‘Game of Thrones’ has introduced fans to a whole spectrum of characters and has totally dissipated our understanding of the concept of good vs evil. The characters whom we’ve come to hate throughout the season became characters we’ve forgiven for their past atrocities, and vice-versa.
Yet, through all the supposedly good and bad characters who reside in the realm of Westeros, there are just a few annoyingly persistent characters who, whether leaning to the side of good or bad, have survived through the 7 seasons of this fantasy series. We believe George R. R. Martin takes some sick pleasure in keeping these characters alive to annoy the fans, and it’s working pretty well. Here are five of the most annoying characters on the series, who definitely should meet their end in the season finale of ‘Game of Thrones’.
(Source: IMDB)
Cersei Lannister
Of course, we had to start the list with Cersei. The ruthless Queen of the Seven Kingdoms had almost met her end, many a time on the show, and each time she didn’t, fans let out a sigh of exasperation. While the Cersei may not have killed people with her very two hands, the manipulative queen has a way of getting things done, and through her orders, she’s killed not less than a thousand people. Lena Headey has played her role so well that fans are fantasizing exactly how the so-called “Protector of the Realm”, will meet her end. Let’s hope that Martin doesn’t pull a fast one on us and give her the Iron Throne…because, with his track record, he just may.
(Source: IMDB)
Robin Arryn
The seemingly autistic but surely over-coddled Boy King is simply a piece of work. The socially awkward Robin’s unbelievable thirst for revenge and Tyrion’s blood makes him annoying as hell, along with him being a full-grown boy still nursing from his mother’s teat. He’s especially annoying during the trial scene where the boy keeps calling to see Tyrion “fly”, code for throwing the Imp out of the castle’s “Moon Door” and watching him plummet 600 feet to his death. While I would’ve mentioned his equally annoying mother as well,she died in season 4, and we just wish her son would also “fly” out the Moon Door with her. Fingers crossed for season 8.
(Source: IMDB)
Ellaria Sand
Ellaria Sand was the paramour of Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne and a bastard of House Uller, carrying the bastard surname “Sand” like all bastards in Dorne. While Oberyn Martell is arguably one of the coolest and most loved characters on the show, Ellaria truly is a serpent of the sand and her venomous ways have seen her poison and conspire against her own husband and family. People hate her because she commits horrible acts and murders in the name of her deceased lover, and it’s really about time she goes.
(Source: IMDB)
Jorah Mormont
While Jorah has proved his worth in the start of the series, the former sword for hire’s creepy fixation on Stormborn-Dragon Queen, Daenerys, has by now grown really old, and for some reason, Jorah just can’t take a hint. Ser Jorah Mormont is a compulsive liar, who looks out for his own interests apart from creeping on 16-year-old Daenerys. To be honest, his character has just become boring. He’s long overdue for a good reckoning, and we just see this former knight fall in the season finale.
(Source: IMDB)
Bran Stark
Ever since the episode “The Door,” Bran Stark has been a target of a lot of hate (R.I.P Hodor and Summer). If he had just listened to the Three-Eyed Raven and not gone into the visions by himself, a lot of terrible things would have (theoretically) never happened. Not to mention, this is the second time he hasn’t heeded the advice of someone wiser than him and bad things went down. Bran just seems to use all of his friends along the way, managing to get them killed when they’re just looking out for him. Bran Stark is just bad luck taking a human form and if the theories on Bran being the night king is true, then the end is very near for Bran.
‘Game of Thrones’ will return for its final chapter on 14 April, only on HBO.