Jan Gilbert counts down the mighty Tywin Lannister’s top 10 moments & scenes in Game of Thrones. More Game of Thrones interviews, Season 5 reviews & videos ► Subscribe for more! ►

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Camera & Editor: Ed Yoxall

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Game of Thrones Seasons 1-4 are available on Sky Box Sets from March 1. Season 5 launches on Monday 13 April at 9pm, only on Sky Atlantic. Game of Thrones The Complete Fourth Season 4 is available now on Blu-ray & DVD.



  1. Cmon this is bull shit the best scene is the battle of black water when Tywin defeats stannis and when he comes to the throne room sees cercei and says "the battle is over WE HAVE WON" in my opinion that's the best scene

  2. The undoubtedly best Tywin moments, in my opinion, are:
    – When he melts down Ice to forge Oathkeeper and Widow's Wail, and subsequently burning a wolf pelt, to symbolize his destruction of House Stark. It's like his butchering of the stag, only it's made all the more effective by the destruction already being done. And all the while, House Stark's theme dies out to be gradually replaced by The Rains of Castamere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wt-r-_HFQRs

    – The ending of Blackwater (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeDKroU8P4c). Granted, this scene also belongs to Tyrion, Loras and above all Cersei, but Tywin delivers the perfect finish. After we hear Cersei telling Tommen about how the Lion will one day rule over all the other beasts, after we see Stannis's forces being scattered by a devastating cavalry charge, it all ends with Tywin – covered in blood, sweat and dirt but nevertheless triumphant – marching into the throne room to declare his house's victory. Again, The Rains of Castamere fits in perfectly to hammer in the episode's message: A Lannister always Wins.

    Both of these show Tywin when he's at his best: In his moments of triumph, his enemies vanquished, the legacy of his house secured. He was a vicious tyrant and Westeros will ultimately be better off without him, but there was never a more effective, ruthless and charismatic leader.

  3. Hi Jan, hope you're well and enjoying Series 5. I don't know about you but as good as the current series is, it doesn't quite feel the same without Joffrey or Tywin, especially the latter, since after Joffrey's death, at least Tywin was still around being the badass we all know and love, or hate, or both. I can't come up with a top 10 list I'm afraid, every scene he was in was incredible, interesting and may I say exciting!!! I'm glad Tyrion killed him since he deserved it big time, but the show has definitely lost one of it's best characters. If I may ask, do you think Tywin is truly a villain? Personally, I think he's just doing what he has to do but it's his treatment of Tyrion (and to some extent, Jaime and Cersei and I believe he was the orchestrator of the Red Wedding? Please correct me if I'm wrong) that made him the 'villain' of the show until his death? Maybe that's just me. I'd love to hear your views, thank you for your time to read this, sorry it's so long, I've just had a Game of Thrones geekout!! I love this show, and your videos with interviews etc. Thank you again 🙂

  4. 'DEY HAF MAI SUN!" ;P season 1, now tháts being a boss… you're at war!, n you jsut lost HALF your army and your sond and heir is captive. Your remaining(powerful! lords and bannermen sit at your table squibbling over strategy..
    OUT.. all of you OUT!!…

    i lol'd!

  5. +Flicks And The City My favorite Tywin moment was when he talked to Reginald Lannister at Harrenhal. Tywin made the comment that Robb Stark "is not going to fail… not without our help." then asked "So how do we stop him?"
    Reginald then said "We've worked through the night my lord. Perhaps we'd profit from some sleep." To which Tywin Replied, "And I suppose you would Reginald. And because your my cousin, perhaps I'll allow you to WAKE from that sleep!"

    Talk about intimidation! His counsel all looked like they were about to see Reginald beheaded. Then there's the exchange with Arya. Any thoughts on that scene?


  6. Right, that´s it, I´m subscribing. I´ve never subscribed to any channel on youtube as I kind of don´t see the point, but I´ve been watching your GoT videos for quite a while now and it is time to show some appreciation.
    When interviewing you always ask interesting questions. You obviously are very much into the whole asoiaf universe. The actors always seem relaxed when talking to you simply because you have a very pleasant vibe and enthusiasm about the whole thing. Finally, the way you spoke in this video is something I want to learn one day. The way you stress some words and play with intonation while speaking fluently without any breaks whatsoever.. Well, it´s just something that makes you a joy to watch and listen to, at least from my perspective as a non-native speaker. I could go on and on, but I think you get the point by now.

    So yeah, I´ve been lurking here for some time and I will probably continue lurking silently in the future as well, but I just wanted to show my appreciation for all the work you´re doing at least once. That goes for the whole channel, but honestly, imo, you´re the star of it.

    tl:dr version: you´re amazing – please continue being that way 🙂 (and sorry for all the english-related mistakes I may or may not have made)

  7. My favourite Tywin moment is when he asks Tyrion to "explain to me why it's more noble for ten thousand to be killed on the battlefield than a handful at dinner" when Tyrion expresses the opinion that it was bad form to slaughter the Starks at a wedding dinner. Hard question to answer…

  8. i like when cercei came to him and talk about she was deserved more than his sons and he replied her like the reason wasnt her being a woman but being not smart as she think she is


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