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Hey everyone it’s Kyle here with another Game of Thrones Video and today I was inspired by my favorite character Sandor Clegane, The Hound and I wanted to start a Best of Scenes, Type 5 Type Video Series! In this Video I discuss why his scenes with Arya Stark are my favorite, Why Sandor Clegane is a True Knight and Why he is my favorite Character in the Story! Let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE OR I’LL HAVE TO EAT EVERY FOOKIN CHICKEN IN THIS PLACE!

Most Recent Videos

A Time for Wolves –

Arya Stark IS The Stranger –

In-Depth Analysis on Sandor Clegane –

A Bittersweet Ending – Why Daenerys Targaryen Will Die in Season 8! –

In-Depth Analysis : Jon Snow is Azor Ahai –

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Amazing End Screen Art Done by Ertac Altinoz – Go check him out here –

Intro Music done by : Trey J. Anderson which covers Ramin Djawadi’s Light of the Seven in EPIC Fashion.

Channel Art Done by Blaze Manga. You can check their YouTube Channel out here :

Information for this video is sourced from the ASoIaF novels, HBO’s Game of Thrones, The Lands of Ice and Fire, The World of Ice and Fire, A Wiki of Ice and Fire et al.



  1. I LOVE your channel. Just recently discovered it and I can't express how great I think it is. Sandor is not only my favorite character in Game of Thrones, but honestly my favorite in just about everything. His character is way more complex than most people think at first glance and he is underrrated by far. Hoping he gets more scenes next season! And of course I want him to reunite with Sansa (Arya as well) but…Sansa. <3 Thanks for making vids about him, it's really great to see another avid fan of his! Can't wait to see your new vids.

    – Tracy 🙂

  2. Most of my favourite Sandor moments are the smaller ones. While I love him stepping in to defend Loras, it is his face when Loras raises his hand Rocky-style and the crowd cheers for him that is my favourite part of that scene. He could just stomp away but uses the "I'm no ser" to deflect Loras's thanks – he is thanked so rarely by anyone – and then grudgingly accepts his moment as hero. It may be the only time in all his life that he has been cheered by the crowd. His face seems suddenly child-like, and I am reminded of Frodo's face in the "you bow to no one" scene at the end of Return of the King.
    Another great moment that many may have missed is the look of disgust on his face in the scene where they are seeing Myrcella off to Dorne and Joffrey makes fun of Tommen for crying. Cruelty to little brothers obviously being a hot-button topic for Sandor.
    Then there's the time during the siege when Sansa finds him in her room. He must have chosen her room for a reason. I believe it is because he had decided to leave and as he saw himself as all that stood between Sansa and Joffrey – knowing as he does the "quality" of man the King's Guards seem to be – he decides not to leave until he has given her the chance to come with him. He couldn't save the sister his brother killed before young Sandor could even know her, but there are still many sisters he can save. I think that's why he takes Arya, too. In Polliver and his men we see the kind of fate that might have befallen her had he not been the one to find her, and even though giving her to the Lannister's would almost certainly have paid better than anything her family could muster he doesn't even consider it. Doing it for the money is the lie he's told himself because it is easier to believe you deserve the disdain of others than it is to know that you don't. We see this lie of himself being peeled back throughout his time with Arya until he finally opens up, sees himself and realises his role as her protector, only for it to nearly cost him his life.
    Skimming over his "death" scene which I could go on about for pages and pages, it being one of the most heartbreaking scenes ever committed to screen, we see him offered a second chance and another of my favourite moments comes up: his face during Ray's sermon about it never being too late to change. When even this communion is taken from him, instead of striking out on his own again he seeks new companionship with the Brotherhood, and I don't think it's just because they feed him and have rum. Our little Sandor has finally grown up and realised that no man is an island.
    I really hope we see a reunion between him and Arya because they've both earned it, but it could also be interesting to see his reaction were he to meet Brienne before that, she being entirely Arya-less. He probably hopes in his heart that Arya went with Brienne, because he fears the only alternative is death, and I don't think he'd take too well to the idea that Arya might be gone forever. In fact I'd go so far as to say that if we don't get a hug between Sandor and Arya before the end I'll be just as slaveringly mad as I will if Jaime and Brienne don't get at least a kiss [I mean seriously, I can't watch their scenes without my entire being screaming "KISS HER, YOU FOOL!" all the way down to the molecular level].
    Oh dear, I seem to have essayed again, but one final thought: if, as I said in a post on another Sandor video, he represents the Woodcutter in this story, and if, as is supposed by many, The Night King is a Stark would that make him The Big Bad Wolf?

