Roman and Ashley sit down and talk about the 5 most ridiculous Game of Thrones fan theories. From mermen to vampires to hair-siblings, these theories make us want the trend to stop.

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  1. I actually think that Euron might be Daario. I don't know if it's correct, but it is possible. There is a time overlapping in the books, which makes it possible for Euron to travel across the narrow sea. And the thing with the cast: The TV series is far off the books anyways, that doesn't mean anything. But the other theories are ridiculous indeed 😀

  2. What i missed is that you don't actually give any other explanaition why this theories aren't true,exept just telling they are a bunch of crap, do your research I mean in a world where Dragons!!, facechanging Assasins and Snow Zombies are a thing the Bolton theory doesn't seemed as far fetched to me.
    Sry for bad grammar

  3. Videos like this are why I keep it to myself that I want Coldhands to be Bittersteel. If you got some red string and some thumb tacks I can talk about the Blackwoods all day. You can't tell me the Blackwoods, Rhoynar, and House Royce and Howland aren't the key to the end.

  4. I've also heard theories about Ramsey being Azor Ahai (mostly based on Mel's vision referring to 'Snow' being interpreted by fans as being the wrong Northern bastard). I've also heard that Robert Strong being the Mountain is a red herring and he's actually the body of Robert Baratheon. Oh and that Hodor is actually baby Aegon who had his head bashed against a wall but wasn't as dead as the guards thought and instead just suffered extensive brain damage. Oh and Robb is Lysa and Littlefinger's son. And Littlefinger caused Robert's Rebellion (never mind that he would've still been a teen at the time). Dragonstone is a giant dragon egg….that's all I can think of off hand. Some of Preston Jacob's theories are pretty hilarious too.
    Oh and what do you think of Jojen paste? Real or not real?

  5. Oh my god… have you heard about the new ANGELA: QUEEN OF HEL #4 Comic? -_-

    There is a place in the Comics where it censored itself but in a Politically correct way… For no reason… Not even breaking the 4th wall or anything…. Marvel + Disney = PC Marvel…

  6. The Meera and Jon thing isn't just based on the fact that they've both got curly hair, it's that they're around the same age, similar physical features and both Ned and Howland were the only ones to leave the TOJ alive so maybe Lyanna had twins. I agree that it's unlikely though. I hadn't heard the Varys is a mermaid one before though! Thanks for a good chuckle 🙂

  7. I like the video but I do have to say none of these are the craziest theories. I have been a member of for awhile now have you ever checked out the theories people post there? Here are some crazier theories.
    1. Icebrandon
    2. Ned stark was married to wylla before Catelyn.
    3. Asoiaf isn't fantasy its science fiction.
    4. The nights king is actually Robert baratheon.
    5. Ramsay is Azor Ahai
    6. Dany isn't dany
    7. Bloodraven is the great other/Rhilor
    8. Robb stark is still alive
    9. Ned stark is still alive
    10. Ned stark and Lyanna stark are Jon's parents

  8. Dude GoT/Asoiaf fans are more ridiculous with these outlandish theories then Star Wars fans. Jar Jar Bink is actually a Sith Lord. The Jedi are actually the evil ones. Rey is Obi-Wan's daughter… I mean wow. There's a lot of GoT & SW fans that read wayyyyy too much into things that aren't there. Prime example is GoT YouTuber Preston Jacobs. That guy makes the weirdest, most outlandish video theory's ever. He made like 4 videos talking ab how the Brave Companions (Vargo Hoars sell sword group) are actually working for Dorne or something insane like that

  9. don't dismiss the Jon Snow, Meera Reed sibling theory just yet.

    Assuming the R+L=J is true, two people lived to know this secret, Eddard Stark and Howland Reed.

    We know Ned went to Dorne to return Arthur Dayne's sword to his family in Starfall.I don't recall any stories of Howland Reed going with him. This could mean they split up. Ned had Jon with him, we know he shared a wet nurse, Wylla with Edric Dayne.

    So where is Howland Reed? Perhaps returning to Greywater Watch in the neck, with Jon's sister Meera that he raises as his own.

    Jojen has green dreams but Meera does not. That itself doesn't necessarily mean they have different parentage, especially as we know while most (if not all) the Starks can Warg, only Bran is a greenseer. Powers are not always inherited by all the children. But if she did have green dreams as well, that would have gone a long way to disprove this theory. So it could be true.

    And lets not forget, the Dragon has three heads: Dany, Jon and… Meera?

    Its not Aegon, he is a Blackfyre pretender.
    It might be Tyrion, but that would give Tyrion many things he wants, chiefly not to by Tywin's son. Also, as a child he dreamed of dragons. Him being a Targaryen is a fantasy of his. I doubt GRRM would be so kind as to let Tyrion live that fantasy.

  10. People seem to be missing the point of this video. Ridiculous theories don't need to be refuted, they refute themselves by being ridiculous. This is just something for us all to laugh and shake our heads at how dumb some of the things people pass off as "theories" are.


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