A theory of foreshadowing for the stark family having to do with their house sigil. Thank you for watching and watch more of my videos if you enjoyed. thank you! LINKS TO MY TWITCH & TWITTER BELLOW



  1. I predicted myself that Arya is going to kill Sansa. Grey wind was hit with many crossbow arrows just like Robb. They were both surrounded and killed by traitors. Robb's direwolf was with him to the last moment which means that he was a real Stark to the end. Rickon had Shaggydog. Shaggydog was caught and murdered in cold blood by Ramsay's men. Later, Rickon was murdered in cold blood by Ramsay. Sansa was separated from her direwolf because it was killed. That means that she's not gonna be a Stark forever (by that I mean behaving like a Stark). We see that she's different. She is not honorable like all the Starks are. She is going to get killed by Arya. Arya was separated from her direwolf, too. Nymeria escaped and now she's in riverlands. Lady died because of what Nymeria did. That means that Sansa is going to be killed by Arya. Arya was separated from her direwolf which resulted in Arya becoming an assassin (btw they're not honorable). But still, Nymeria didn't die, but actually became the leader of her own pack in the Riverlands. I think that she's gonna be united with Arya. Arya is not a Stark just for some time. She's gonna be one once again later. Bran's direwolf was killed by the Others which means that Bran will sacrifice himself to destroy them.

  2. hi guys…. a lot of people talk about the end of the Show. Just a thought:
    the ending will be "bittersweet" is known.
    What if: there will be no closed end???
    what if the story will be: …to continue???
    it´s leaked Jon and Dani will have sex. Maybe she will give birth to Azor Ahai! … it will be the longest winter …you know?
    If that is correct …. I can´t imagine it could be told in 2 short seasons.
    Maybe the story is: … HOPE

    just a thought 😉

  3. i like the theory that every time a stark child does something wrong their direwolf pays for their mistake. Sansa lies about Geoffrey, lady dies. Robb marries someone else, greywind dies by the hand that was dishonored. bran uses his powers and encounters the white walkers, summer dies. rykon gets captured, shaggy dog dies.

  4. I don't think so. That would mean all Starks would be dead except for Arya and Jon. Considering Jon is a Targaryen he would never have the Stark name. If Arya marries, her children will never have the Stark name. So I don't like this theory. The Stark childREN growing up and navigating this terrible world is one of the most important elements of this story. I think enough of them have died. I think the rest will live. Beside Bran is the 3eyed Raven. He will need to survive. The other thing is we don't know if these wolves will die in the book or not. Maybe Summer and Shaggydog won't die.

  5. rhino pls do video like – top ten most powerfull in got. personaly my best 5 list. nr5 – zombie robert strong, nr4 john snow, nr3 tyrion becos his best brain in westeros, nr2 drogon and nr 1 – brien Stark cos he is a Godlike powerfull. what y guys think. pls give me your best 5 list

  6. Just as we're likely to see Jaime kill Cersei (the valonqar) in the next seasons, it would be just as interesting, yet very sad to see Jon Snow kill Sansa if we follow the lines of your theory. Maybe because of Littlefinger's influence on her, she would do something to dishonour the North or put everybody in danger against the white walkers. Jon would have to do what's right and kill her. Let's wait and see.

  7. There's a fair bit of stretching in this theory… It primarily ignores the fact that Robb's direwolf was killed after his death, whereas in all the other cases, the death of the direwolf is seems as almost a portent for the death of their owner/symbolic equivalent. It then also stretches some components. Ned killed Lady not because he thought she was an inhabitant of the North and as such it was his duty to kill her (Ned stresses that the one who gives the sentence should swing the sword, which has nothing to do with where the sentenced lives and everything to do with having the judge understand what capital punishment entails), but because he wants to avoid Lady suffering unjustly. The reason why Lady is killed is not because she did something wrong, but because Cersei wants to punish a direwolf for what Nimeria did, so everyone agrees that Lady did nothing wrong. That bit throws a wrench in the whole foreshadowing argument; are we to suppose that Jon/Bran/Arya will want to…

  8. i havnt seen the follow up yet but i see it this way
    rob & GW-betrayed at the house of an ally while trapped in walls
    Rickon & SD- captured and killed by former allies from the north
    Bran & summer- sacrificing themselvesnorth of the wall saving the rest is still very possible in brans current storyline
    sansa & Lady- killed by family, maybe at the commands of the enemy, or perhaps as an alternate to a worse death is possible considering the current distrust between sansa and jon
    arya & nymeria- well nym supposedly leads a giant wolf pack, so maybe arya will have a significant role to play in the war for dawn involving the recruitment of followers
    jon & ghost- whether jon is AA or not, hes important, so i think ghost is gonna ast a far while as well by the logic of this theory

