Kelly-Anne Smith talks to Charles Dance about his role as Tywin Lannister in Game of Thrones. And Charles doesn’t hold back…

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  1. I just can't see the hypocricy of this. People always make such a fuss if a dog is kicked in a movie making sure the animal is not hurt. When a fake commercial came out with cats supposedly jumping out of a plane with tiny parachutes on people made a riot. But when a real dear is skinned on television, sure, lets laugh about it… Nothing psychopathic going on here…

  2. Always makes me laugh when Americans say I love that voice be it English, Scottish or Irish. The truth is its a bit posh but alot of normal people in the UK talk the way you think is amazing doesnt mean there posh or mad warriors like the hound and if they don't talk that way they can do those voices quite easily


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