightening, exchange in this regard is when Tywin explains why, despite being a Dwarf he raised him rather than killed him, saying to Tyrion it was: "because I could not prove that you were not my son".

    There are one or two other subtle hints casting doubts on the beautiful but wilful Lady Joanna (remind us of anyone?), but as important as the pro evidence is the fact that there seems to be nothing that is capable of falsifying that theory, or at least nothing that the reader has thus far been privy to.

    I know we are all tired of hearing who is A Secret Targaryen/A Faceless Man/Azor Ahai/Add You Favourite Theory Here, but as far as #SecretTargaryen goes, I would have to say that of the Tyrion Lannister has a very plausible case.


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