Ricky Widmer and Johnny Karlic discuss the Game of Thrones theory about Tyrion and Jon Snow in relationship to Daenerys.

(Recorded on: September 17th, 2017)

Outro Music: Elektronomia – The Other Side from NCS (

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  1. Btw..Jon is not responsible for Viscerion's death..if anyone is to be blamed..it's Tyrion..it was his idea for them to go get the Whyte to show fucking Cersei in the first place..Jon was the only logical choice to lead that mission..when word got to Danaerys they were in trouble he was content to let them all die which would have defeated the purpose of the mission and doom them all just as long as Dany is safe….there's the ambition again..without Dany he's got nothing..Dany lost her Dragon trying to save the mission and Jon/Jorah's life all for Cersei's cooperation which they still don't have…all Tyrion's ideas have weakened Dany's position and now the Night King is even mor powerful..only consolation we have is that fucking Jamie finally got the balls to leave that despicable woman and join the side that fights for the living.

  2. Tyrion is a Lannister..don't forget that dragons are very intelligent and knew he was there to free them not because he's a Targaryen…Tyrion has a vision for the future…he does not approve of Jon and Dany's relationship because it diminishes his position of influence..he could have even made a deal with Cersei which a Jon/Dany union would interfere with…Tyrion also believes that Dany cannot have children so he is aligning himself to become her successor which would further his goals for a new Westeros . Remember he is a Lannister raised by Tywin..and Lannisters want a legacy so he wants to reform his family name with himself as the head of Casterly Rock..which Tywin refused to give him but he feels is rightfully his…he also does not think Jon is worthy of a marriage alliance with Dany ( which makes sense as Jon controls the North and would be a powerful alliance) for a couple of reasons..he thinks Jon is a bastard and queen cannot marry a bastard, and secondly he might try to convince her to marry him to ensure that succession is his

  3. No Tyrion doesn't know Jon's parentage he just doesn't like that Danaerys is in love with Jon and will put herself in danger because of her feelings for him and won't take his advice….it's all political


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