Kristofer Hivju, who played Tormund Giantsbane on Game of Thrones, is hosting a new reality show: Ultimate Viking. Sign up now!
Screw The Bachelor. The reality TV event of the decade is officially Ultimate Viking, a show where Game of Thrones star Kristofer Hivju (Tormund Giantsbane) and his wife Gry Molvær Hivju put contestants through a battery of tests to determine whether they can live the harsh lifestyles of the Vikings, who were among history’s greatest warriors, raiders, mariners and fur vest enthusiasts.
Okay, actually I have no idea if the show will be any good, but it sounds fun, doesn’t it?
Contestants will be divided into “clans” that will live in real Viking settlements like those that existed one thousand years ago, complete with period-accurate clothing and food. They will learn to use Viking axes and swords, learn how to forage and fish, and sail authentic Viking ships. And of course, the clans will compete against each other in challenges drawn from based on real history, all of it shepherded along by the world’s leading Viking historians.
Hivju may have not played an actual Viking on Game of Thrones, but a wildling is close enough. The show will air on the Smithsonian Channel, so you know it’s classy. There’s no premiere date yet, but expect it sometime in 2021. Production is underway right now, with filming set to take place in both the U.K. and Norway.
Have what it takes? Apply here.
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h/t SyFy Wire