Actor Dan Hildebrand has a career stretching back to the 1980s. He’s appeared in shows like LostDeadwood and Sons of Anarchy, but Game of Thrones fans will always remember him as Kraznys mo Nakloz, the Astaporian slave trader who bought a dragon off Daenerys Targaryen in exchange for his Unsullied army, only for Dany to turn around and use that same army against him, and torching him to a crisp for good measure.

Good stuff.

In any case, Hildebrand made the news recently when he was ordered to pay $74,961.79 in restitution for “faulty work he and his hand-picked associates attempted to undertake in 2018 for two Willits area homeowners.” According to Redheaded Blackbelt, which covers news in the area of Northern California where Hildebrand was hauled into court, this order was given after the “longest criminal restitution hearing” in the history of Mendocino County. Look at you making history, Kraznys.

The court goes all Daenerys Targaryen on Dan Hildebrand

Apparently, when he’s not acting, Hildebrand works as a contractor…or at least he claims to, which is part of the problem. Back in August of 2018, Hildebrand was found to be “without a required state contractor’s license, unlawfully advertising as a contractor without a required state contractor’s license, unlawfully charging an excessive down payment for contracting work, and unlawfully failing to carry workers compensation insurance.” He admitted to some of these charges and got a stay of judgement, on the condition that he would pay restitution to the homeowners affected. He didn’t, hence the new order.

What is there to say but, “Shame, shame, shame”? Also, if you’re interested, here’s Hildebrand’s acting reel he posted back in 2009, before Game of Thrones.

Lotta accent work in there. Maybe Hildebrand can make some of the restitution money from going on Cameo and reenacting his Kraznys mo Nakloz act? Just spitballing ideas here.

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