Game of Thrones Theory : The Night King’s Secret Hidden Message!

Hey everyone it’s Kyle Fookin Chickens and in today’s Game of Thrones Theory Video we will continue to discuss the use of Symbols within the Song of Ice and Fire and why this Secret Hidden Message can help us predict the Ending for the Song of Ice and Fire and A Game of Thrones! Make sure you comment on this Night King Theory and Share this around the Realm! Don’t Forget to Subscribe and give me your thoughts on if you think this Bran Stark Theory will happen!

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Amazing End Screen Art Done by Ertac Altinoz – Go check him out here –

Music done by Callum McGaw :

Intro Music done by : Trey J. Anderson which covers Ramin Djawadi’s Light of the Seven in EPIC Fashion.

Channel Art Done by Blaze Manga. You can check their YouTube Channel out here :

Information for this video is sourced from the ASoIaF novels, HBO’s Game of Thrones, The Lands of Ice and Fire, The World of Ice and Fire, A Wiki of Ice and Fire et al.



  1. Kyle I think you nailed it I'm this video, Q&A if Bran is wargging the night king when John kills him, would Bran die also, it would be very sad, but would make a bitter sweet ending. thanks for all ya do brother.

  2. I think Bran is baiting the Night King south of the wall to Winterfell. End game…I think the Night King is an old Stark King that has to be buried in the tombs where Winter fell.

    I think everyone is hitting on Bran warging when the time is right…the "bitter sweet" is Bran sacrificing his life and the Prince that was Promised dealing the final blow to his Lil brother.

    The wall couldn't trap the Night King, the tomb will…my thoughts

  3. I was thinking the symbol was phi not theta symbolizing balance. Same thing with the spirals being from Fibonaccis spiral symbolizing symmetry. rooting back to fire and ice coming together to bring balance dunno just a thought

