What hardships will House Stark will be forced to endure in Season 7 of Game of Thrones?

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Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Yara and Theon Greyjoy Hodor, Wyllis, Hold The Door, Bloodraven, Three eyed raven, Children of the forest, Bran Stark, Summer, Hodor,A song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF,
King in the North, Game of Thrones Season 7

Still reading this Game Of Thrones House Stark description?
( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

Well thanks but sadly I ran outta stuff to give out for reading the entire description so no more Boose BOOBS or Dragons

I can however give you a hug!

( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)



  1. i have heard theory say bran stark mark allowed the night king inside the cave
    because he is marked while he is having vision from inside the cave so for the night
    king to cross the wall he have to mark bran while he is having a vision from
    south of the wall, and it's kinda make sense, because if the mark will allow the
    night king or the white Walker to cross why Benjin didn't cross. what do you think ?

  2. (Q&A) Will Brandon stark participate in the great war to come (physically)? Remember the flashbacks where he was walking physically around Winterfell and walking Will we have a payoff N future episode

  3. i think he is the beast player of the game cuz i still don't know what his end game is!! it makes me so made but its so good at the same time! oh and i am 100% team Stark and Targaion. (sorry if i spelled that wrong)

  4. the whole of game of thrones is a that book ir astrolabe is bring read

    the free folk won't kneel thing started after the long night because bran was bran the builder,or bran the builder was paralyzed the same as bran and he helped drive the others back then built the wall (Which I belive is salt water frozen (where else are getting all the ice from besides the ocean?)there are no lakes in westeros )since the others don't just freeze the ocean water and walk across and around the wall it implies they cant due to salt water freezing at a lower temperature

    but he is pictured as an Adult in the lore from hbo he is barefooted and sitting in a throne being carried by 4 PEOPLE and it's a shot of them building the wall

    but you see the fact that it show adult bran the builder means that this bran is really there In the flesh(not through the tree) but how is that possible

    unless gravity suddenly becomes important in visions why is he being carried? there is another a photo of three black hooded individuals they have their backs to us but the one in the middle is kneeling of his legs the position is not a comfortable one but more importantly he has No shoes

  5. in the books the future is the past and the past is the future

    it all closed time loop due to bran
    we the this "reality" in 1st person that means the world we see episode 1 season 1, we are seeing the time loop that has been altered
    by bran but we see the finished work

    . ie hodor says hodor even before bran was born

    it's complex but it's how georgie old boy avoided the normal pitfalls of time travel so when we see bran get
    change something in the past he has already done
    simplified think Harry Potter
    has he seen or talked to his past self at all?

    and the reason I say closed time loop It's like a music Playlist on all repeat it starts over at the end with bran being bran the builder, the first stark king of winter was Jon stark , coincidence? in the HBO lore the grey king looks like Theon from the books (with grey hair) they had a kings moot due to him not being able to have an heir in the Naga picture it looks like he is missing his ring finger on his right hand like Theon

  6. I think that Rhaegar and son Jon have the ability to resurrect themselves over the course of a normal lifetime. This is what The Mad King thought he could do but could not. Notice that Mellisandre tried and he didn't rise until well after she left him. Berrick rose very quickly to Thoros' request of The Lord of Light.

  7. Arya will go into deeper darkness since she is actually the Waif from the House of Black and White on assignment as paid for by The Iron throne. The Waif learned all about her past and home thru the testing process.

  8. I believe, sadly, that house Stark is finished. D&D and Martin have shown it over and over again that House Targaryen will be the ultimate winners in the end. That's obvious now that they have confirmed, much to my frustration, R+L=J. I believe that Arya will die soon. She is completely obsessed with vengeance to the point that she may not be able to live without it. I believe she will spend this season finishing her list and will die after killing Cersei when King's landing is destroyed. I don't believe Sansa will get married again, especially after she finds out about Jon. Until Bran returns, she is the last Stark standing. Marrying someone will mean having to take her husbands house's name and making them the next lords of Winterfell because, lets face it, who would deny their family the chance to rule the North just the keep the Stark name alive? I don't believe Bran will cross the Wall. I think he knows that he still has the mark of the Night's King on him. If he does he's an idiot. However, even if he does, he's paralyzed below the waist. Thus, it is nearly impossible for him to reproduce. Finally, now that we know R+L=J, Jon will most likely begin down the road to becoming a Targaryen and abandon his Stark lineage; accept to use in order to keep the North in the fold. Thus, I believe that the Starks will become extinct at the end of the next War for the Dawn.

