A follow up video for my Game of Thrones Fate of The Starks theory. I will be talking about what i think the fates of each Stark alive right now. First up is Sansa & Arya



  1. People this is just fan theory that I happen to agree with.
    I've suspected this long before Sophie Turner started running her mouth. She ran her mouth before 6 and she's doing it now. You can't believe anything she says or doesn't say. When she killed the Bolton bastard he said that he was a part of her now. I believe that to mean something else besides her being pregnant or maybe she is. She'll have to marry someone soon if that's the case. No one wants a Bolton baby alive.
    Either way I see her getting romantic with Peter.

    I don't care if this THEORY offends you because it's just a theory. if it actually happens I'll be the first 1 back to this comments section to gloat.

  2. Sansa's storyline is so different book to show that I can't even begin to speculate on her fate, but I like your theory. Dunno that it will play out that way, but I'd enjoy it if it does.

  3. Arya will kill someone in her family. My first thought is Jon (I really am tired of explaining it), but it very well could be Sansa. You have to think what is the point of Arya's character in the main plot? Her importance is right up there with Jon, Daenerys, Cersie and Tryion. Her story is leading up to a major event of importance for the plot. Killing Cersie is too "happy" for GRR Martin.

  4. I don't agree that Sansa will turn evil, I believe she will have the ability to be colder but not evil, like she was watching Ramsay being eating by his dogs. I'd love to see the remaining Stark children reunite and yeah, since the rest of them seem to have a purpose, let John remain as King of the North! LittleFinger will hang around and keep trying to manipulate Sansa but believe me, she has his number too.

  5. If Sansa's alliance in next season is with Pyter then SOPHIE wouldn't have hinted it.
    HBO and GRRM won't let her.. Sansa is going to destroy Littlefinger because due to resemblance of Caitlyn and Sansa (i.e the auburn hair and characteristic similarities) he has told many of his secrets to her and Sansa now knos how to manipulate people..

  6. Arya seen the plays which taught her what happened after she left Kings Landing and it never stated from the show that she was turned away from the Vaal. Little finger has been manipulating Sansa almost from the first day she arrived in Kings landing not just recently. Arya kill Sana? Are you fucking retarded? She is running around killing people that fucked with her family moron.
    You and that commentator you speak of should really watch the show sometime and come up with valid Ideas, or atleast he should puppet boy.

  7. This is a very good theory. A theory that stays true to the spirit of Game Of Thrones. Gripping and dark. Other theories like the most popular one, where Sansa is going to pretend to side with LF and then doublecross him, staying loyal to Jon, are very predictable and not very surprising. Let us not forget that initially GRRM created the character of Sansa to cause conflict in the Stark family. Because the Starks were too ''perfect'' and Sansa was supposed to spoil this perfect image of the Stark family.

  8. ok if your wolf analogy is right she will get be headed by john after a possible plot to kill john also if arya is like her wolf possible she my never return to the north and be killed in an attempt on queen Cersei's life and John Snow maybe killed in a battle with the white walkers only time will tale

  9. sansa has gone through so much, her innocence is gone for good. she was never family person tho. if u look at her scenes she told her mother to let her(& dad ) go so she cn hv wt she wants. i don't remember any scene she hd with any siblings tht says she cared or valued. for rikkon too she said we r not gonna get him back alive tho when the letter reading(Ramsay) was happening she said he has our brother as if she cared…thro out her character is going WHR ever…..arya from d beginning is clear tht she cares for her frnds, family etc and ll stand with them. with sansa writers keep going whrevr. so u NVR know wt ll they write now. all we know is Jon n arya do stand by ppl they care for. i wd like sansa to get vale n rule there, she really wants to rule. arya n Jon cn rule north. rest of the places r gonna hv their rulers too…i think one king thg ll b over soon. let's c ..

  10. Arya still has folks to cross off her kill list. Did you notice her stare at Jaime Lannister in the last episode? She's definitely heading to Kings Landing and perhaps cross paths with Melisandre on the way. As for Sansa, I don't think she'll turn "evil" and especially not against her own family. I don't think she is that stupid, given what she has gone through.

  11. I really think Sansa will be playing Little Finger next season for a change. If could talk to Sansa, I will be telling her, "Let John have the North and kill Little Finger and you can take the Vale."

  12. If Sansa has learnt anything from Littlefinger it is this….To take a back seat and let other players fight it out….She will simply watch Littlefinger & Jon and whoever 'wins' this 'battle of wits & power' she will then support. Littlefinger is not listening to Sansa, she has what she has wanted since her fathers death, she is Lady of Winterfell, she is home & I can't see her wanting to jump into another marriage to someone she feels nothing for…Sansa endured Littlefinger's kisses, but she pushed him away at Winterfell, because now she is someone & therefore she doesn't need to pretend to reciprocate or play into LF's fantasies anymore……Also the Hound is headed North(he saw Baelish betray Ned), Arya overheard Baelish at Harrenhal & Cersei may have the decree signed by Tommen before he died naming Baelish as Warden of the North & this was done at a time where Sansa was being raped and brutalised by Ramsay Bolton…..Tyrion will probably meet up with Jon & he knows the truth about the dagger & the lie Baelish told Catelyn….Everything is pointing to Petyr Baelish's downfall…..I enjoyed your vid, thank you. Enjoy your weekend 🙂

  13. Lady died because Sansa lied! Jeffery held a sword on Arya and that is why he was bitten. Sansa who should have defended her sister lied. And the very fact the Sansa was find with some one pulling a sword on her little sister!! Ick, I hope she is kill!

