King Robert, Ser Barristan Selmy and Ser Jaime Lannister sharing war stories. One of my favorite scenes in the show.

All rights to this clip belong to HBO.



  1. Are we going to ignore the fact that Robert Baratheon singlehandedly predicted Season 7 Episode 4 where Jaimie fights off the Dothraki and Daenerys with Drogon? Some Tarly boy (Dickon Tarly), ending the rebellion with one swing of his sword (Jaimie but with a spear), and men sh*tting themselves when they die (Bronn tells Dickon this). He also said only a fool would face the Dothraki in an open field. Also, I freakin miss Robert Baratheon. Mark Addy made that character same way as Sean Bean with Eddard Stark. I just pray that the Robert's Rebellion prequel will capture these characters in the entirety with some good casting for young Robert which they already have a pretty good young Eddard.

  2. Burn them all, he said. I don't think he expected to die. He meant to burn with the rest of us, and rise again. Reborn as a dragon and turn his enemies to ash. I slit his throat to make sure that didn't happen

  3. Ser Jaime is an honorable man. He was a squire to Ser Barristan Selmy and his hero and idol was Ser Arthur Dayne. He always wanted to be like them. and season 8 is his chance to redeem himself, by going up North and joining the war against the undead.

  4. So, people shit themselves when they die. Mothers shit themselves when giving birth. I'm sure some wise man with white hair and skinny arms will come up with some deep philosophical relation between the passage of life and the passage of shit. While squatting over a chamber pot of course.

  5. There's a war coming Ned"
    "There's a boar coming Robert"
    "There's an axe coming Jamie"
    "There's a wedding coming Robb"

    "There's a walk coming Cersei"
    "There's some wine coming Joffery"
    "There's a blade coming Jory"
    "There's a prick called Olly coming Jon"

    ok im sorry society

  6. Everything could have been so easy:
    "Kingslayer we are telling warstories"
    "Lancel fetch me some more drink"
    "Sir Jamie, Sir Barreston, are there enemies at the gates? No? Fine. Today we get shitfaced."
    "Barreston pull the stick out your ass, Jamie I am sorry for calling you kingslayer, let's forget I am the king for 5 minutes and work toward a common goal.

  7. A lot of people fail to realize that this is the first time Jamie hinted why he killed him, because he was going to burn them all. Maybe Robert realized Jamie heard things that made him do it. Judging by his reaction at least.

  8. Robert speaks, and at no moment of the scene, Barristan and later Jamie, cares with what he says.
    If there was any respect for him, there is none on the scene, and it is easy to see by his expressions in the dialogue …. just a drunken king talking to his guards, clearly upset by the conversation.
    The only relationship of respect in the scene, is between Barristan and Jamie, mutually.
    And Jamie at no time shows fear or respect for Robert, on the contrary, oscillates between ironic and sarcastic, and the only moment that any uncomfortable is noted in his face, is when Robert talks about the Mad King …
    And he returns the annoyance to Robert with the "Burn then all" …
    Literally Jamie gives a shit about Robert


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