What if Ned Stark refused to be Robert Baratheon’s Hand of King? What would change in the story? Would anyone notice? Find out how Westeros would change!

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  1. Great what if vid! Lots of major changes.

    An equally difficult one is "What if Bran had never climbed the tower (that day) and thus never got flung out the window?" Too many changes for me to wrap my head around but if anyone can theorize on this it's you.

  2. Hey Battproductions I think your videos are brilliant. And I would like to share a theory with you that i came up with. It's called the fat king theory. And it's on my channel. It's a short video and if you like the theory it would be wonderful if you could do a video on it.

  3. I’ve been rewatching game of thrones and in S1 at the tourney of the hand when the hound and the mountain have their brief fight when Robert calls for them to stop the mountain takes another swing at the hound and he hound is nearly decapitated. So what if the hound dies then.

  4. Okay just a couple things. Stannis already knows that Robert’s kids are bastards. Renly probably knows too… the majority of the small council aside from Robert and barriston all know. If Robert picked either of his brothers there would still be a war. Stannis would start the same war of succession but with more supporters and the younger would’ve tried to get Robert to set Cersei aside for the Tyrells sparking a war between the two richest houses. Now if Robert picked Jamie… let’s face it he might pick Tywin but he wouldn’t pick Jamie. And Jamie wouldn’t want it in the first place. Tywin would’ve got shit settled pretty fast. Cersei would be quelled, little finger would return to the shadows and the realm would be safe. The Martels would try to help Danny and the blackfyre pretender but really if you want a sure way to keep the seven kingdoms under the Baratheon rule you would pick Tywin and go hunting as much as you like. Robert messed up.


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