  14. Sansa has a fanbase of people who would do the things Sansa does.
    Sansa IS semi-evil already.
    Arya rightly points out Micah would still be alive if she hadn't lied, but that she doesn't hate Sansa REALLY. Just sort of.
    The writers have shown that they will give the fans what they want. They were tired of seeing Sansa pushed around, so the plot became unrealistic to give her some wins. This is the opposite of Robb, who had unrealistic wins at first but then a realistic failure at the end.
    The Littlefinger-Sansa alliance is coming to an end. Because Varys is coming to Westeros to ally the Team Dany front against Cersei, which will include Sansa. People who know that Littlefinger betrayed Ned are coming to Sansa. The Hound, for example.
    Remember that Cat rejected Littlefinger because of that betrayal. So will Sansa. It's coming.
    Sansa lied to Jon recently about being SOLD to the Boltons, as if against her will.
    Sansa lied to the Vale by saying Lysa committed suicide.
    Sansa has been allied to Dontos' murderer for some time now.
    She has a very immoral side. It's generated damage throughout the seasons.
    Sansa is on her way up, though. The writers will give her a leadership position. She won't just be the Lady of Winterfell.
    Littlefinger will die, but not before his plot re-intersects with his alterego, Varys.

  15. I think the sansa thing will be a massive red herring. She will scheme with littlefinger, or vice versa, and they'll try and have us believe that Sansa is going to cross Jon, but in the end she will cross Petyr to our surprise.

  16. I believe that there are a lot of flaws in your Sansa theory, the most egregious being that Sansa would allow Littlefinger to turn her against Jon. Did you not notice how she smiled and was elated when the bannermen, at the prodding of Lady Mormont, started chanting 'The King of the North! The King of the North!'? And her smile only fell away when she saw the sour look on Baelish's face because she knew that this would start him scheming. I expect her to do everything in her power to protect Jon and Winterfell, and that might lead to some cruel decisions, but she'll not turn on Jon.

  17. I think that you are totally wrong. Jon & Sansa are probably going to be a team and work together to destroy Littlefinger. In fact this is so not what I believe will happen in season 6. Arya and Sansa will unite and become closer than they ever were before. Especially now that they are more alike. Also Sansa would never align with the man who caused her so much physical and emotional pain. She only trusts Jon and will do everything she can to protect him. There are a lot of people who think Jon will end up with Sansa his cousin. Just like Ned's parents who were cousins married it wouldn't be far fetched for them to marry once Jon discovers his true heritage. All their scenes in season 6 were intimate with a sexual undertone. There is a good chance that they will become the power couple of the North.

  18. Crap theory. Sansa is not turning evil. The Hound is heading North with the Band of Brothers & knows what LF did to Ned. Sansa will believe the Hound because he saved her a couple of times with Joeffery & asked her to leave with him. Sansa will die in childbirth (no not Bolton baby) because Lady was killed by a relative, her dad. Symmetry, the dad kills his daughter's Woolf & a child will kill his mother. Sansa will kill LF fulfilling her prophecy in the book. Ultimately, Arya will sail west of Westeros & become a wanderer as Nimera was. I think since her Woolf is also around the Riverlands leading a big pack, Arya & her direwolf will be reunited. It will be difficult going faceless with a bunch of dogs following. Bran is the 3 eyed Raven, so he died when Bran Stark metaphorically died. Don't believe the actors, they don't know what's being written & if they did, they would pay a huge fine for disclosing.

  19. I understand where you're coming from, but I disagree. All of Sansa's dialogue in the last episode points to her not being a villain: she was willing to cede power to Jon, sits in father's place at the godswood, and recalls that she previously always though about what she wanted, never what she had. I always take Sophie Turner's thoughts with a grain of salt: she's a massive troll and she doesn't really know what the writers have planned.

  20. I don't think Sansa will become evil. Not after the way she mourned the loss of her family. Sansa is finally back with a family member and safely in Winterfell, why would she destroy that? More likely she is going to find out Littlefinger betrayed her father and Sansa will kill him because she knows that if he lives he would be responsible for the death of someone else she loves.

    If she picks power over family then she is back to square one. Season 1 Sansa that chose power (Joffrey/being a Queen) over her family (Arya.) Why would Sansa experience all the trauma and loss of her family just to still choose power over them?


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