  4. i love you Hounded chicken dance at the end cracks me up. great video by the way 9 is heavily used in this series any way a little bit off topic but ive tried getting others opinions on this noone seems either see or have opinion hopefully you or someone else will here goes. ive got a couple questions of a senerio that ive been racking my brain about its implication. alright here it goes. Shortly after Mance' s army is defeated at the wall by Stanis, Jon takes a group of brothers north of the wall with the six green blooded men going to the grove of nine to swear their oaths to the watch. Now as they get near one of the scouts brings back news that there is a band of wildlings in the grove huddled around a pitiful flame. The nights watch surrounds and begins to close in on the wildlings and one giant wun wun. which there is a total number of nine which two of them have died one just about dead so one per tree. they are closing in and outta nowhere something has woke the giant he springs up from the ground like a boulder come to life he paws away the sleep from his eyes and grabs a six foot gnarled oak maul that has a stone the size of a loaf of bread at the end now they are like center of the grove the giant growls so ferociously that the leaves on the trees begin to shake ( wtf) he then slams the head of the maul against the solid ground and the ground starts to shake which is insane the barrels of gravel and ice dropped from the wall didn't hit the ground with even that much force he essentally created a tiny earth quake luckily Jon brought leathers who speaks the old tongue and communicates they want no bloodshed they came to the gods to pray which leads to both sides creating a truce and the six surviving wildingmen/ giant and the 1 man on verge of dying all seem to corresponded with one of the seven gods and it says they all came and met as strangers in the grove figuring they would assume die near their gods Jon agrees to take them to the wall promises safe conduct which they still fear being burned so he promises none of them will be allowed to burn and reflects how Mel has much to answer for which is ironic because Mel and Stanis burned the seven idles on dragon stone and here we have them represented in the surviving wildlings now if that alone isn't enough to be mind boggling consider that the exact amount of wildlings that have decided to head here equal number of trees now when the watch is almost in striking distance the way they stand with swords at the ready makes it seem like this was by design the slaughter of the wildlings in the grove not to mention Jon had surrounded them with the new recruits who've all come to swear vows into the watch now because leathers speaks the old tongue he tells them they seek peace and don't wish to fight . but now I'm left wonder
    1. what the hell, when it comes to a roar so loud that it essentially creates a quick burst of a wind storm.
    2. wtf when it comes to Wun Wun hitting the ground there would have to be so much force and energy going into that strike to shake the ground like that and was it simply a normal rock and wood creating the maul and he's just that strong or is it somehow a special advanced weapon .
    3. was the purpose of the wildlings being there a original part of swearing into the watch with blood sacrifice or were they ment to insite or conduct some other non related ritual by slaying the wildlings that something else is trying to push them to perform i feel like the kings moot was a ritual as well but one the iron islanders were not aware they were performing all the men form up in the form of a cresent around the hill of Naggas ribs the first thing Damphair makes note of after standing by Naggas ribs is sygfed stonetree which is to me obvious that the ribs are Weirwoods turned to stone whether part of a ship or not doesn't matter 44 Weirwood trunks after they chant king will rise again blah blah he takes note of how everyone seems to look as if awaken from a dream and you got that gull sqaucking it keeps capturing in the text which seems it's a warged bird anyway i think thats enough to get the idea
    4. or was the way this played out the exact thing that was needed to go down and that the 7 being saved and brought through the walls significant in any way other then an interesting connection and in either case what impact does this have for overall story that grove of nine is clearly extremely important and significant and not just in that the watch says vows there. Also over and over again the story shows fellowships of 9 or 9 ships, 9 years old ECT. Now there defiantly locations that have had more Weirwoods in a grove like high heart the stoney shore likely above blood raven cave. speaking of which I am pretty sure that When Bran is speaking with Meera and she's all sad and he thinks of comforting her but crawling over would ruin it's affect to reassure her or comfort her so he then thinks of warging Hodo to comfort her but decided that would be weird to her and then out of nowhere so bolts out of there fast why anyone has the impression that he almost warg her is insane. I believe she finally becomes aware of just exactually what all of Jojen' s cryptic talk and his being scared and sulky and unnerved was all about when she could hear the children singing in the depths of the cave she realizes what's going on and that somethings going down blood raven tells bran its time which hes filled with dread and fear he gets bran to take the paste so he can wed the trees and we don't get a another chapter with Jojen or Meera but this makes the most sense Meera and Jojen are both pissed about his dreams getting them their and doesn't know why they came so there saddnes is either they know one or both reeds will die or they or jojen realized just how badly they fucked up bringing bran here and having no possible hope of surviving fleeing back over the wall. speaking of the old tongue is it just me or does it strangely seem to be discribed as sounding very similar to ghiscari which would explain why The Harpy the green grace is essentally an old women version of Jojen seems essos greenseer/ children she's constantly telling Danny that the pits being reopened will please the gods which is essentally blood sacrificing and then there is the wedding now Danny is giving them a hard time about the ritual and says if we were to be Wed via westerosi custom Ghalazza Galare says the gods of Ghis would declare it no true union you would be his whore and not lawfully wedded and any children they might have would be bastards she must marry in temple of the graces with all the highborn in witness Dannys dress is identical to jeyne pool white with pearls difference being Danny red Vail and Jayne pink and red cloak once maiden clock removed and I have a strange suspicion that the bridal cake they try to tempt her with which can only be eaten and tasted by brides is the same Weirwood seed past bran eats before wedding the trees only they cook it and it makes a cake which may remove the few moment of nasty taste before it is the best tasting thing in the world I think it also interesting that the yunki have a group of castrati that sing in a language Danny never heard that so sad sounding and sounds like children singing also one of the yunki leaders has golden cats eyes and looks like a shriveled old man well if you managed to get through all this what are your thoughts
    And final thing blood raven tells them when he was quick which means alive so he's dead hes not even a little alive i dont know why youd use this term past tense if you still had a little life which I think the children are definitely no friends of mankind or on bran and companys side how could they and that stew the singers stew he's gotta be eating people or children for sure children were called squirrel people now they live in the ground like rats Meera and Jojen each think the meat either squirrel or rat i think those tunnels connect around the entire world would explain why they have tales of people that sound like them long gone and scattered around the glob and why so many regions seems to be influenced by the children possibly through dreams or other means but I have posted this similar comment on several channels no one seems to have a opinion or answer for the top half this maybe you will or someone reading comments that watch wildling grove part been bothering me for a while I can't decide on what to think about it and it's connection to the whole of the story I feel I'm missing something or looking to close and it's just a reg scene

  5. You have to walk before you can run.  Bran warging the NK is a little two dimensional and leaves little room for any interesting plot development.  If Bran can warg the NK, don't you think the NK could warg Bran, or any human?   If you see the Voldermort connection, don't you think GRRM would see it too?  Not likely he would come within a 100 miles of any parallels.  But Bran's warging abilities may come in handy to interfere with the NK's ability to raise the wights.  You could say the NK wargs them from the dead.  But I don't see the whole wight army just dropping dead when Bran rolls his eyes over to white.  And I don't believe for a second that the final battle will pit Jon v NK.   How cornball would that be?  GRRM is a little  more sophisticated than that.

  6. Hi Kyle, hmm an interesting video full of thought provoking ideas. Ok my tuppence worth lol, There are 2 sides to this video, on one side I think you are over thinking the whole idea behind GRRM's story, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Well that leads us to the other side of the equation, for those who are always seeking meaning and purpose you have struck a chord, but for those who just love a damned good romp it's a bit heavy (my daughter said that, she's a bit of a clever clogs lol).
    Personally I think it's a very fine balancing act to work this all out and you have done that very well, hopefully not answering all your own points and in doing so leaving loads of room for speculation and discussion.
    The NK is definitely on a mission, but his purpose is shrouded, not actually saying anything is a right bummer but maybe his actions in the coming seasons will clear a lot of that up..
    A video well worth watching, very very thought provoking, thank you my friend , more please lol

  7. Great video Kyle keep them coming also i believe that the opening sequence of Game of Thrones the symbols they where showing to Will the Ranger look like the Isle of faces and the Gods Eye maybe Jon or Bran have to go there to see something or do something i find it kinda odd those were the only ones that were removed and not left behind what do you think


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