▬▬▬▬ Video Description ▬▬▬▬
In today’s video I go into the Dornish Master plan, a theory created by Preston Jacobs to try and figure out what Doran Martell is up to. This video is also a prelude to the second episode of the Game of Thrones Podcast. For early access to the podcast and some behind the scenes be sure to support us on Patreon.com/redteamreview

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Brave Companions:
Arianne Martell: Magali Villeneuve
Quentyn Martell: henning

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▬▬▬▬ Information ▬▬▬▬

Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Based on the fantasy novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. A Game of Thrones is one of the most successful television series to ever made and continues to captivate audiences all over the world. The series is set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, and interweaves several plot lines with a large ensemble cast. The first narrative arc follows a civil war among several noble houses for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms; the second covers the attempts to reclaim the throne by the exiled last scion of the realm’s deposed ruling dynasty; the third chronicles the rising threat of the impending winter and the legendary creatures and fierce peoples of the North. Game of Thrones Episode Review. Game of Thrones Season 5. Dance of The Dragons. Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre, Shireen, Lady Stoneheart, Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Olly, Samwell, For The Watch, stream, HBO. reaction. dies hodor hold the door white walkers origins children of the forest



  1. Before anybody gets their panties twisted: This video was made with Preston's blessing, of course. There is more to the Master Plan which you can check out yourself on his channel or wait for our next podcast episode to go into it. Sorry if I sound a little different here, it was recorded when I had a cold. I've also uploaded one of the behind the scenes conversation Preston and I had on patreon that can be heard by anybody. To check it out head on over to patreon.com/redteamreview

    I don't know if Preston's patrons will have access to it, that is his decision to make since it is his Patreon and I asked him if he would like the audio logs to give to them but he is deciding on what he wants to do with that.

  2. Can someone explain to me how Dorn is now completely out of the picture after 4 sand snakes and 2 Martell die? The Dornish army still stands, and wouldn't there be a power vacuum for the seat of Sunspear?

  3. Can you get your dick out of Prestons ass for a minute?
    Your vids used to be awesome, but right now thinking about unsubbing.
    If I liked the dude, I'd subscribe to his channel innit?

  4. I thought the High Sparrow would reveal he's really Howland Reed, and he was a revenge plot against the Lannisters in retaliation to what they did to the Stark family. 
    That would have been an amazing plot-twist and the show missed a great opportunity!

  5. Hi Carmine,
    I'm really excited about your new Podcast with Preston, your obvisouly really my favorite youtubers.
    I like that Masterplan theory, as I like the Dornish especially Doran and Arianne and also House Lannister. x'D
    Sadly that the friendship that Joanna Lannister build up with the princess with Dorne (Doran's, Oberyn's and Elia's mother) at her time in King's Landing as Rhaella's lady-in-waiting was destroyed with her death and Tyrion's birth. And was ruined by Tywin with the Sack of King's Landing and Elia's children.
    Interesting would be what if, would change if Joanna lived.

    A Podcast about some speculations about how some events would have changed Ice and Fire or Game of Thrones. Would be also really awesome.


  6. You know, it makes sense why Robert Baratheon was a terrible King. He tells Ned during S1E1 in the crypts of Winterfell, on the way to pay respects to Liana Stark, while he was growing up at the Eryie that all he wanted to do was Crack Skulls & Fuck girls. But Jon Arryn set him straight.

    Robert did just that during his reign. Except, he didn't get to crack as many skulls as I'm sure he'd like to. Hence Ned saying that if the King got what he wanted all the time "We'd still be fighting a damned rebellion." There's his cracking of skulls. like. After re-watching S1E1, it makes sense.

  7. minha maior frustração com o seriado é eles não seguirem com essa plotline, resolvendo tudo de forma simplória, só para reduzir orçamento.

    Preston could just replace D&D and save the tv series…

    BTW, Great channel, Carmine! I always watch your stuff, and got to know preston throught you a few years back (or is it last year… don't remember)

  8. Not sure I believe all that to honest. Just because the brave companions actions benefited Doran, that doesn't mean they are working for him; they could just be nasty people. . . like almost anyone in ASOIAF.
    If your actions leading towards the destruction of lannasters is all you need to prove someone is working for Dorne, then Cersei is Doran's secret 007

  9. it has been a while since I read the books but the reason why the Brave Companions changed sides to the Boltons was simply because the North was on the verge of taking Harrenhal, which is where they were stationed

    remember at this point in time, the War of the Five Kings was going very badly for the Lannisters and it is easier to fight for the winning side than the losing one

    in fact, the Brave Companions literally helped the North forces take Harrenhal by employing a trojan horse method with "North prisoners" they had captured

    the leader of the Brave Companions, Vargo Hoat, even got the title of Lord of Harrenhal after the battle

    this sellsword captain was shown to be entirely opportunistic because Hoat would later hope to wed Alys Karstark (who shows up in Book 5) due to her father's proclamation of offering her hand in marriage for bringing him Jamie Lannister

    as for why the Brave Companions chopped Jamie Lannister's hand off – it was because of Vargo Hoat, he is the one who ordered it to be done

    the reason why is because Hoat knows Roose Bolton was considering defecting his own forces away from Robb's (because the War had turned in favor of the Lannisters) and was hoping this act would be considered "sacrilege" enough to dissuade Bolton's intentions

    again – Hoat is thinking more of his own self preservation and his own future interest

    of course, this would hardly dissuade Roose Bolton at all but Hoat made this gamble because his "lordship" was owed to the North forces and any future prospect could only benefit him with a North victory

