Game of Thrones Theory – Rhaegar Targaryen Great Conspiracy.

if anyone else thought of this theory… great minds think alike. This is just a theory and I hope you guys will enjoy it for what it is.



  1. I completely agree with you mate. Everybody loves Rheagar, the audience and book readers know he is beautiful and he did kind things. But there is still the question of his state of mind. Was he corrupted by the Lord of Light? Did he ever love anyone apart from himself…

  2. In the ensuing chaos rhaegar riding his horse sees lyanna, he tells her to hop on, lyanna junps on the horse and they ride off. Little finger hiding to protect himself sees this. After the chaos susidess and everyone is looking around for survivors. Ned and robert meet up again and ned asks if roberts seen lyanna. Robert replies that he thought she was with ned. Littlefinger approches and tells them that shes been taken by the dragon prince. Robert infuriated says he will take the head of every last targaryan.Ned tells robert that he will go and find her. Littlefinger tells ned that he saw them heading south….

  3. Yeah maybe there was some magic involved he seems like the Paris to lyanna's Helen xD and everyone mostly saying nice things about Rhaegar reminds me of the saying that when ppl die it seems like all ppl remember is the good things they did and not much how much of a douche they were in life.

  4. How about this theory? What if Rhaegar was actually still alive. And not only alive. What if he is a faceless man? What if he is actually Jaqen Hagar? Rhaegar would have the skill to defeat Robert in a fight and could easily fake his death at the hands of Robert. He could then go into hiding and operate from the shadows as a faceless man, doing things like training Arya because she reminds him of LeAnna, all the while waiting until the day his child would come of age to fulfill the Lord of light's will by defeating the white walkers. An alive Rhaegar would be enough to convince Danni not to claim the throne. Tyrione wouldn't need to be a secret Targaryian either. And Bran can confirm the plan if he returns in time as well. What do ya think of that idea?

  5. Interesting idea, but it's kind of weak. Fans confuse the prophesy of the Prince Who Was Promised and Azhor Ahai, but there's nothing in the story to indicate that they are the same prophesy. The Prince Who Was Promised was a specifically Targaryen prophesy and Azhor Ahai is actually a story about a hero from the Long Night in Essos – Melissandre calls Stannis "Azhor Ahai reborn" but we've not seen any indication that such a thing was actually prophesied. We've already seen failed prophesy in the story – the Stallion Who Mounts the World. So why can't the Prince Who Was Promised or Azhor Ahai be false prophesies as well?

    I also haven't seen anything in the story to indicate any religious fanaticism in Rhaegar, especially the kind of single-minded devotion that followers of R'hllor exhibit. If anything, he seems obsessed with Targaryen history, specifically that of Aegon the Conqueror and his sister-wives, Visenya and Rhaenys. He named his children after them, although curiously he named the eldest Rhaenys instead of Visenya. It also indicates that Rhaegar was anticipating having another daughter, not a son (wouldn't be the first time someone was wrong about the gender of a child prior to birth).

    The odd naming of Rhaegar's eldest daughter as Rhaenys actually leads me to believe that Dany is going to fulfill the role of Visenya – or at least mirror her story. Visenya was the more temperamental, but still had diplomatic skills. She was also the more martial of the sisters. I think Visenya and her son, Maegor the Cruel, are a bit of a clue as to how things are going to go for Dany and how she will react to situations. She's already shown her temper and inclination towards violent responses in the show (crucifying random masters, feeding a random noble to her dragon, her instinct to destroy the army opposing her when she returned to Meereen). Dany might not be Rhaegar's daughter, but she was born at around the same time as Jon and her story clearly mirrors Jon's – her story is one of fire and his is one of ice.

  6. Rhaegar was obsessed with the prophecy of Azor Ahai. At first, Rhaegar believed he was Azor Ahai because his birth satisfied some of the terms from the prophecy. He then thought his son Aegon was the prince who was promised. Then since the dragon had three heads, he felt compelled to have more children. Elia couldnt do it anymore because she was too weak, so Rhaegar chose Lyanna Stark.

  7. running away for love is exactly what I would expect from an impulsive, fiery, emotional person like lyanna, and a badass like her getting kidnapped and raped a bunch of times without rhaegar losing a few fingers (and other bits) is not something I would expect from someone like her

  8. I friggin LOVE this theory! You have a unique interesting spin on it that has my wheels turning! LOVE it! Thumbs up!
    As a side note, I believe it is pronounced "Lie-ah-nah" instead of "Lee-an-a" 🙂
    Keep up the great work!

