What if baby Jon Snow leaves the Tower of Joy born with silver, Targaryen hair? What would change in the story? Would anyone notice? Find out how Westeros would change!

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  1. Read the books as well as watched to TV version and beg to disagree with your theories. Ned choose dishonor by saying that Jon was his bastard…that betray Jon and his sister wish for him to raise him up… WTF do you get the idea that Jon could have been raised by the Reid??? It is GGRM's books Maybe you ought to write your own instead to defacing what is nothing short than a fantastic series of Books!

  2. Jon doesn't save the wolf pups then bran is killed… joefrey isn't attacked by nymeria, the butchers boy isn't rode down, ayra doesn't go missing, joefrey still has his sword and isn't savaged, Sansa Isnt mad at ayra for nymeria attacking joefrey, Samwell is killed at the wall, osha isn't captured, rickon is held hostage by theon in winterfell and never escapes, rickon is held by Ramsey earlier where Ramsey originally keeps him around for leverage over the north but ends up killing him, the reeds and Jon stay in the neck the whole time the wights at the heart tree arnt discovered by ghost or recovered by Jon and don't make it past the wall, the great ranging never happens, nights watch stays intact, coran half hand and his men don't die, geor mormont Dosent die, there is never a mutiny at crasters, who is still alive with Gilly, her son is given to the white walkers whom don't lose one to Sam, geor mormont and coran half hand successfuly hold off wildling attack on the wall until Stanis arrives, wildlings are slaughtered, hardholm is entirely wiped out wun wun included, Sansa flees with Brianne to the wall they and stanis's remnants flee across the narrow sea, no battle of the bastards, Danny doesn't lose her dragon, ayra kills cerci, euron trys to murder Jamie but he survives and is now king, Littlefinger lives and adds mistrust between varys and Danny, without Jon to make her chill and Littlefinger pulling some strings Danny begins not listening to tyrion and varys, she grows more reckless and mad every day, she executes varys there is no attack on casterly rock, Jamie's army with the reachers arrives with the gold at kings landing, euron is at black water bay trying to take the city, he doesn't fall for the wild fire trick Jamie employes trying to recreate tyrions plan, Danny burns the iron fleet as a demonstration of her power, Jamie convinces tyrion that Danny is just another mad monarch and needs to be stopped, Littlefinger helps them assassinate Danny at a meeting for Jamie's surrender, Danny is confident her dragons will protect her but they are shot down by scorpions above the city, a huge battle ensues as dothraki and unsullied invade the city against lannister, reacher and the knights of the vale. the unsullied hit the walls and breach the city opening the way for the dothraki who are rained down upon before reaching the walls. the unsullied push into the city but the defenders attack from all angles and above. the unsullied suffer heavy casualties In the tight streets and urban environment, in some cases wild fire is used against them to great effect. the dothraki push through the streets over running positions burning and pillaging as they go but they are cornered in the streets and forced to dismount a brutal scrap ensues all throughout the city and fire with it. reahgal and visarion were shot down early in the battle but drogon remained on a rampage and attacks the red keep where he is narrowly hit by a bolt and crashes into the red keep due to Jamie taking over a scorpion. Jamie then looks out over the battlements looking on in horror as the city is set ablaze in anger he tracks down a wounded drogon barley able to move and slays him in the rubble of the throne room. time passes and Jamie and tyrion are surveying the devastation of the ruined city. it was a phyrric victory they question them selves as to if it was all for the best. At the wall a horn is blown not that of a ranger but of destruction the wall is gripped In an earthquake and collapseses into the tundra a lone figure summits the large debris it's the nights king. he's here kick ass fuck bitches and that ice cold mother fucker is all out of fucks to give. To be continued……

  3. The silver hair is a defect from incest. George Martin wrote a story where a Targaryen and an outsider had a dark haired child as this helped strengthen the gene pool. Lyanna and Rhaegar would not have a defected child due to incest. I’m glad Rhaegar went outside his own family to have children…helps avoid the madness as well.

  4. The daynes love ned and are also known for silver hair he could leave john with them… Problem solved immediately.. Also ned couldve just let the ashara rumor be believed and still problem solved hes half dayne its not that hard and he can still be raised in winterfell under roberts nose no ones the wiser

  5. I think you're right: Reeds foster Jon (with all the ripple effect changes for him) is the likeliest scenario, and in that case Ned can even still see him sometimes.  Glad to see a new video, but your well-being is ALWAYS most important!

    However, I should point out that the only way the Daynes have any Valyrian ancestry is if one of Daenerys and Maron's descendants married into House Dayne (which is perfectly possible).  They themselves are going to be mostly First Men and Rhoynish (probably descended from Nymeria herself!).  The ash-blond Edric is the only Dayne explicitly said to be blond, and that could just as easily come from his mother.  So, I'm just skeptical that people would – in this instance – so readily believe that Ashara was the mother.  As we know, one of the ironic reasons why there are so many questions in-story as to who Jon's mother is is that he looks so Stark.

  6. what if stannis died at the siege at storm's end during the rebellion?
    what if reek cuts ramsay's throat with the shaving blade?
    what if the fat kid captured arya in season 1?
    what if rickard karstark killed jamie before catelin set him free?
    what if the white walkers and dragons didn't come back to life?


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