The mysterious recurring patterns in Game of Thrones bear a striking resemblance to symbols of the Golden Ratio. Buy or rent Game of Thrones on Amazon:

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  1. "I know, let's transpose the spiral onto everything even though it doesn't make much sense or really fit on the vast majority of things I'm transposing it onto."

    "I know, I'll just make up something like transporting the throne to the north even though snow has since reached the south."

  2. This video have lead me to believe Danny will die in season 8 because Jon Snow (Targaryen) is already Ice and Fire why add more Fire with there offspring and make things imbalance? Danny walked away from the Iron Thrown when everything was covered in (Snow or Ash) making me think she isn't destined to sit there but to die and see her family again making way for the Song of Ice and Fire to play for Jon Targaryen.

  3. Anyone else watching this in season 7 times and amazed by how applicable this theory seems to be? ***SPOLIER ALERT***
    I mean especially the "coming together in the North" part, it's fulfilled in episode 6. fantastic theory and interpretation.

  4. Stopped watching once the "Golden Ratio" came up. Complete nonsense and pseudoscience. The golden ratio isn't even possible in nature, it's a never-ending decimal point. You can look at anything and pick out arbitrary points that are pretty close to 1.6. "The human body has the Golden Ratio because the height of a person is about 1.6 times the distance from their naval to their toes." That is so fucking arbitrary and meaningless. I could probably find all sorts of measurements of the human body that turn out to be about the golden ratio. I could also find an infinite list of measurements that are completely different from the golden ratio. It's fucking meaningless and has no basis in science or mathematics whatsoever. Fuck me


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