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There aren’t many theories out there I support but I’ve got to say this is one of the few that have piqued my interest. Gendry being Cersei’s first born is a definite possibility and where could the series go with this information?

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Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Based on the fantasy novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. A Game of Thrones is one of the most successful television series to ever made and continues to captivate audiences all over the world. The series is set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, and interweaves several plot lines with a large ensemble cast. The first narrative arc follows a civil war among several noble houses for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms; the second covers the attempts to reclaim the throne by the exiled last scion of the realm’s deposed ruling dynasty; the third chronicles the rising threat of the impending winter and the legendary creatures and fierce peoples of the North. Game of Thrones Episode Review. Game of Thrones Season 5. Dance of The Dragons. Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre, Shireen, Lady Stoneheart, Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Olly, Samwell, For The Watch, stream, HBO. reaction. dies hodor hold the door white walkers origins children of the forest

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  1. I keep seeing comments from people asking questions but I answer a lot of your questions in the video.

    1. Why wouldn't Cersei just kill him if she didn't want him?

    Cersei's redeeming quality is that she loves her children and she would never kill a baby. She got mad at Jaime for pushing Bran out the window (season 1 ep. 3). In the video my theory is that she tried to make it work with Robert but too late into the pregnancy she realizes he will never change (and he doesn't) so she can't exactly abort the pregnancy with the tea. She realizes she only loves Jaime and only wants his children so she had Gendry sent away and swapped with another baby who just died. Jaime can't take the kid far away (and won't kill it because Cersei doesn't want that) so he leave the baby somewhere, probably an orphanage, and Cersei gets to not give Robert his heir and continue her secret love affair / rule the Kingdom plan with Jaime….which backfires because Joffrey is a psycho.

    2. Gendry would be a threat to her future children's plans.

    She doesn't anticipate any of her plans having risks because she thinks she is a badass. Not only that but DNA testing is not a thing in this world so nobody can use Gendry against her in the future or so she thinks. Jon Arryn and Petyr know the truth because they each do independent investigations for their own means. Petyr to use against Cersei and Jon to expose the truth.

    3. If Petyr wants to use Gendry as his trump card then why allow him to go to the wall

    Gendry going to the wall is the safest place for him. In King's Landing anybody is subject to the King's orders but at the Wall? They do things a bit differently. Petyr can have Gendry go to the wall and keep him there until the time is needed to bring Cersei down. As for the whole "renounce names and titles" part? yeah that is tricky. You could argue that Petyr is rich enough to make gold go into the right pockets but who knows

    4. But in the books…

    Keep in mind this is all SHOW theory and not book.

    5. But the Maggy prophecy…

    Explained right here: 10:47

    6. But what about Dany?

    That's the one thing I'm curious about too. Does Petyr not know she exists? I'm sure he does but what is his contingency plan for her.

    7. How would Jon Arryn know about Gendry as a Baratheon bastard if it was the Lannisters who hid him?

    Jon Arryn spent enough time around Cersei to gauge her mannerisms, personality and attitude towards a lot of things. He' has great observation skills and for that reason we see what he was up to in season 1 before Ned arrives. My assumption is that Jon Arryn correctly guesses that Cersei either switched the baby or had it killed but regardless there are still other legitimate Baratheons out there with more claim to the throne than Joffrey and the others. This is all speculation on Jon's part so that is why he went out to investigate.

  2. This theory has to be true, there's far too many coincidences for it to not be, I don't think the show runners will do anything about it though, I feel like they created this idea in season 1 with plans to come back to it later but 7 seasons later I don't think there's any place for it anymore

  3. I agree Gendry could possibly be Cercie's son in the show. But I disagree with her knowing what happened. I think it's more likely that, due in part to Robert being a horrible husband, Cercie had severe postpartum depression, she was possibly the cause of the fever that she believes too the baby. Verrys, Pycelle, whoever, could have seen this and decided, to keep the baby safe, she should think the baby died. Seems much more plausible than Cercie knowing what happened.

