Game of Thrones Theory : Will Sam Find Proof?

People of the Realm I’m back with my latest video which discusses what will Sam find at the Citadel. Proof of Jon Snows true lineage?

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Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created by showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin’s series of fantasy novels, the first of which is titled A Game of Thrones. It is filmed in a Belfast studio and on location elsewhere in Croatia, Iceland, Malta, Morocco, Northern Ireland, Spain, Scotland, and the United States, and premiered on HBO in the United States on April 17, 2011. The series has been renewed for a sixth season, which will premiere on April 24, 2016 or

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Please watch: “Jon Snow’s True Name Confirmed: Game of Thrones Season 7 Finale Revelation”




  1. Gilly was raised with the only male she knew was her raping father. Her brothers were given to the White Walkers as newborns. So, she is new to both the world, and to the idea of trusting any man. Her social and emotional insecurities are balanced by her instinctual sense of the fact that there is another way to live (than the way her father provided to her and her sisters).
    Sam came along, unassuming, shy, kind, and valiant just when she needed someone the most, at her most vulnerable – when she was pregnant. She had the 'family norm' of watching as the sons being taken from her other sister's arms, only to vanish from their lives, never to be seen, again. But she, with the Mother instinct and hormones coursing through her body, found a man who stood by her, and protected both her and her son. This was something new. A man who wanted nothing from her, but to be of service. Sam was the right man at the right time. And Gilly is the kind of woman who can see his worth, and shows him the loyalty and respect that he only ever found in his own Mother and sister. They are a good pair.

  2. good vid, but Sam is probably one of the smartest people we've met so far in the show. He has knowledge of westeros history, the different kingdoms, cultures and so on. In the books he is a very very interesting pov character as well! #Samtheslayer

  3. I think the Citadel is liable to suffer the same fate as the Library of Alexandria. I also thought Sam will have another role to play. You may recall Ser Jorah was tasked with finding a cure for greyscale. I think he's smart enough to realize that his best chance of success lies with the Maesters of Oldtown. Now if he should encounter Sam (and how could he not) after sharing stories about his dad, Sam will no doubt also reveal that his cousin, Princess Shireen, had her disease arrested. Sam would most likely be able to locate that Maester. Better still, once cured of the disease a warrior would be immune to travel to Valyria in search of Valyrian steel (or dragon eggs) or whatever else may be in those ruins. It wouldn't surprise me if there's a massive stockpile of Valyrian steel just waiting to be forged into weapons …or armour. If only there was still someone in Oldtown who was a smith. Anyone see Gendry lately? If those 3 ever meet up, Euron is doomed!

  4. Sam is not only knowledgeable but also smart and finally burried all his childhood nightmares forever when he stole his dad's sword. That was the breaking moment in which he's finally grown up. He's got a big role to play in the series and the books than one you've mentioned. There are so many ways J.R.R.M. surprises us everytime so I honestly doubt it's going to be that trivial. Even Littlefinger knows Jon's mistery almost for sure, not to mention what does the Spider knows etc. Last but not least there might be some magic stuff going on again when Jon finally meets: a) Daenerys+Tyrion, b) red priestess (I'm almost sure he will again), c) his cousin! Bran, d) all them together, e) Howland Reed f) put your name(s) here…

  5. Sam isn't smart? Come on San is really smart he is just a shy dork, remember when he figured out the dead dudes were wites because they weren't rotted? He worked Jon and the n.w. To get get Jon elected l.c. Sam is like one of the smartest dudes in weateros.

  6. There's little doubt? You are a GOT reviewer.
    HBO released a parent kin chart and said R+L=J
    If you don't know this, how can your viewers take you serious? When you basically blinder common knowledge. Gotta dislike and unsubscribe

  7. Everyone always say's there are only two people who know about John Snow. Watch the scene again. Why were we shown the Handmaiden? There were two who helped her give birth. Are they still alive?

  8. Don't be ridiculous, there is no BC. They were trying to keep his parentage on the downlow. They would not want to advertise to anyone, much less the world, that Jon Snow is a Targarian. No, likely what Sam will find is the means to fight and kill the White Walkers.

  9. Samwell Tarly will definitely be the one to find out about Jon's true parentage. The reason we see Lyanna whispering the name of Jon, is to still keep us guessing as to whether Jon was a bastard or not (albeit a Targaryen one). I am confident we will see more flashbacks of Rhaegar & Lyanna (we will see that in fact they loved each other; that Rhaegar wanted to fulfill the prophecy of the 3-headed dragon and that he would do this by fathering a child with Lyanna since Elia Martell could no longer have children after her second). In fact, Rhaegar named the tower "The Tower of Joy" because he married Lyanna there, and that was their home.

