Many will say that thisshould be #1 . Thats hard to argue with. You can watch the entire playlist here(It’s better that way):



  1. I don't see the problem with Reed stabbing Dayne. If it was specified as a one-on-one fight then yeah, that'd be dishonourable: but battlefield awareness is important for a reason. It's not dishonourable when anyone else attacks from behind on a battlefield, so why here?

  2. good cuz its fresh in the mind.. the double sword shit is cheesy though… shit shoulda been different. where's high tower..and Dayne's sword should have been way more epic. Dawn…would have looked way cooler than this crap he's using.

  3. This season we still have Mountain vs. Faith Dudes, Sandor kicking ass, and Facelessbowl all in Episode 8, various Winterfell Battle Fights in Episode 9, and Cleganebowl in Episode 10.
    Get hype.

  4. Btw. these scene shows how stupid is the theory that Lyanna was there willingly. I mean let`s say Arthur Dayne wins and kills them all. What then? Does he go upstairs and says: "Lady Lyanna, your brother Eddard and your good friend Howland Reed came to see you. You can see their corpses out of the window"?
    Absolutely mental! Unless she was indeed abducted.

  5. fuck youtube. i am 99.9% sure this attack is because of the "AA Podcast" now the "history of westeros" podcast. They did the same thing to preston jacobs and redteam. any channel that gets more views then them they try to attack the channel

  6. What happened to Howland Reed after this bit? He's mentioned, we know his kids, we seen him for a lil here and then nothing. I love the tv show but never got around to the books so I wouldn't know if he's talked about more in the books or not.


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