  4. I assumed the scene where she talks about her son with black hair was to subtly tell the audience that her children with Robert wouldn't have her blonde hair (Ik that's not really how genetics work but the show uses hair color this way later so I wouldn't count it totally out of the question.) and to hint very early on that her current three kids aren't Roberts.

  5. When I first heard that prophecy, I thought "golden crowns" refered to the childrens' haircolours🤔

    It would make sense to point out a difference between the kids cersei actually sees as her own (golden hair) and the one she neglects.

  6. Another option could be the Tywin Lannister had the baby removed because he did not want a true heir to exist. He has continually manipulated the lives of his children despite their objections or own wants to position his family into power. In short he is a dick and would be capable of doing something along those lines.

  7. Even if Gendry was Cersei's son, I think it's irrelevant at this point. Like, what can he really add to the end of the plot. It's not like he's going to have power to claim the throne….you have two legit targaryeans at this point.

  8. Cousins aren't considered incest in this time period. Sansa was briefly engaged to Robin Ayrn and Tywin and Johanna Lanister were cousins. Cousin marriage is common in the seven kingdoms. Lancel confessed to adultery and murder.

  9. I really hope this theory is true, because if it is, then Gendry is not bastard at all, but a rival candidate to the Iron Throne and I dont see him dying either because the witch told Cersei that 3 of her children will die, Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella. Perfect.

  10. He could be the "little brother" . He did tell Ned stark his mother was blond. And though we were told Cersi's mother died giving birth to the imp, IT COULD BE she was cast out for giving birth to an IMP…with her children told she died. IT was sold as a disgrace. Tywin would have been cruel to a wife that had given him such a child.

  11. What about Gentry and Arya Stark getting together to rule the Iron Throne? There are always epic twists and major characters die. As was alluded, Cersei was murdered by her brother. Jamie will kill her but not sure what would motivate him. Maybe he is defending Brienne of Tarth from being murdered by Cersei? Jon and Dany could die fighting the White Walkers? Just a thought…

  12. I was so disappointed that they didn't have Gendry at the dragon pit (s7e7), it would have ruffled Cersei even if it was her son because he is soooooo clearly Roberts son.

  13. No. That baby would never be Cersei's favourite child.. but Cersei loved her kids too much to do that. Regardless of the father, Cersei would not abandon her baby

  14. As Cersei said, referring to Tyrion's meeting with Jamie, she knows EVERYTHING that goes on in King's Landing, so we can assume she knows Gendry has been working there as a blacksmith. Could she still be looking out for him, by allowing him to hide out there? Perhaps she realises that the throne will pass to him after she is defeated and killed.

  15. So the thing is: Who has more claim to the throne? A Baratheon bastard, the last remaining of the current ruling dynasty, or a targaryen bastard (Jon hasn't 100% been confirmed to not be a bastard at the time of this comment, Gilly only mentioned Rhaegar in passing, nothing about Lyanna). A bittersweet ending could see someone like Gendry on the iron throne, someone no one would see coming, and continuing the Baratheon line.

  16. Or….the show keeps fucking up and we're gonna either have to eat some ridiculous reason to bridge the gaps or we'll just have to forget the fuck ups……like red priestess looking young without her ruby necklace

  17. Hmmm…. But waht about which who told her 3 kids will die?
    Maybe then if this is true, Gendry will stay alive longer? Or it means that he is not hers?
    Also Cercei maybe never visited his grave because she didn't care for Robert child.
    And one more thing, Gendry could never remember how his mom looked like, he was a baby when given away right? Maybe he had blond mum, until he was older because clearly he remembers.

  18. Honestly, I think Cersei would fall in love with any child she gave birth to. I've never heard of her having the abortions. I thought she said she told Robert that she finished him off after a night of drinking. The abortions seem pointless, why not bear Robert his children and have few truebornes. It would probably make the ones she had with Jaime safer.


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