Do you think that Ned Stark and Ashara Dayne are the TRUE parents of Jon Snow in Game of Thrones? Well, I’m here to BUST that theory!

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  1. There are a lot of questions about Dany, Jon and Aegon's parentage in the books that give me pause over committing to any of the parentage theories 100%. I think it far more likely that Jon is Lyanna and Rhaegar's child, than Aegon is. Aegon people often bring up over the Jon Connington travelling with him also Rhaegars friend. However I can see the Dany not being the daughter of the mad king theories maybe having some truth to them. Crtainly the errors in her childhood memories about where she grew up and red doors, lemon trees, and Illyrio and Viserys commenting in the first book upon her marriage to Drogo, that she 'Dany' needs to look like a princess of House Targaryen, which is a weird comment. That stuff is certainly too strange to not be relevant. Also the bond she seems to form with her horse 'the Silver' when she rides it gives me Stark and Warging vibes in the first book, though Dany also has dragon dreams, visions, fever dreams and more, so I am far too confused to pick a theory deadset ^^ for now I do think R+L=J is the more likely answer.

  2. Would Ned cheat on Catelyn? Maybe. We don't actually have a POV from Ned or anyone during Robert's rebellion. All we have are dreams and memories, which isn't to say that they're inaccurate, but we don't have first hand knowledge of the events either. We don't know what kind of character development would have happened had the story started with Robert's rebellion or earlier. So…..maybe. Maybe Ned became the honorable-to-a-fault person we saw him as because he cheated on Cat. I don't specifically believe it happened, but I also don't think it's impossible just based on who he is in the story we get to read. Now as for why are the kingsguard at the ToJ if N+A=J? I assume you've been exposed to R+L=D? What if Dany was the baby at the ToJ? Sure. Maybe. But yeah, I'll put my tin foil hat away now.

  3. Arr I'm only a few minutes in and already finding problems Ned got the Tullys before the war, and married before the war the war had long since started the battle at the stony step was practically right after the marragie not saying N+A=J is true but that's already some bad information and could someone tell me the information behind why R+L= J is in his words practurally confirmed from what I can remember there's nothing that really has it as air tight, strong yes but not air tight

  4. You are flat wrong about the timeline. Robert's rebellion was already in progress before Ned agreed to marry Kat . Ned got to Riverrun to get Foster Tully"s help in the war while Robert was trapped in(can't remember name of the city right now) and needed the Tully forces to join them. Ashara was already pregnant and married to, or at least betrothed to Ned when Ned was forced to agree to marry Kat. That's is when the Blackfish decided to cut his ties with his own house because he found Foster's demands so terrible, knowing Ned's situation with Ashara. The Wetnurse and Jon were already at Winterfel when Kat arrived(no one knows the wetnurse's name). Ashara could have gotten pregnant anytime before Ned's wedding to Kat. Ned Dayne just said that they fell in love at the tourney. The clincher for me is that the Dayne family has no bad feelings about Ned. They even call the heir house Dayne , Ned. Also, would Ned have no hard feelings towards Rahegar if he kidnapped and raped his sister. The book says that Ned hadn't even thought about Rahegar in years, a strange thing since he sees Jon every day.

  5. I have three theories for you what if the Mad King had died at the Defiance of Dustin deal , there's one where jamie didn't kill the Mad King, and aegon the conqueror never the seven kingdoms but Concord essos the from the narrow sea to the Bone mountains ? you know like the stepstones and Lys like those places.

  6. "The Dayne kid" is named Ned. you failed to mention that. R+L=Griff. Tower of Joy is BS, it's unexplainable like you said. And Ned and Ashara had plenty of time to hook up before the war. Jon is older then Robb, and his age was hidden by Ned. Ashara commits suicide because of Ned after birthing a stillborn and the Daynes name their heir after the man that was responsible for Ashara and Arthur's deaths? wtf? why isn't Jon's hair silver? the show didn't confirm shit. What did Lyanna say the kids name was before she died on the show? YOU DONT KNOW. They show Jon right after… they also said Jon would not be coming back and was dead.

  7. I've been really looking for to someone disproving the order of the greenhand's theory and this falls way short which makes me think you didn't watch it. that's fine I can understand that but let me drop some contrary points that they made since they did unbelievably extensive research and if you are curious about more or why well… go watch it.

