Prelude to my Petyr Baelish Part 2 History. In this video, we’ll go over who ordered the assassination on Bran Stark’s life while he was in a coma. There are several possible candidates. Lets go over them all in today’s video. Keep in mind these aren’t really theories but speculation because it will almost never be answered but we can only hope George Martin ties up all loose ends.

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Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Based on the fantasy novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. A Game of Thrones is one of the most successful television series to ever made and continues to captivate audiences all over the world. Game of Thrones Episode Review. Game of Thrones Season 5. Dance of The Dragons. Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre, Shireen, Lady Stoneheart, Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Olly, Samwell, For The Watch, stream, HBO. reaction. dies



  1. The assassin said:
    You are not supposed to be here!
    No one is supposed to be here.
    See it as a favor.He is dead already!

    A sacrifice for Cats hands grabbing the dagger and the magical direwolf saved Bran.I think he is a faceless man!Probably hired under the orders of Peter Baelish by king Robert or Joffrey.

  2. Hey did you heard the latest? that Littlefinger maybe be one who sent the assassin on the show that he sent the Catpaw to finish a Stark as long it not a Cathyln Stark. Who Jamie pushing Bran was pure luck for the Catpaw he figure that it will easier job.  He wanted started a war with Lannisers and Starks but poison Jon Arryn for extra measure.

  3. Is it possible that Joffrey did it because he suspected that Bran had seen Cersei and Jamie together? We already know he is conscious of the rumors of their affair, if not fully aware of the truth from his decision to have all of Robert's bastards slaughtered. Perhaps he did as an act of self-preservation more than anything else.

  4. Here is more evidence that Joffrey who actually sent the assassin to kill Bran.
    Here Tyrion is mulling over what he had learned.

    [I am no stranger to Valyrian steel, the boy had boasted.

    The septons were always going on about how the Father Above judges us all. If the Father would be so good as to topple over and crush Joff like a dung beetle, I might even believe it.

    He ought to have seen it long ago. Jaime would never send another man to do his killing, and Cersei was too cunning to use a knife that could be traced back to her, but Joff, arrogant vicious stupid little wretch that he was . . .

    He remembered a cold morning when he’d climbed down the steep exterior steps from Winterfell’s library to find Prince Joffrey jesting with the Hound about killing wolves. Send a dog to kill a wolf, he said. Even Joffrey was not so foolish as to command Sandor Clegane to slay a son of Eddard Stark, however; the Hound would have gone to Cersei.

    Instead the boy found his catspaw among the unsavory lot of freeriders, merchants, and camp followers who’d attached themselves to the king’s party as they made their way north. Some poxy lackwit willing to risk his life for a prince’s favor and a little coin.

    Tyrion wondered whose idea it had been to wait until Robert left Winterfell before opening Bran’s throat. Joff’s, most like. No doubt he thought it was the height of cunning.

    The prince’s own dagger had a jeweled pommel and inlaid goldwork on the blade, Tyrion seemed to recall.
    At least Joff had not been stupid enough to use that.

    Instead he went poking among his father’s weapons.
    Robert Baratheon was a man of careless generosity, and would have given his son any dagger he wanted . . . but Tyrion guessed that the boy had just taken it.

    Robert had come to Winterfell with a long tail of knights and retainers, a huge wheelhouse, and a baggage train.
    No doubt some diligent servant had made certain that the king’s weapons went with him, in case he should desire any of them.

    The blade Joff chose was nice and plain. No goldwork, no jewels in the hilt, no silver inlay on the blade.
    King Robert never wore it, had likely forgotten he owned it. Yet the Valyrian steel was deadly sharp . . . sharp enough to slice through skin, flesh, and muscle in one quick stroke.

    I am no stranger to Valyrian steel. But he had been, hadn’t he? Else he would never have been so foolish as to pick Littlefinger’s knife.

    The why of it still eluded him. Simple cruelty, perhaps? His nephew had that in abundance.

    It was all Tyrion could do not to retch up all the wine he’d drunk, piss in his breeches, or both. He squirmed uncomfortably.

    He ought to have held his tongue at breakfast. The boy knows I know now.
    My big mouth will be the death of me, I swear it.]

  5. The assassin says to Catelyn "You're not supposed to be here. No one is supposed to be here." NO ONE Most likely not, but there is a possibility that the assassin is of the many faced god. In the books, assassins of the many faced god are extremely expensive and only few families in all of the seven kingdoms would be able to afford it. One of these families being the Lannisters.

  6. Petyr baelish did hire the assasin and gave him the dagger he is the main villain in the series working in the shadows from the beginning.

    All started with.
    1. Jon Arryn (He killed lord Arryn so he can seduce and become Lord of the Eyrie)
    2. Bran Stark (He is the one who send the assassin to kill the boy , by doing so he started a war between the 2 strongest Houses at the time.
    4. Eddard Stark (He betrayed Eddard Stark by doing so it led to his execution he wanted to do that cause he was Catelyn's husband.

    And many other things all leading to Now he did all this cause he wants the "IRON THRONE" he tried to get Catelyn after her Husbands death but didn't work so he went for her daughter trying to manipulate everyone from the Shadows so he can become Lord of the serven Kingdoms.

  7. It's Joffrey. In "Storm of swords" Jaime told Catelyn that he pushed Bran off the window, because Bran saw them but he didn't sent the assassin. He said that was Joffrey. Either Cersei or Jaime or Littlefinger are so stupid to sent an assassin with obviously a very expencive dagger. Plus, yeah, Joffrey wanted to get some courage from his "father" and all the facts that you said are true.


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