Game of Thrones season 1 recap! Episode 5, THE WOLF AND THE LION gets a full rewatch and analysis. Erik Voss explains Varys’ mysterious master plan, and how it connects to a major change from the books. Why is the scene between Robert and Cersei one of the best of the whole series? What interesting clues are hidden in the scene between Littlefinger and Varys in front of the Iron Throne? How was Tyrion’s story at the Eyrie changed? And what is the subtle connection between Ned and Bran this episode?



SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PATREON SUPPORTERS ( including these beautiful people:
Kelly Hopper
Kenny Smith
Matthew Salvas
Pony Stark
Wilhelmina Ebbeson
David Iaeger
Rose Bellandi
Eric Oliver
Chris Cole
Cole Callin
Chelsea Kerr
Holli Chandler
Ebony Lay
Edward Laau
TJ Smith
Stephen Bratcher
Lori Denning
Alan Fleming
Kristina Armstrong
Mike Kotselec
Peter Choi
Chloe de Sordi
Anatasof Wirapraja
Theodora Hobson

Executive Creative Director: Filup Molina
Executive Producer: Jeben Berg
Post Production Supervisor: Devin Cleary



  1. The conflict was unavoidable. The events were set in motion by Little Finger. If both sides avoided conflict, more schemes would have been hatched to pit the Starks and Lannisters against each other.

  2. It would have bee avoided had Catalyn Stark knew her place and kept her yap shut…her input of incorrect information was the catalyst for the War of the 5 Kings and being away from Winterfell allowed Theon to come and sack it

  3. Sadly, it was avoidable, but that won't matter. The Lannisters and only the Lannisters will pay for their wrongdoings. When does Arya pay for the people she killed, like that serving girl, to get near Walder Frey and his sons? When does Daenerys pay for all the small folk who will likely be victimized by the Dothraki while they're in Westeros? King Robert was right. The Dothraki in Westeros would do what they did in Essos. Their geography changes, not their culture. Yet Daenerys is fine unleashing them to get herself the throne. The same goes for Jon and the WIldlings. Nope. It's only the Lannisters that must watch their house crumble. Sad.

  4. No. Its not avoidable. Jamie pushed Bran from the tower in the first episode. Not sure if Cersei told Littlefinger to blame Tyrion to try to have him killed by the Stark's, and because of that her father would go to war with them. Killing to birds with one stone type thing or if Littlefinger took that opportunity to create chaos so he can climb that ladder???

  5. OR !!! Gendery is not a bastard and the legitimate air , that was smuggled out of the red keep and reported as dead , to keep Robert's children off the throne , and a full blood Lanister on it .

  6. Of course it was avoidable. Starks could have stayed in the north. Cersei would have still killed Robert, resulting in a Lannister on the throne. The war of the 5 kings becomes the war of the 4 kings. Starks, believing Joffery to be a legitimate king, likely join the crown in fighting Renly/Stannis. Varys is happy, as this war weakens the forces of Westeros, thus making a return of the Targaryens easier, either through Dany/Drogo, Aegon/Dorne, or some combination thereof.

    Littlefinger still remains a wildcard. His best play is to control the north by controlling the Eyrie. With Kat still alive, he still has a path toward this. He'll try to arrange a Arryn/Sansa marriage and a Stark/Lannister conflict. That might turn into another red wedding, with Arryn and some Starks dying. Enough to put Sansa at the head of both kingdoms. If he can blame that on the Lannisters, and support that lie with info on old Jon Arryn's poisoning, Cersei's murder of Robert, Joff's illegitimacy… maybe the conflict isn't avoidable…

  7. Well in the books . . . Young Griff never goes with Tyrion in Mereen. Young Griff landed in Westeros. He follows what Tyrion tells him before he goes to that brothel and gets carried off by Jorah. Sorry to be annoying about this.

  8. Perhaps Varys reported on Daenerys's pregnancy in order for Robert Baratheon to order her assassination. No matter how inept the mere attempt, which Varys hinted to Jorah, would incite Khal Drogo to rush his invasion of Westerod

  9. I love your commentaries but can we stop with the 'Robert started a war for Iron Throne bc Lyanna' stuff? If Aerys had behaved like a normal person Robert would have swallowed his pride and watched his betrothed being his queen for a lifetime.

  10. Of course the conflict with the Stark's and the Lannisters was avoidable. Honestly, if Ned would have had an ounce of political savvy he could have avoided his own death and spared his family, friends and the Seven Kingdoms alot of pain.


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