  9. The only thing i want to know is how the fuck did he actually beat Arthur Dayne and Selmy with ease but yet he got obliterated by Robert … I know Rhaegar is skilled and all , but Arthur is the ultimate badass with his sword Dawn which can only be passed on to a knight that deserves it … It just doesn't make sense , i know this comment doesn't seem all that interesting but i just can't get this out of my head …

  10. I know this is way late in commenting but, let me give you something else they may help support your thoughts.

    WHY WERE ALL THE KING'S GUARD, EXCEPT JAMIE THE YOUNGEST AND BELIEVED THREAT TO THE KING, AWAY FROM KING'S LANDING????? They all were with him or Lyanna, maybe your could address this issue in another vid, because i don't want to start my own.

    I like theories that may be wrong, as long as they have some facts that back them up, good vid.

  11. I've been watching endless theory videos about GOT and this is easily the best and most plausible on of them all. This explains why Rhaegar was so introverted and described as being "melancholic at times" as though he had some weight hanging over him. Perhaps this is because very early on he in his life he learned, from the lord of light, his bleak future (his death, Lyanna's death, his father's death and that fall of the Targaryen dynasty) all so the prophesied one, his son Jon Snow (Azor Ahai) could be born. So many other pieces from other key theories fall into place with this theory (which I won't go in to). I feel Rhaegar will be the keystone to the whole thing. A true martyr.

  12. I like this theory because it reflects a few things about GRRM and how he thinks around war and conquest. It's a good, common sense theory and I think you may be right on with it – it's certainly the least far fetched of any I've read

  13. Really like this theory, as it runs parallel to the known character of Rhaegar and it's exactly what I have thought for months. Did he also somehow meet an acolyte of the Lord of Light at Summerhall which put him on that path? Is that why he liked to visit so often on his own, to seek clarity? I've often thought that at the end of the show it will be revealed to all in the seven kingdoms that Rhaegar sacrificed everything he held dear to him for the good of all. That he was, in fact, the ultimate hero.

  14. What about addiding another thought. ..Rhaegar went to find the Laughing Tree Knight at the tourney of Harenhall and found it to be Lyanna Stark. That is when they fell in love, shared the vision and planned the future "kidnapping"

  15. Thats a good one. I think Rhaegar knew somehow that his son with Lyanna would be the Promised Prince, it's why he gave her the roses and maybe organized the tournament to meet her. The reaction with the Lord of the Light makes sense but like always the visions are incomplete or wrongly read. I believe they fell in love and he may told to her the visions but he didn't know that would result in a big war. He may expect to be hiding with Lyana and raise their child or send the child to be raised somewhere in secret. The was was created by Little Finger when he said that Lyanna was kidnapped.

  16. two young people falling in love and running off together with no care for the consequences makes less sense than visions of the future motivating them to spark a bloody civil war and getting themselves killed just so they can have a secret child to fulfill a prophecy ?

  17. I would hate Rhager,
    I would hate Rhager's dad,
    I would hate Rhager's brother, the one sold Danny to the Dothorakhis,
    I wouldn't like Rhager's sister Danny that much either if i was a citizen of Westeros.
    I don't like the fat sam neither. As a matter of fact I hate the fat Sam the most.

    I like the Targaryan that was on the NIght's watch though, he was super cool.
    Probably the tyrion lannister or Jon snow would be my vote, if I were allowed to vote in Westeros.

  18. Or, how about this Rhager MOtherfu**er actually kidnapped and raped that poor stark woman. And Lyanna's love for Jon is just a mother's love for her son even if the son came because Rhager raped her.
    That Salmey dude , he was Rhager's buddy. He liked Rhager so always he says good things about him. U say how Robert describes Rhager isn't objective because they were enemies. How can it be objective what Bari. Salmey says about Rhager?
    After all they were drinking buddies.
    And it's very hard to believe that Rhager could defeat Barr Salmey or Sir Aurther Dane whlie he got his ass kicked by Robert Barratheon in the battle of trident. Salmey and Aurther let Rhager win in that tournament because they just didn't want to hit their prince.
    From all u said in the video Rhager seems obssessed with some bs about being the "promised prince" just like his crazy daddy.
    NOw I don't want to be mean but your theory seems pretty shitty.


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