Game Of Thrones

Actor Christopher Hijazu, who earned worldwide fame playing Torond Gianzben in the team bond series “Game of Thrones”, is “perfectly healthy and in good health” after struggling with Covid 19.

The actor took to Instagram to share the health update, and he and his wife Gry, who he believes were “possibly” even infected, are finally “free from all symptoms”.

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“Hello! We are fully healed and in good health after I became infected by the coronavirus, and maybe my wife @ grymolvaerhivju … after several weeks in quarantine, as well as some symptoms after all the symptoms were free, we were finally safe,” he posted. , An image with his wife.

The actor thinks they were “lucky to have only mild symptoms of COVID-19”.

“We send our love and thoughts to everyone where the virus has been severely persecuted, and to all who lost their loved ones because of the coronavirus. Thanks for all your support, and please be alert and keep distance, wash your hands, and remember the most; Take care of each other during this unique time. Much love from us, “he added.

Last month, he shared that he positively tested the novel coronavirus through a post on his Instagram account.

“Congratulations from Norway! Sorry that I, today, tested positive for COVID-1, the coronavirus. As long as it feels like my family and I are self-contained at home. We are in good health – I only have mild symptoms of colds. There is a greater risk to anyone who may have a devastating diagnosis of this virus, “he said.

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