  9. Peter caused the Robert Rebelion + Starks
    Peter Caused The War Between the Stark's & The lanister's
    Peter brought the reech/rock Alliance & screwed Stannis chance of winning the throne
    Peter Got Him self 2 castles & trying to seduce sansa for the third & he made him self clear that he want her by his side when he site on the iron throne

    Lets not forget all the plots from causing tyrion capture to killing Joffery & getting the cersie to the walk of shame & the death of the famous john aryn

    I think your underestimate the Guy So Far He's My Favorite character in the show

  10. I'm not with you on the dire wolf pack.  The show has already had to make hard choices about the wolves based on budget.  If there are going to be big budget episodes I don't think HBO is going to put their money into a super pack of dire wolves.  Interesting concept though.

  11. The Starks were kings of the north long before the Targaryen conquest of Westeros. If your theory of the power of kings blood is correct Jobs possible Targaryen blood might not have anything to do with his resurrection. Also the Barrathians were supposedly descended from a Targaryen bastard. They would also have had kings blood.

  12. Jon will one up Aegon and marry his sisters AND his aunt and having 3 wives living together with such strong personalities will be like having a three-headed dragon living with you.

  13. Here are my scenarios for Season 7 (and 8 as well – also Season 6 Spoiler alerts). Sorry this is so long, but I don't do videologues. At the beginning of Season 7, Arya is on her way home after dispatching the Freys when she re-encounters the Hound, who tells her about the retaking of Winterfell by Sansa and Jon. He also warns her about Littlefinger's past with her family, including her father's death, when he learn her destination. She arrives home and has a happy reunion with with Sansa and Jon (although his is shorter – for why see below), in which they relate all their accomplishments. She also has an enjoyable first encounter with Lyanna Mormont. In addition, she tries privately to warn Sansa about Littlefinger's treachery, but being the responsible older sister, Sansa wants proof. Shortly thereafter, Arya intercepts some communication and overhears a conversation (remember with her disguises, she could get closer to Littlefinger), which indicates, not only the Littlefinger/Lannister connection, but hints at a future plot against the Starks. Presented with the concrete evidence, Sansa has had enough. She orders Littlefinger's execution (as Lady of Winterfell she could legally order it) and then proceeds (in true Stark tradition) to carry it out herself, after receiving instructions from Arya on the fine art of throat slitting (the Bolton case clearly indicates her own bloodthirstiness when it comes to revenge). Meanwhile, there are those in the North, including Mormont, who believe that Arya's peculiar skills could come in handy, and she is sent (although willingly) to King's Landing to take out Cersei, who had sent the confiscated correspondence, thereby both avenging their family and removing at least one more name from her list.
    Simultaneously, just as Arya arrives, Sam also shows up in Winterfell with hints (discovered in Oldtown) about Jon's heritage, just as word arrives from Bran about the same thing. They also warn of the impending attack by the walkers. Jon undertakes his own research and discovers, not only his true lineage, but the truth about the treasure within the crypts of Winterfell: an ice dragon, which as a Targaryen descendant, he could control. He gathers a large northern army and, riding on his dragon, leads a march on the Wall. In a fitting climax for Season 7, they arrive just as the White King blows his horn, which brings down the Wall, and the walkers' invasion begins.
    At the start of Season 8, Arya is heading for King's Landing when she encounters Jaime, who is also on his way to King's Landing for the same purpose (decision also made in Season 7) after hearing of the wildfire episode. They realize that they have a common cause and decide to combine forces and hatch a plan. While Jaime creates a distraction for the palace guards and kills the Mountain, Arya, using her disguises, successfully penetrates the castle and kills Cersei. Almost immediately afterward, the city comes under attack by Daenerys (but not her dragons – she wants the city as undamaged as possible) and her army (which spent most of Season 7 trying to figure out what was going on in the city after the wildfire exploded).
    Back up north, Jon's timely arrival at the Wall on his dragon, plus the discovery of an exceptionally large cache of dragonglass (also found in the crypts of Winterfell) leads (after a very deadly and lengthy battle) to the death of the White King and the near destruction of the walker army. The remaining walkers are forced to surrender and they agree to rebuild the Wall, only better and to destroy the King's horn.
    Back in King's Landing, Jaime, still seeking to regain his lost honor and on his own volition, leads a surprise night attack on Daenerys' camp, kills her (earning the same Queenslayer – remember he got his other name from also killing a Targaryen), and is roasted by her dragons afterward, after which they run wild through the camp until they are brought down. Tyrion arrives on the scene of destruction too late to save Daenerys or her dragons and flees for the only remaining safe place he knows of: the castle, not knowing what has happened inside the walls. He runs into Arya, disguised (at first) as Cersei, who kills him in retaliation for the attempt on Bran's life in Winterfell (the one that crippled him). With the deaths of Daenerys and Tyrion, their large army falls victim to infighting and bickering and eventually breaks up. Theon and Yara Greyjoy flee north and eventually reach Winterfell, bringing their news with them.
    When the news reaches Jon, he makes a bold move that shocks the north, but turns out to have good repercussions. He abdicates as King in the North and swears his own allegiance to Sansa as Queen, not just of the north, but of the Seven Kingdoms as well, which is quickly ratified by all in attendance. Sansa is initially hesitant, but accepts (mainly after she realizes that she is the last one standing) and sets out for King's Landing. She arrives to throngs of well-wishers and her coronation is a glorious one, after which she names Arya and Lyanna Mormont as co-Hands of the Queen. However, Arya is once again thrust into intrigue, when she foils one last plot against the Starks, this one led by Jaqen Haqar (who does not want Westeros under one ruler) and Euron Greyjoy. In her first command as co-Hand, Arya, in retribution, orders the destruction of the House of Black and White. Sansa, in her first official act as queen, offers herself to Jon in marriage, which he eventually accepts, naming Bran as Hand of the King and Davos Seaworth as Commander of the Night Watch to succeed him.