  10. 3:00 the reason why the Brave companions turned on the Lannisters is because Vargo thought Stannis would win the battle of the blackwater, and Vargo turned on Lorch because the two hated each other

  11. The mercenaries switching sides makes perfect sense. They do that all the time. The Second Sons fought for the Yunkai'i until they lost a major battle, then they defected to the winner, Danaerys. Then when it looked like she was losing, they switched sides again. And I believe they are going to defect yet again when the battle of slaver's bay goes against the besiegers. The Brave Companions tell Jaime that his father lost too many battles so they changed sides which is totally believable, there doesn't need to be a deeper reason than that

  12. If this all was part of the Dornish masterplan, it was a stupid plan me thinks. Why waiting 20 years to send somebody to Westeros for killing off Tywin? Why chopping just one hand of the kingslayer off when planning to take all from Tywin what he holds dear?? Why rely on a bunch of religious fanatics to take Cersei out of the game instead of poisoning her as well??? Why not turn against Robert Baratheon because he was quite happy someone murdered Elia's children and would even have done it himself??? And most of all: Why waiting for so long for killing the Mountain? Oberyn just had to take part at some tourney to meet and to finish him. – The rest of the "masterplan" didn't work as well, because Viserys died and so did Quentin Martell. It looks like Aegon VI will turn out to be a fake – which means a marriage between him and Arianne won't happen. Non, there is no "masterplan" – only stupid ideas of Doran. Im glad the showrunners spared us with all this crap and put the Dornish story-arc to a quick end.

  13. Why would Oberyn take the risk of stealing Maester Pycelle's poison instead of bringing his own? I know he intended on getting accused of poisoning Tywin so he could demand a trial by battle, but he could've easily been caught. It doesn't seem like a very smart idea with so much on the line.

  14. The show doesn't cover this at all even though they had a chance when the Maester was talking about the pilfered poisons during Tyrions trial. I actually went back and watched Season 4 Episode 6. The Maester only lists what poisons were stolen not what effect they have. Such a shame to have wasted that plot twist.

  15. I adore Preston and only found you because of him. It's easy for the closeminded to dismiss Preston as tinfoil so I appreciate you bringing his ideas into the light and challenging him. It's good for the community to have open debate and your talks have been really interesting, so thanks for that 💖

  16. It's a ridiculous theory. The Bloody Mummers flipped sides because Robb Stark was winning every battle. Credit to Roose Bolton for covertly convincing them, saving the captives in Harrenhal, and taking the castle in turn. Hoat saw Stannis approaching to lop off Joffrey's head, and Tywin trapped. It was a smart decision at the time. The Mummers were only a small part of the savagery that Tywin ordered across the Riverlands. Clegane and his men had quite a large hand in the desecration, themselves. It's war; terrorism. Dismemberment of Jamie was courtesy of Zollo, not Hoat. Rickard Karstark had offered his daughter, hence a LORDSHIP, to the man who captured Jamie. Cutting off the hand ensured Bolton would steer clear of plucking Jamie away from Hoat. Doran's Master Plan was revealed. A marriage pact with the late Viserys, now supplemented by Dany. That was his master stroke. Plus: Oberyn had NO FUCKING CLUE he would champion Tyrion after the Olenna (not Doran) killed asshole Joffrey. It's typical of PJ's crackpot. Any good insights he actually had were stolen from Radio Westeros or History Of Westeros.

  17. I forgot that Preston was the one who first suggested that the brave companions were Oberyn's sellsword company. I've seen/read a lot of people theorizing he started the second sons which I don't think adds up in the timeline. Can't wait for the next episode on the Dornish (or Roynish) master plan – you guys are extremely entertaining! Ps: I think I've asked this before, so I'm sorry if I'm being annoying, but please could you ask Preston about the Twyin's-soul-is-trapped-in-UnGregor's-body theory? There's hardly anything about the theory online (probably because it sounds so crazy) but meh I'm intrigued. Cheers ✌🏽

  18. I'm a huge believer of the Dornish Master Plan but I just noticed a thing. Why does their plan exclude Tyrion? If Tyrion has been excluded because he's a good guy then I don't get it that why are they going for Tommen then 😐

  19. It was such plot within plot elements that made me thoroughly enjoy the books and, while GRRM was working on it, the show. Sadly, only one of those two types of media retain such a careful attention to detail that theories like these, whether right or wrong, are able to even be crafted from the minutia.

  20. I've been watching your videos for months, not realizing what your icon was, and today my 9 year old brother walks by and goes "why is that Haunter sticking up his middle fingers?". And he's right. It's a fucking Haunter. I'm an idiot

  21. I like just about everything you've done…right up until this. What you are doing here is attempting to make sense of what is actually the weakest, messiest major part of the story. The Dorne plot is a trainwreck. Your attempt to tie it into the crazies at Harranhal (et al) is valiant, but stupid. Everything after that in this video is just making shit up. Convoluting the show with the books, as you've done here, belies your argument, and you ought to have known better. This entire premise is bullshit.


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