Will Jon, Tyrion or Bran join Daenerys as the prophesied dragon riders?

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  1. The other two riders will be tyrion and bran. Because, they need to have some sort of emotional connection with the dragons. Tyrion has shown that already and bran will get that by warging into one.

    Plus they'll need to be smaller people as they were both hindered growth.

    And Jon is Azor so, he'll need to be on the field fighting with the flaming sword

  2. I guess Dany will die…her purpose is served – she is mother of dragons…the 3 heads which will finally ride them are jon, tyrion and bran….you can get that from color of those dragons……red(targ),gold(lanister), green(green seer)

  3. bran will ride a dragon for many reasons…… first .. he can control a dragon with his power … second tyrion is with dainerys.. and how that is connected… Fist Season .. …Tyrion returned from castle black to winterfell to see bran ,tell him about john and help him in any way he could….. So.. He gave him instructions of how to make him ride a horse at his condition with a little bit of horse training……. If its a Dragon … even better … and with his power … i think training is unnesesary

  4. for me the three heads are dany john and tyrion,
    but they are more than that, they also fit Freuds idea of how the psyche is divided in id ego and superego.
    John is the id, or the unconscious or the instincts, tyrion is the superego, the analitical, moralising aspect of the psyche and Daeny is the ego, in the middle, the link between id and superego, alternating one or the other or using both at the same time according to the situation


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