Top 10 Greatest Knights In Game OF Thrones. Top 10 best fighters that had the title of Knights in the world of Ice And Fire/Game Of Thrones.



  1. As far as people saying Jaime is the best fighter, GOT has proven that a lot of the hype surrounding famous swordsmen is false, The Viper being unheard of in Westeros beating the mountain.

    Brienne beating both Loras Tyrell and Jaime with ease and beating The Hound no less.

    Meryn Fuckin' Trant beating a former 1st sword of Bravos.

    there have been many upsets of famous swordsmen.

  2. I'm pretty sure all members of the king's guard of Mad King would have mopped the floor with Loras Tyrell. And Mountain is just brawns, no brains. I wouldn't put him among the best 20 fighters in Westeros.

  3. Arthur Dayne and Aemon the dragonknight would be my favorites.
    But of course there is much we don't know about them, so I will go with Barristan.
    The only thing I don't like about him is being just a protector with no personality who should have knocked some sense into her
    Every time I think about the ''usurper's dogs'' quote I become furious.
    Still beating the Titan's bastard and '' a better knight than you, sir'' is my favorite and most memorable moment from essos. So badass.


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