    1) Jon is older. that's in the books I don't think it's that clear on t.v. show but definitely clear in the books. which also explains Catelyn extreme hatred of him.
    2) Dayne and Stark friendship. If killing there prized hero of a son isn't enough, then Ashara supposedly kills herself because of her brother and child's death. After enduring all this loss why don't the Daynes hate the Starks? They gave their only living heir the same nickname as the man who is responsible for the death 2 of the their family members. Arthur a praised knight and Ashara who's so pretty she could have gotten any man and strengthened their house through a marriage alliance.
    3) GRRM said it's not what people think. so he debunked R+L=J just in saying that the truth is not a popular theory. he also when describing the relationship between the stark children and the direwolves said Jon like ghost is a sibling but set apart from the others.
    4) f* HBO. last season they swore up and down Jon was dead too and now it looks like he'll survive to the end.

    there's more of course but like I said if you care to know you'll watch the videos.

  8. ow there are several note worthy castles in all of westeros. Riverrun,winterfell, casterly rock, the erie, the twins, to name a few.

    Now if the wall does indeed fall, what castle would give humans the best hope of defense against the others and their wights? There's only one answer since winterfell has been sacked and ruined and the ruins of Harrenhal(if the others take a castle to use as a base I'll bet it's harrenhall) are in ruins

    The Erie, I say this because in the books to get to the Erie you must ride a mule along a walkway barely wider than the mule with a sheer drop off to either side.

    This would serve as a bottle neck for the army of the dead(only 1 or 2 could come across together making defending it with spear men (who fight using a shieldwall even if it's 4 wide men stationed at the point where that walkway widens) could hold that point for a decent amount of time . A smaller version of the real tatics the spartans used (not the pointless shit they do in the movies )in thebattle at Thermopoli 1st row lock shields ,Spears out, if there's a 2nd row have extra Spears as well as just like third row and fourth row to serve as replacements/substitutes for the fighting row i.e if some one In the first row is dies or is tired( he goes to the back) and the man behind him moves up so only the men in the first row are fighting everyone else is waiting for their rows turn.
    Like shifts for a job.

    Side note this is how the unsullied fight in the books it's how they beat a dothraki horde who out numbered them

    You could hold this position for a much longer time longer enough for Danys dragons to come from behind to Catch the wights and the others on the side of a mountain with no where to hide and just roasts them

    The Erie has only been taken once, with a dragon and a ride on said dragon for they young lord of the vale and also the erie has a weirwood throne

    It's not known if wights could climb up the side of the mountain all the way to the castle? The moon door(if it's like the show depicts ) and sky cells seem to imply that at least 1 side and aportion of the castle have nothing underneath it so it may or may not be possible but that's still better than having your castle on the ground(think that horrible movie world War z)

    like a pizza box on a stool with a portion of all four corners have nothing but empty air underneath them

  9. Hi. I've recently binged most of your "What if" series. (It's my favourite thing you do) and I couldn't stop myself thinking of this yesterday because of it.

      WHAT IF: Tywin struck a marriage contract with the Martell's to marry off Cersei to one of the Princes' to grate at The Mad King for picking one of the Dorneish Princess instead of Cersei to be Queen?

    A "Where just as good as you & yours" situation.

    I know Cersei would prefer a Martell over Robert at least thanks to the equal inheritance rights of Martell enforced laws in Dorne but I don't think things would be peachy keen. 

    Arianne and Cersei are too alike not too butt heads.
    And how'd that bond change the sack of Kings Landing come the rebellion? If at all.

    Hope you see this  _';

  10. but this theory also explains who was born at the tower of joy and who Jon's parents are and if filling the blanks in the story with my theory still has the story make sense it all cannot be eliminated using textual evidence

  11. it's amazing how many people put my theory down but offer no insight into how I'm wrong or the parts they disagree with what's up with that? I'd love for someone to write out r+l=d I'm as much detail but I don't think you can

  12. Shitty content and Im not just talking about this video. If your other theory "busting" vids are as poorly researched and superficial as this one then I want nothing to do with them. It was painful watching this whole video like listening to a flat earther trying to teach me physics. Unsubbed.

  13. You obviously haven't watched all TOGH's work, if you did you'd know Aegon is without question Lyanna/rhaegars son and 'promise me' fits perfectly well here, as Aegon would need to be hidden from Robert.

    Jon doesn't have to be Lyannas for 'promise me' to work.


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