In this Theory/Discussion video Roman goes over his thoughts on whether Tyrion is the son of the Mad King, Aerys II Targaryen, which would make him the third head of the dragon.

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  1. Nah. I agree with The Order of the Green Hand's theory about Jon's parentage. They had a lot of evidence that Jon's parents are Ned Stark and Ashara Dayne. Young Griff/Aegon Targaryen is the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen.

    1) When Catelyn asks Ned about his relationship with Ashara, Ned says to not ask about Jon.

    2) Ned never thinks about Rhaegar which would be weird if Ned was raising Rhaegar's bastard.

    3) Aegon dyed his hair blue in honor of his mother. What other character is associated with the color blue? Lyanna Stark

    And there is just a bunch more evidence they present about Ned and Ashara meeting at the Tourney of Harrenhall during the False Spring, how it's weird for Ned Dayne to be named after Ned Stark if Stark was the reason Ashara killed herself (but they theorize Ashara is actually the Septa Lemore), and much more.

    And maybe I didn't catch it because I was busy writing this (via phone, so sorry if you did mention this), but why didn't you reference Tyrion's appearance in the books? From my understanding, he has the white blonde hair Targaryens are known for. One of his eyes and some of his hair are also black. One of the Targaryen house colors is black. Granted, he has heterochromia which means one eye is black and the other is green, and aren't Lannisters known for their green eyes?

  2. Tyrion is obviously the third head. GRRM foretold the Tyrion was a Targaryen Bastard in the very first episode of the TV Show. Jon as Tyrion, what did he know about being a Bastard. Jon will be revealed not to be a bastard at all. Tyrion always was the ONLY Targaryen bastard on the TV Show.

    All will take the Throne.

    First Daney then she is killed NORTH OF THE WALL fulfilling her vision.

    Then Tyrion will take the Throne and will die in Season 8 of the TV Show.

    Finally Jon will take the Throne with his wife, Sansa, and he too will die in season 8.

  3. I have been thinking about this theory for a while, and I take issue with this.
    The whole point is that the mad king bedded Tywen's wife on their wedding before he did it.
    But, Tyrion is actually younger than the twins (Cersei and Jaimie). This is shown when the prince of Dorne is talking to him, telling him about Cersei pinching his privates and so on when he was a baby.
    So if you look at it logically, then it doesn't make sense for him to be Targaryan, but for the twins.
    Unless, that is, the king kept bedding her in secret, which, it does not say anywhere in the books as far as I am concerned. So, how can he be a Targaryan?

  4. Why dose everyone go right to TYRION as the kings. I think he is his fathers, there is plenty of evidence that he "IS HIS FATHERS SON" Dose anyone ever think THOSE nasty twins may be the mad kings and not Tyrion.

  5. Well, she definitely names her dragons after her dead husband and her two dead brothers.
    I thought the "roar that would melt gold" referred to the way her brother died: Melted Gold being poured on him. Jon and Danny are both confirmed Targs. And One is clearly the Ice, the other is obviously the fire, giving the book's name "A Song of Ice and Fire"

    Maybe the "Song" portion of the title refers to Tyrion, being that he tells stories and jokes and such, but that's a bit of a stretch.

    Although, he does admit that he always wanted a dragon as a child…
    And he bonds with the two dragons when he releases them of their chains.

    Its an interesting theory

  6. the mothers of dany, jon and tyrion all died in child birth,could this mean something.the lord of light seems connected to the targaryens.3 mothers died giving birth to dragon riders,3 dragons were born.only death can pay for life.

  7. In one early episode Tyrion is telling someone a story about when he was young and was asked by someone (i think his uncle) what he wanted for his birthday, and tyrion answered "I want a dragon. It doesn't even have to be a big dragon. it could be a small one". As you said Visierion happens to be the smaller dragon. Maybe another little hidden clue?

  8. Ancient humans know the 4 states of matter..1 Fire(light,photons,plasma) 2.Water(ice,liquid) 3.Earth(solids) 4.Wind(air,gas)….Fire or photons are the humble beginnings of all matter.and life(God said let there be lights)…Water or ice can preserve matter and life(cryogenics)…The endless cycle of fire and ice!

  9. Jon Snow is unkillable by blade and ice…Daenerys is unkillable by fire..Tyrion is unkillable by alcohol and women…Only one can sit on the throne….The golden age(peace) of human civilization is characterized by wine ,women and songs..

  10. While i agree that Tyrion is the 3rd head, i dont believe he is a Targ. We already got enough secret Targs running around, having another one would be reduntant for the story, and GRRM is not redundant.
    Plus, isnt the whole irony of Tyrion that he is indeed Tywin's true son more so than his siblings, no matter how much they both try to deny it?

  11. Amazing video man! I had this theory already, but you've cemented it so well! And you made me feel so stupid for missing that dragon description in the book, I must have been tired when I read that part… lol


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