  3. Sandor is clearly one of the best most interesting characters who ever carried a sword. I can't imagine anyone playing him other than Rory Mccann. I wanted to see Sandor and Brienne partner up until it became obvious that Jamie or Tormund had a better chance with our Beauty.

  4. Awesome ! wake and bake and a new video ! season 4 is my favorite and it's all because of the relationship between Arya and the Hound – they make an awesome duo and he was the best teacher she could have had – I love that when Arya takes his knife and stabs the Lannister guard in the neck, he doesn't tell her it was wrong, or not to, just give him a heads up first – gotta love Sandor !!

  5. Numbers 5 and 2 (entire fight w/Brienne) are my favs of the *entire series*!! The blocking and actor choices during the tourney turned fight is just INCREDIBLE. Gives me chills everytime I see it, the Hound bowing as soon as King Robert's voice is heard, narrowly missing his brother's sword! Then…THEN, the awesome, unmatched, brilliant, breathtaking hand to hand with Brienne with God's gorgeous N Ireland backdrop. Friggin. Awesome.

    Great job, Kyle! Can't wait for more! 😉

  6. OMG love those scenes and absolutely agree about 1st place – it was simply hilarious scene 😀 I really like the whole relationship between Arya & Sandor and just cannot wait to see their reunion (same as Sandor's reunion with Sansa, which also is quite possible to happen, I think and obviously reunion between sisters too xD). IMO, Sandor is very interesting and complex character maybe even one of my fav ones. I really hoped that he survived somehow because in books it was a little unclear and 'hidden between the lines', I'd say :p so I'm very glad that show confirmed it. I don't know but have a feeling that he may play an important role in coming war…

  7. Love Sandor,hes a simple guy,but then he's not. The thing I like most about him is his brutal honesty. Even back in the begining he was always honest with Sansa. Telling her things about life,men like her father ,even joffrey.Things she often didnt want to hear. I think it was to warn her about the future.Then with Arya things just got better, the scene with the chicken is probably my favorite Sandor scene,I could watch it over and over.Oh wait I Sandor is honestly one of the best characters in the books.So glad he didn't die after Breanne.

  8. I had never considered that Sandor was mocking Syrio Forel..I thought he was just pointing out that it is unlikely that Syrio was killed by Meryn Trant. Perhaps it was meant to create doubt as to whether Syrio died. But maybe he was just making fun.

  9. Kyle,

    Could you do a really in-depth talk about the Isle of Faces. Many people have talked about it, but there is so much more that hasn't been speculated about. Like, isn't interesting that Howland Reed show's up at the Harrenhall Tourney, with no plans to take part. Was he sent there to meet and befriend the Starks, no doubt? Remember he went down to shore after he was attacked and met the Starks, and seemed to almost pray to the island?

    The Isle is supposed to be inhabited by the Order of Green (something), who are they now, are they really just part of Howland's
    people? or are there still many children of the forest living there, who will help with the coming battle? Are Howland's people half men and half Children of the Forest? I say yes.

    How come we haven't seen Howland yet in the show and he's talked about in the book, but no major part because that would have given away Jon's parentage far earlier?

    Howland was the one who sent his children to escort Bran north of the wall, they didn't just come to swear fealty to the Starks, they had that already, so did their father know of the mission to help Bran was coming? and if so he must have been in contact with the three eyed raven through the weirwood trees?

    Only 2 people that we know of have been to the Isle, Howland and some Valereaon way back in time. Many others have tried to reach the island, but something, wind, etc. always stops them, how does this happen and why aren't the rest of Westeros as curious about this island as I am??????

    The Others want to kill the children as much as killing the men, maybe even more so, could that be their intended destination after they bring down the wall?????????? They could turn the water to ice and walk out there.

    I have so many more questions and theories, I'd work with you on this if you'd like, or if not maybe you can get together with GrayArea and others to flush out all the mysteries surrounding this island. PPPPlease do it, you do well on your other videos, keep up the good work.

    I sent the same request to Gray Area. Thank you and keep up the good work.


  10. The hardest I've laughed out of the ENTIRE series, is when the Hound is trying to sleep as Arya is calling out her list, and tells her "Would you shut up?"
    She replies "I can't sleep until I've said the names"
    The Hound:
    "What…of every fucking person in Westeros?"

    I completely lose it on that punchline for some reason…his delivery and timing are perfect.


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