  14. I believe Howland and Meera Reed will save everyone – read below my theory:

    It will be a slaughterhouse between living army against dead army. The biggest concern is human will not being non-unified these houses’ and not prepared until a disaster it’s too late. Most of the Houses’ in south Westeros and Essos will not get engaged a fight at all; it’s just human. Plus, dragons can be nullified dragons by Euron to control as use the dragon horn or get hurt/killed one or two dragons in fighting the war between Danny and Cersei and a course right before or a little after the Wall breaks down. The war between Danny and Cersei will kill a lot solders (thousands), do you think they will be ready to support the North to fight against the dead army.
    When a location break downs the Wall, the dead army will fight against the Night Watch that does not have enough people, resources, and decayed infrastructure without maintain in thousand years to defend and fix to hold up 300 miles long and 700 feet high the Wall. When the dead army will bump through the Night Watch solders, they will go invade the North area to attack civilians that will die and transfer these as wights, just like the Night Watch force.
    If the North and other Houses’ are gets ready to fight, they MIGHT have the same number force between North army and dead army. The dead army will go continue south to hit waves over these living civilians and soldiers, and transfer these to wights. The dead army will get bigger and bigger as they go. The massive area of the North army is to big area to control and fight against this type of the dead army.
    The different type fighting the dead army is crawl over any type a castle wall; just like Season 6 Episode 5 had killed Hodor inside and outside the wierwood tree. Wights do not have any fear or hesitate; not like with living solders. When wights get killed, they just get arouse again to kill again and again. Only things they could do is hold inside these buildings/rooms and probably gets starved (no food or water). As they hold, wights will break down the walls, dig underneath, or crawl over and inside their buildings.
    The living civilians and soldiers must have support for their basic resources. The dead army does not need anything against cold weather, food, water, armor/clothes, and weapons – they just bite or use whatever weapons to stab these living people. Even if the North army has enough these weapons (fire/wildfire, dragonglass, and Valyrian steel) to weaken the dead army, still the North army will be overwhelmed by the massive dead army.
    The only best type of strategic method is evacuate the North to South and establish a second defensive stronghold position to stop invading the dead army that goes continue south. The only location is requires the Moat Cailin. Their location already established a strategic stronghold in causeway which carries the Kingsroad through the bottleneck of the Neck, at a point in Westeros where the swamps extend almost from coast to coast (20 miles) that to establish a nature basalt curtain. The Neck land protects its own. The dead army will find in the Neck an endless morass of suck holes, quick sands, and green grass that looks solid to walk the dead army but turns to water the instant you tread it fetid swamp.
    The Neck are this point with these swamps are so overgrown and flooded (reference the Children of the Forest war) to the east and west that any army can only pass north or south by narrowly following the path of the Kingsroad (which was built over a more ancient road). Moat Cailin's position completely dominates the path of this only route, making any attempt to invade the North from the southern land route futile. The present they have three towers in capable of defending the Moat Cailin's of defending the passage to the North, provided that they are fully manned.
    Thiers a big problem, the Moat Cailin has a weak point, it’s to be as designed to resist attack from the south, and thus its northern flank is relatively exposed to attack by even a small force. I believe the main the Game of Thrones story would be how Jon Snow and Bran to: vacate the North people; stop invades the dead army to hold the south; and somehow to kill the dead army. The King in the North must to plan an invert the Moat Cailin as establish a defensive position that stops the dead army is coming south. They need these dragons (maybe one or two that died or nullified dragons by another person used the dragon horn), but still they need to airborne fighting with fire.
    Also, I believe we would see Howland and Meera Reed of Greywater Watch to help the House Reed; it’s the gatekeepers of the North and has the responsibility the Neck and Moat Cailin.