  9. I have actually heard variations of this theory before.  For Lady I think she was the scapegoat of her sibling's actions.  Much like Sansa was treated as a scapegoat for much of the first few seasons for what her family did (and/or supposedly did).  I don't know that it necessarily means that she will die.  Same for Bran and Summer.  Summer dying could simply mean that Winter is here, and/or that life as Brandon Stark is now over as he takes on the role of the 3-eyed raven.  Also worth noting that the stag also died in the fight with the dire-wolf.  This could represent all of House Baratheon, or perhaps just Robert or Joffrey.  A (mountain) lion was also mentioned, but did not have a role in the altercation.  Not entirely sure what this could symbolize.  Perhaps the fact that most believed the Lannisters killed Jon Arryn?   A bit of a stretch since the suspicion was that a lion killed the stag and Jon Arryn is not a stag.  Robert Baratheon was a stag however and Lannisters did play a role in his death, so that part is a bit tricky.  I wonder if there is anything to be said for the fact that Theon was quick to want to kill the direwolves the moment Ned suggested it but eventually backed off

  10. I still see Sansa acting like a lady, a manipulative one. But still a lady. I can see that Jon being a man of honor would cut the head of her if she crossed a line. He hanged a 12 year boy, he liked because it was right. Arya and Jon wolfs will mate and so will they. BUilding a new generations of wolfs and starks

  11. A thought to help your Sansa theory, well expand your definition of of who is her own blood. Because Jon is who he is that means she could be killed by Dany like in some initial skirmish before Tyrion is able to step in with a wait a minute, the two in charge of the North are two people I can talk to and who generally always respected me. But if we stick with the North citizens, that is harder.

  12. Oh, hell no. Sansa is killed by a Stark? At least the show can't do that. The only Starks left are Arya and Bran. Perhaps you may find it "symbolic" if White Walkers or army kill Sansa, when they follow Bran beyond the wall. And White Walkers kill Bran? I sure hope you can't say "told you so."

  13. Love your predications, buuut I don't think the stag meant Joffrey since he's technically a Lannister. I think it more so means that Robert coming to get Ned from Winterfell to serve as Hand of the King in Kings Landing ultimately led to his death…or it could be loosely symbolized.

  14. I think you're on the right track, but I think it goes deeper. We have three reflections of the same thing. We have what people believe is three sets of brothers and sisters ruling. Yes, some did question if Tyrion was a bastard, just no proof otherwise. If we believe that Tyrion is the bastard son of the mad King, and Daenery brother, we see a darker and darker Daenery being calmed by Tyrion. We see Cersei who has gone mad and will have to be put down by her brother Jaime. We see a darker and darker Sansa who feels she won the battle, is a true Stark, and should rule the North over her bastard brother. So I agree, Sansa will have die by Arya hand defending Jon. Arya and Jon are closer than Arya and Sansa, in fact Arya never forgave Sansa for not siding with the her (family) over her wolf defending her. Arya felt she betrayed the Stark name when she did that. Jon gave Arya Needle and supported her in wanting to train as the boys do. I think Arya will catch Sansa working against Jon with Littlefinger and kill them both. Jaime will have to put down Cersei, and I think Tyrion will convince Daenery that they both must sacrifice themselves against the white walkers for the greater good. This will leave Jon as King on the Iron throne, and Arya as the Lord Lady of Winterfell. On the other hand I may not know what I'm talking about.

  15. Grey Wind was shot to death, Robb had his throat slit, on the TV show at least, I suppose it could have been diferant in the books.
    both were beheaded after death, so I am not sure that theory fits as it is already inaccurate Robb.

    As for Eddard and the mother Dire Wolf, the Dire Wolf was killed while killing a Stag, Joffrey while calling himself a Barathion was in fact a Lanister by birth, so it would have fit your idea better if the wolf was killed by a lion.

  16. I think it goes more by the names of the dire wolf.
    A shaggy dog story is a story that goes no where much like Rickons whole story arch.
    Jon was dead and now is basically a ghost.
    Bran is going to fight the white walkers and bring "Summer".
    Rob was killed because he broke his word and didn't marry the Frey bitch. "Words are but wind" and grey sort of represents neutrality in the sense of not standing for something/loss of honor, Grey Wind.
    Sansa obviously is going to be the Lady of the north.
    And for Arya and Nimeria…not really sure there… Maybe she'll rule Dorne

