Who are the Top 5 SADDEST deaths you’ve seen on Game of Thrones? Kevin breaks down his 5 saddest and why!




  1. ppl will probably think my list is even weirder, but my SADDEST deaths would probably be:

    5-a tie between zarra? (the toddler drogon killed, which led to her having to lock up her dragons, which felt to me like she had lost everything, & i literally cried when the breaker of chains was forced to put chains on her own children)
    …& tied for 5 of course was ned

    4-drogo (i felt like him dying was the moment where i had first felt like dany had lost everything, considering it was before the amazing birth of her dragons)

    3-oberyn (1 of the best characters ever & the only dorne character the show didn't ruin)

    2-shireen (only reason it was #2 is because as horrible as her death was, it validated my belief that stannis was the scum of the earth & i truly believe sacrificing shireen was the only thing that allowed mel to bring jon back–only death pays for life, & killing shireen did absolutely nothing for stannis)

    1-hodor (think we all know why this is #1 on a lot of ppl's lists)

    honorable mentions tho to jon which would have been #1 had i not been 99% sure he'd be back & karsi who was amazing even if she was only in 1 ep, & also to shae, not that i ever liked shae, but it was so sad cuz of how it hurt tyrion

  2. I was really sad about Osha's death. I really liked her and i think she was underrated, loyal and loved the little lords, and i was really sad to see her dead, and even worse, killed by ramsay. but she was a minor character that disappeared for a very long time so i understand that it didn't touch the fans that much

  3. My list:

    1. Shireen
    2. Hodor
    3. Ygritte
    4. The Red Wedding
    5. Wun Wun

    Ned Stark's death somehow wasnt that sad for me, partly bc I knew it was gonna happen and partly bc I thought his character was kind of annoying tbh

  4. It's pretty fair to say that sheeran was better off the way she did. It's terrible the people she trusted were the cause of her death, but more than likely after Stanus gets defeated she would of been taken hostage by Ramsey. Her hypothetical time with Ramsey would probably have been substantially worse.

  5. 1 Shireen 2 Myrcella 3 Hodor 4 Red wedding (especialy the moment where a shocked Robb leans over his dead wife, lost to teh world around him) 5 Drogo for saddest deaths for me. Ygritte honorable mention with the whole lovers torn by death thing. And Ned, for the whole Arya angle of it. Ned's actual death was just more shock then crying type of sad. I miss Ned and Robb more then I miss Myrcella and Shireen and Hodor as characters. But Shireen and Myrcella and Hodor where so sweet innocent and pure their deaths where just cryworthy tragic. Also the scene being a warm father daughter bonding before she dies with Myrcella, and a previously loving father Stannis betraying his daughter for the sake of the realm, where both very very sad to me for different reasons. Poor girls. Oberyn will never be sad to me. Don't get me wrong I love the guy. And I miss the character as much as I miss Ned and Robb. But his death was to gory/brutal for me to be sad. it was just disgusting. That he was dead after, that was indeed sad. but the scene itself was just shock. I was to busy not trying to puke to even have a chance to cry. If you ask my which dead characters do I miss the most, or which character deaths are the worst, the list would look different. But which where the SADDEST? As in crying when they are happening sad? Def Shireen crying out for her father before being burned/Myrcella dying in Jaime's arms/Hodor dying protecting Bran and Meera holding the door/Robb leaning over killedTalisa with desperate Catelyn in the background/Dani having to smother Drogo for merci kill/Jon Holding deceased Ygritte/Arya's dealing with Ned's death (and red wedding as well actualy). And of course anything dire wolf…seriously GOT stop killing dire wolves!

  6. Yep, still not over Ned's death. Grenn and Pyp's death was SO sad. Grenn's death was one of those bittersweet/horrifically beautiful moments, in how they chanted their vows knowing they'd be squished. In comparison to the courage those scared boys in the tunnel showed, Pyp's death made me sad because he was so scared. Got me right in the feels.

  7. Hodor is the saddest death imo. It is the only death that actually made me sob for 30 minutes and actually make me /cry/ because he died.

    Keep in mine this show has only made me actually cry 4 times. Sadness because of Dany with Khal drogo and the baby in season 2 finale, the whole Jorah thing on "the Door" episode (made me cry two times, best episode), the death of Hodor like I said before and the touching stark reunion this season.

    and I cry over everything,

  8. I liked your list! Mine would be a little different. Id have to say,

    1. Ned Stark
    2. Robb Stark
    3. Hodor
    4. Shireen Baratheon
    5. Oberyn Martell

    honorable mention: Jon Snow. Would have been higher but I knew he died from the books, and I was already 99.999999% sure he was coming back.

  9. My Top 5 saddest GoT deaths would be: 1) Ned Stark 2) Hodor 3) Shireen 4) Ygritte 5) Catelyn Stark
    I think I cried for all of them… I'm hoping Sansa, John and Arya are getting their well deserved revenge to the Freys in a "Red Wedding" way this season!!

  10. +TheBattProductions You seem an all-around decent fellow. So please do not take this the wrong way. I am not trolling. I just wanted to point out to some of the commenters here that Shireen's grey scale is loosely based on a disease that exists and is incurable today. I think the point of it is not that she was ugly but that her life was threatened by it. To the extent some viewers want to see it purely as impacting her beauty, that's probably a reaction that deserves to remain in the dark ages.

  11. It's my opinion that Shireen's death actually helped with Jon's resurrection, though who can actually say how all that blood magic/sacrifice actually works… But that explanation makes me feel a little better about the whole thing!

  12. Robb was one of my least favorite characters. He was supposed to be avenging his father but instead he was off messing around with a pretty face which led to his demise. From the beginning I was always rooting for Jon cause everyone was so mean to him.

  13. Ohhh good q ..tv show wise Ned definitely but also Oberyn Martell.. I knew it was coming but it was still so heartbreaking..

    Bookwise I think the saddest death is Catelyn Tully/Stark I mean I loved the show Red Wedding and I'm still miffed she didn't get a nom for that.. But in the book it's a lot more powerful.. It's a tiny detail but in the books when she's pleading for them not to kill Robb she doesn't just say he's my first son.. She goes "he's my first son and my last." Because at this point she firmly believes that Bran/Rickon are dead that Sansa/Arya are lost to her forever.. Robb is all she has at that moment and you see the fight go out of her and how a woman who above everything else was a mother looses everything and I remember bawling when I read it (word vomit I know, I have a lot of Catelyn Tully-Stark feels)

    Re: Ned's death I was so sure someone was gonna save him last minute like nope he dies and its when I knew the series was gonna be different than what I expected

  14. Most people, like myself, were torn up about Robb because he was a babe so I get why you would put Sansa above. I will never get over Ned Stark's death! I was also in tears from Jon's death so I'm surprised you didn't throw him in here. Hodor had me crying as well. Bran made Hodor live a life of him just preparing for him to die

  15. Robb?  Holy hell, he earned his death.  Even Catelyn'sand Grey Wind's death were more sad than Robb's.  If you're a king whose word can't be trusted, you don't deserve to be a king.  While death is arguably a price too high for breaking your word, it was ultimately his fault that Walder and Roose betrayed the Starks and switched sides, which caused the Red Wedding.

  16. I'd change Robb for Tywin Lannister
    Robb was a nice character but his death didnt affect me that much because Catelyn died right after and man I was jumping of hapiness I hate her since day one.
    And I miss Oberryn with all his sexiness.


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