  15. The KEY to the final 2 seasons of GOT (and ASOIAF) is in understanding the mindset of George RR Martin. GRRM assigns specific personality archetypes to his characters & they NEVER value from their core personality(regardless of hardship). GRRM believes that history PROVES nothing lasting or substantial has ever come from war. He will not allow anything permanent or redeeming to come from the wars in his books. With these 2 facts anyone should be able to closely predict the ending.

  16. I think you are right about Arya. Since the show seems to be merging Lady Stoneheart with Arya, she will become consumed with vengeance for what was done to the stark family. So, so hoping for a Arya, Nymeria reunion! Although, I am also so afraid the Show would just kill her off. Seems to be what they like to do. I was relived when Ghost was not at the Battle of the Bastards for they would have killed him off surely! He must have been off playing fetch with the Little Bear, Lady Lyanna Mormont. 🙂 (Love her.) In The books Summer is still alive and so is Shaggy Dog because Rickon is not dead. Nymeria is leading a Super Pack of regular wolves, not direwolves, in the riverlands. She is on the same dark path of death and vengeance that Arya is on. Nymeria was the one that found Catelyn Stark dead in the river and dragged her to shore while Arya was having a wolf dream back in Essos. (Warging, she also wargs into a cat while in Bravos.) This lead to the Brotherhood without Banners to find Cat and Dondarrion to give his final life to raise Lady Stoneheart. Ghost is still alive but his whereabouts are not known. He was not with Jon when he was murdered by his brothers at Castle Black. His last words were " Ghost" so it is most likely the he warged into Ghost, at least temporarily, as he was dying. And Greywind, It was only rumored the that Walder Frey attached the head of Robb's direwolf to his body. No one actually saw him do it and Merrett Frey stated " My father did that. All I did was drink. You wouldn't kill a man for drinking". It was said to be too small to be that of a direwolf. Most likely it was a head of a wolf and not Greywind. The Freys claimed; " The Red Wedding was the Young Wolf's work. He changed into a beast before our eyes and tore out the throat of my cousin Jinglebell, a harmless simpleton. He would have slain my lord father too, if Ser Wendel had not put himself in the way." In truth, It was Lady Catelyn that slit the throat of Jinglebell and Wendel Manderly was killed by Frey crossbowmen but it was also said that " When Stark changed into a wolf, his northmen did the same. The mark of the beast was on them all. Wargs birth other wargs with a bite, it is well-known. It was all my brothers and I could do to put them down before they slew us all." I think there was a pack of wolves present at the massacre. Maybe lead by Nymeria? Also, Merrett Frey says " Stark's direwolf killed four of our wolfhounds and tore the kennelmaster’s arm off his shoulder, even after we’d filled him full of quarrels." If he was full of quarrels and still able to rip the arm off a man, did he escape with his life? Did he run off to join with the wolf pack and his sister Nymeria? Just as with Jon Snow, Robb's last words before he died were " Greywind". Did Robb warg into Greywind to live on as his Direwolf? While defending the Wall, Jon Snow has a dream (Warging) and sees a ghastly grey direwolf spotted with blood, staring back at him with sad golden eyes. He mistakenly thinks of Summer, unaware of Robb and Grey Wind's deaths.


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