  17. I think the idea behind this is decent, but I think that the direwolves are more connected to the Starks' journeys and/or their fates. Even though anything is possible and any character can die regardless of how big they are, just because a direwolf dies does not necessarily mean a Stark has to die.
    Grey Wind and Robb shared a fate- they were both shot by arrows at the Red Wedding, then beheaded, ending up with Grey Wind's head on Robb's decapitated body. Theirs' was a fall from grace in a place without protection (Robb at a wedding under guest right and Grey Wind locked in a cage).
    Lady and Sansa shared a more figurative fate- Lady was a well-behaved direwolf, but suffered the consequences of those related to her. Lady is an innocent- she did not bite Joffrey and was behaving as Sansa told her to before going off with Joffrey. Lady's sibling Nymeria is the one who bit Joffrey and did not suffer consequences. Later, we see Sansa regularly abused for no fault of her own. She is forced to look upon her father's head on a spike, is stripped and beaten for her brother's victories, etc. They were both innocents who suffered because of the actions of others.
    Arya and Nymeria share a similar storyline- After biting the prince, Arya forces Nymeria to leave. Later (in the books), Nymeria is off causing havoc with her own super pack as some nameless giant wolf. Arya runs away from the Red Keep when Ned is betrayed at the orders of Syrio Forel, and then is whisked away from King's Landing by Yoren, escaping the fate she would have faced if she had stayed. Later, we see Arya becoming "No One," a faceless assassin. They both escaped a harsh fate and became powerful anonymous killers.
    Bran and Summer were an anomaly- Bran often warged into Summer, making them practically of one mind. Summer represented Bran's active side. Bran enjoyed warging into Summer because he could run and be free. With Summer's death at the hands of the white walkers, summer has died and winter is here. This could also signify the death of Bran's inner "sweet summer child." Instead of warging, he will spend more time travelling in time, learning, with less freedom as the new Three Eyed Raven. Summer represented a part of Bran that he no longer has the luxury to have anymore.
    Shaggydog and Rickon- Honestly, Shaggydog's death is behind the scenes, and we didn't get to know Rickon very well. But we do know that they were both betrayed and killed because of those betrayals. They were both betrayed and too little was known about either of them.
    Jon and Ghost- Jon never felt as though he belonged to the Starks, and Ghost was the runt of the litter. Ghost is Jon's comrade in his days in the Night's Watch. An interesting thing to note with Ghost is his name- Jon is killed and resurrected, and his direwolf's name is Ghost. But I think the more important aspect right now is the characterization of both of them being outcasts but still thriving.
    I don't think that Sansa and Bran will necessarily die just because their direwolves are dead, but it meant a death of a part of them- Bran's summery hopes and dreams and Sansa's innocence. Even if they do die, I don't think Sansa would die at the hands of a family member just because that is technically how Lady died. Ned didn't want to kill Lady, her death was due to the cruelty of others, namely the Lannisters.

  18. Sansa will not necessarily be killed by one of her siblings. You made the connection of Ned and Lady both being from the North and that's why Ned felt honor bound to be the one to kill her. Sansa's killer, in your scenario, could just be someone from the North, not necessarily blood relative.

  19. Something interesting about Jon's wolf ghost. Jon's father Rhaegar used to go to the ruins at Summerhall and talk to the GHOST of High Heart. The ghost is widely considered to be the woods witch who was friends w Jenny of old stones who was friends w Jaehaerys Targaryen who received the prophecy of the prince who was promised. Rhaegar talked w the ghost about the prophecy. Oddly enough the woods witch, now known as the ghost, had white hair & skin with red eyes. Sounds like Jon's wolf ghost…..no?? Coincidence? Methinks NOT….

  20. I always thought of the direwolves as the characters' connections to the Stark family and heritage.
    Rob loses his connection when he dies and so Greywind dies with him. They both die at the Red Wedding as that is what severs Rob's connection.
    Shaggydog dies when Rickon is taken to Ramsay, because Ramsay was going to kill him and so sever the connection.
    Summer is killed by the Whitewalkers because they also kill the Three-eyed Raven making Bran the new Three-eyed Raven and thus losing his connection.
    Lady is killed by Ned because Ned inadvertently severs her connection when he decides to marry her to Joffrey. Lady's death is brought about by the actions of Nymeria and Sansa suffers and loses her connection to her family even more because of the actions of her father and brother.
    Nymeria runs away but survives and becomes the leader of a pack of wolves heading North. And Arya runs away but survives and ultimately is still a Stark and is returning North more fearsome than ever.
    Ghost is safe and sound by Jon's side. Because despite both of their differences from their family, Jon is always a Stark and has always carried that connection with him.

  21. ok, what if Arya comes back to winterfell but not as arya (with her trust issues over 9000 at the moment it could be how she goes back home at first) so for like 4 episodes we don't get to see arya, but she will be there listening.
    Now…What if Sansa will try to betray Jon (I believe this won't happen but let's suppose it does), what if right when sansa and littlefinger will try to kill him, arya takes her mask off and execute them both in front of Jon.
    That would be so fucked up, becuse the last time he saw her, she was an harmless child and now she is back and saved his life by killing her sister.


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