Game of Thrones alums are all over the place, from narrating documentaries to sailing the Atlantic to keeping up with the latest Tik Tok trends.

Game of Thrones is a year gone and its stars have moved off in new directions: some surprising, some not. Let’s check in with ’em.

In the “surprising” column, Jerome Flynn (Bronn) has recently won a prestigious award for narrating the documentary Hogwood: A Modern Horror Story, about cruel conditions at factory farms in the United Kingdom.

Hogwood won an award for Outstanding Filmmaking at the British Documentary Film Festival. Flynn called being part of the film “an honor,” saying he “had to do something” after seeing the conditions in the farms.

Elsewhere, Kristofer Hivju (Tormund) continues to expand his horizons as he joins the cast of Fearless, about Norwegian sailor Ole Brude, who in 1904 crossed the Atlantic ocean in a homemade lifeboat, along with a small crew. Hivju shared some images from filming below:

Everyone loves a man in uniform. And no, those wildling furs were not a uniform.

Fearless is due out in 2021.

Finally, a couple of Game of Thrones show off their face masks, starting with Gemma Whelan (Yara Greyjoy):

“Face pajamas” sounds way cooler than “face masks.”

Finally, Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) may not have a particularly colorful mask, but she does know how to move in one:

As one of the younger cast members, Williams is on top of all the latest social media trends, including duets. Basically, someone posts a video of themselves dancing, singing or performing, and then someone else posts a video that compliments it. Any takers?

Now if we could only get Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister) or Diana Rigg (Olenna Tyrell) in on the trend.

Next: Disney’s Rogue One prequel show gets a new cast member

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