Season 6, Episode 1.

Trystane Martell gets whacked by Sand Snakes.

Owned by HBO.



  1. Euron became instantly more likable when he slaughtered these two bitches. The Sand Snakes were thoroughly repulsive when they were on screen (and mildly repulsive to think about while off-screen).

  2. This is D and D's idea of what strong female characters are. They fucking suck and are shit writers. GRRM leaving the show after season 3 exposed those cocksuckers as the shitty writers that they are. They fucking think female badass caricature's are strong female characters. Fucking simps.

  3. IF your family walked into the room and told you they were there to kill you…

    Wouldn't you ask fucking why before you just went along with it like "Oh ok….well lets fight"

    Trystane had no idea what was going on yet this scene makes it look like he knew this was coming…>WTF!?!?!?

  4. plotlines like this prove that game of thrones is gruesome not for the sake of being realistic but for the sake of drama and ratings. normal people wouldnt go and kill their lover's entire family just for not wanting to go to war over a single person. normal people wouldnt kill an innocent girl they had befriended just because of blood association to people they hate. the writers didnt make the plot realistic they just tried to think of the most messed up plot they could come up with and go with that even if it makes no sense.


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