    After Jon's birth, I believe Ned Stark asked Howland Reed to go to the Citadel to register his birth (using his Targaryen name), so that there would be proof of who Jon really was. Ned Stark would keep Reed's secret (i.e. : that Reed stabbed Sir Arthur Dayne in the back, so as not to dishonor him). In turn, Reed – being not only a loyal bannerman of the Starks, but especially given that he was indebted to Lyanna Stark, and most probably had great affection for her – would keep the secret of Jon Snow to keep him safe from Robert Baratheon. (I agree with the fan theory that Lyanna Stark was the Knight of the Laughing Tree and that she saved Reed from the squires who were bullying him). I hope we see flashbacks of the Tourney at Harrenhal…. to be continued.

  10. Everyone says that Summer's death was pointless, but seem to forget that the wights were nipping at Brans ankles. Nipping that would have been gnawing and hacking if brave Summer didn't give up his life for his friend Bran. Even though it was only seconds, every last one mattered in that moment.

  11. Thank you for such an enjoyable video. REgarding potential witnesses, at least per the HBO series, weren't there two female attendants at the birth in the Tower of Joy scene who would know about Jon's parentage?

  12. Wait.. this is a theory about the show?? What's the point? You think Dumb&Dumber (D&D) themselves know what they're doing from season to season? I have a theory they don't.

    The key to the Sam plot is up his arse.. where he presumably hid the legendary Tarly family sword Heartsbane, a Valyrian two-handed Greatsword, that his stern and life-threatening father has apparently forgotten all about despite knowing exactly where they were heading.. also, pardon my french, I am lé drunk, though not half as drunk as Benioff & Weiss.

  13. the proof is obj this riddle: Aerys had 7 kingsguard. why were 3 at toj (including the best one) unless a targ was there. you don't need kingsguard to watch a girlfriend/mistress.

  14. You don't think Bran being a paraplegic would be a bit of a hint to who he is?  Your average dude kicking around Westeros sure doesn't have access to a Maester.  Even having someone to care for you aside from an immediate family member would be financially… ahem, crippling for just about anyone but a noble.  Highborn kid without the use of his legs says he's Bran Stark, who is a highborn kid without the use of his legs, shows up at Castle Black looking for Jon Snow, the half-brother of same… I'm gonna believe him, aren't you?

  15. How are there only two? Don't forget the woman who handed Jon to Ned? Most people think that's the woman Ned claims is Jons mother. It's backed up by the fact in the book the woman he claimed to be his mother worked for the family of the Kings gaurd that was set to protect Jon.

  16. I don't think there's any doubt. They cut to Jon after that scene. That was not a false reveal. Unless they want to deliberately throw us off of a theory that has literally no other explanation, Jon is who we think he is.

  17. Although this is possible, it doesn't seem likely in my opinion. What is more likely, is that Sam finds Robb's will. Dating back to RR and the TOJ, who would have supplies the Citadel with information of Rhaegar & Lyanna allegedly marrying? Who would have supplied the Citadel with information that Jon Snow was really Jon Targaryen? I do not think there were birth certificates in Westeros, nor any other proof of births, other than the child being born and raised in whichever House's castle or holdfast and therefore, the birth simple being common knowledge or a Maester drawing a family tree, etc…

    So, no, Sam will not find a birth certificate. Nor will he find any evidence of Jon's birth and true parentage since Lyanna was adamant in keeping it all a secret from the realm, including Ned's family. Ned honored his sister's wishes and kept it a secret from everyone, even Jon. So, was it Ned or HR who informed the Citadel of this secret? Neither. No one did.

  18. Good theory. I forgot that The Reach was pro Targaryeon. It also makes sense that the Citadel would of documented R+L's wedding, just look at how the secretary Maester updated his records right after Sam told him about Mormont and Aemon dying.

  19. In the reveal scene in tower of joy, there is a nursemaid or midwife or maybe just a lady in waiting… Am I the only one who noticed she looked DIRECTLY at Bran. She doesn't say anything in the scene, but my guess is, since she must be trusted by Lyanna, she also knows the father of the baby that Ned Stark rode away with. I haven't heard anyone mention the nursemaids, but there were two of them I think and they were young, so they could very well be witnesses not only of the birth, but perhaps the marriage or other facts about Rhaegar and Lyanna. I find it interesting, too, that she had her own shot in that scene. The show creators could have just left her out. And, at least to me, it looked like they wanted to leave us wondering if she saw or sensed Bran's presence.

  20. While some parts of the theory add up I think you are also quite wrong.

    For one, (If we are going by the show) there were at least 2 other people in the Tower of Joy that can confirm Jons parantage (Unless Ned slaughtered them all, which would be out of character.) those two handmaidens.

    And why would Oldtown have record of Jons birth, considering that there were no Maesters present? And nobody said anything? And Rhaegar actually didnt marry Lyanna, he just impregnated her and kept her for 9 months while a war raged.


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