It’s another identity swap theory to bust! Let me breakdown why the theory making rounds currently of Brandon Stark + Catelyn Tully = Robb Stark is just not logical.


Listen to the Side Effect Podcast:

*Short Robert Baratheon clip courtesy of Home Box Office & producers of Game of Thrones.



  1. You idiots… I'm not apart of the books "super race" but I do read them. On their (robb and catelyns) trip to Edmunds wedding catelyns thoughts reveal that Ned took her maidenhood. Saying in the beggining it was more dutiful than for love. Aka if Ned took her virginity after brandon died then brandon could not have tapped that

  2. Good video. I haven't watched your videos before, so the meaning behind the title "Theory Busters" didn't really click until I watched the video. I was expecting you to support B+C=R, which I thought would have made for a dumb fan theory, so I'm glad you actually ended up dismantling it. Now I'm going to go watch your N+A=J video because that one could actually make sense book-wise. I am SUPER curious about Ned and Ashara's relationship whatever it is.

  3. Honestly, i think it would be an interesting theory if it concerned, say, Littlefinger conceiving Robb. But who cares if it was one brother or another that put his seed in Cat first. If i discovered my fistborn son is actually my nephew through my long-dead brother, i would just get it over with. Especially if it was not cuckolding, because Cat wasn;t betrothed to Ned back then, so he cannot be angry on her for it.

  4. Meh I don't know if I'd say Littlefinger is "lying" about taking Cat's virginity. He's wrong, for sure, but he definitely is under the impression that he did. Lysa raped him when he was under the influence and he believed she was Cat. Idk why I'm even saying this it's so off topic for three video sorry

  5. catelynn treated jon snow bad cuz she believe he was result of her husband cheating on her, but deep down, what if the her son was the bastard instead, eat crow, but I also think littlefinger could be little aryn real, father

  6. First off: I want that damn sword! now that's done –
    NO WAY??! Dude!!
    Fuck Yeah, Let's Do this!
    Man – you GOTTA do way way more of these – they're unique, way rare but still interesting/entertaining for fans, Straight A's bro – this is my shit! YES!

    Ahhh, my god! I'm always getting shouted down when I go after these BS, time-killer, desperate dork tinfoil theories that keep bubbling up to the surface like a damn crowd of angry red boils on a characters mouth, so:

    "Olly, Fetch me a soapbox!"

    First off, to the Tinfoil Industrial Theory Complex: NO, just no! Everyone is NOT a damn secret Targaryen – stop saying it. Ever!
    & my boy up there is 100 on point – B+Cā‰ R. etc, etc, etc. GET LAID PPL! Trust me, its way more fun than picking thru every… single.. detail & creating (not crafting – some ppl can CRAFT like a MoFo) & essentially connecting dots that, listen up,
    just.šŸ‘ aren't.šŸ‘ there.šŸ‘!

    Ok look, I gotta respect the enthusiasm – even the lack of any semblance of a life – ok, got it but, I say, BUT … here's the thing that some folks just cannot get their heads around: As a writer, I know firsthand & thoroughly how obsessively, maniacally & compulsively any decent author POURS over literally Every. Single. Word. It's called "Economy of Diction" (yep, that's a thing) & besides being a cornerstone holy tenet of sound writing, it basically boils down to a total slash & burn of Any *Non *Essential (read: inconsequential) plot, sub plot, chapter, phrase, word, hell even an unnecessary comma just won't make it into the final product (unless by mistake.)

    And we know "Big Grimey, aka GRRM the Worm, aka THE Sopping Mound is one of, if not, the very best…a la – dude gets & uses the "Econ of Diction masterfully."

    So, like my boy BP just said: "there's GOTTA be an effect & someone to be effected by an authors choices". I.e., GRRM would NEVER just start throwing The Wild Wolf's sperm around just to see where it would stick šŸ˜‰ no no no! He's got it locked down as tight as Brienne's maidenhead, I mean maidenhood, or… fuck, her hymen or whatever… what I'm saying is it's pretty tight, like almost uncomfortably tight – no room & no reason to be slangin' around wolf sperm just for kicks!

    Whew! Alright.
    Sorry bout the rant y'all.
    just… like…DAAYUUUM! REALLY? with some of these PJ type theories!


  7. Only think I have to say is your "what benefit or purpose does it serve" is meaningless because George does root deep meaning in things but also tried to make it seem as realistic as possible so he COULD have just made Brandon actually the father just because he wanted to and in real life there's not a plot based reason that a child's father could be someone other than is believed….. not saying I think that's the case just saying "why would he do that" isn't that strong of an argument lol

  8. Remember the negotiations that Hoster had with Ned over Catelyn. That would be a damn good reason to have to negotiate it and hesitate. I can see Ned still following though for honor sake. Remember how Barbary Dustin spoke of Brandon too. Yeah and after he cut Baelish. Catelyn cant be trusted either! At all! I can see this. Point in story legitimacy of Robb's child.

  9. GRRM also said in an interview that all the Stark Kids (including Jon) are wargs so that rules out anyone but either Ned or Brandon being the father and based on the timeline and practicality within the story it doesn't suit a purpose for Catelyn's kids to be illegitimate. In fact no one questions the Stark kids who (with the exception of Arya) all take after Catelyn even though Ned's "Bastard" Jon Snow looks more like Ned than Robb and Catelyn even mentions that as part of the reason she hates Jon.

  10. What do you think of the Varys Blackfire theory. This states that the reason that Varys is so intent on getting a Targaryen on the throne is because he is in fact a decedent of the Blackfires who were forced to flee to Essos? He keeps his head shaved to hide his silver hair.


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