Kristen Snyder talks Game of Thrones fan theories and the best and worst strategies used in the previous 7 seasons with guest Jeremy Dann.

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  1. If anyone has ever read the leaked Scripts honestly I could see everything in the final season happening exactly the way it's written except for three Moments: 1. before tourmund & the free folk go out to battle the white walkers he steals a kiss from Brianne before leaving the gate
    2. that Jamie and bran have a conversation of some kind where Jamie acknowledges his part in starting this whole thing by pushing bran out of the window and seeking some form of forgiveness from him especially after he gets over the initial shock of finding out that bran is actually still alive which a lot of people don't realize that I don't think he even knows that bran never died after he fell.
    3. last but not least I want there to be scene or a moment where Jamie realizes that in order to truly be free from thinking of or wanting his sister he has to put an end her and her Madness but before he tries to kill her when he enters the throne room he'll see along with the Hound finishing sir Gregor that he also sees Arya Stark finishing off his sister at the end of her blade taking the choice out of his hands much the same as he took the choice out of her father Ned Stark's hands of executing the Mad King. That would be a fantastic irony.

  2. Bran already can fly, he does so Everytime he worgs the crow flock…the Night King seems able to use greenseer abilities. Notice, the White Walkers have exactly 3, Dragon sized, icy, throwing spears, in the "Beyond the Wall" episode. 1 For each dragon. He knew that Dani was coming.

  3. RE: "Prince who was Promised" Lyanna made Ned promise not to tell anyone Aegon's real name to protect him. Danny promised to fight for "Jon Snow", soon-to-be promised in marriage.
    The Night King is a Stark, not Bran.

  4. It's a tad bit ridiculous how she reacts to his theory that Jon & Dany's baby might be the prince who was promised… like she's never heard the theory until it came out of his mouth… like he's the first person who has thought this could be a possibility. Like it's some crazy complicated complex thing that only the smartest among us could have thought up. Geesh….

  5. The prince that was promised is said to lead the fight against the long night. Jon Snow will do this as he will led the fight against the army of the dead, not his future child. He's the song of ice and fire and the prince that was promised

  6. i think arya indirectly saved the realm alot of time and effort and just pain in the assery by killing the freys, effectively that is whoever edmure tully wants to give that land to's land. if we ever see edmure again he would be the one to freely give passage to all the forces going to aid in the war against the dead and once they defeat them the freys land are open to be used to pass between the north and south instead of bargaining with ANY frey they just have to deal with edmure tully or whomever he gives that land to. because it rightfully belongs to the tullys(edmure his son if he has it like the books, or someone from catelyns line or lysa's line i believe.

  7. please don't bow to the morons and their brain dead ideas like Bran being the Night King … please stop with the horseshit

    then – stop with the Jamie killing Cersei … remember – THAT PART OF THE PROPHECY WAS NEVER IN THE SHOW … probably NOT going to be Jamie in the show


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