Have you thought about what would have happened if Robb Stark wasn’t the King in the North? What would’ve happened in Westeros if he rejected the title or it never came up? FIND OUT NOW!




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  1. Tyrells strength wasn't that they were a big army. It was that the Tarlys and their banner men were a big and strong army. The reach provided them with more than enough food, water and wine. So, Tyrells wouldn't make a difference IF Stannis could sway Randal. Robb would have to have kept his oath to Walder though. No way he would survived much longer.

  2. Interesting theory, but Dany is dead…Like super dead. Vary and Tyrion are pretty much the only thing keeping her alive. PRetty sure Jon wouldn't meet with Dany either just cause in this timeline Jon is just Lord Commander, not king. He won't be leaving the wall. If you don't mind I'd love to give a spin on it. BTW you look like Renly and Robert had a bastard child. King in the Youtube.

    If Robb Stark treats with Stannis and Bends the knee I think it would go like this:

    Renly realizes that he's outnumbered. He's cocky, but not dumb. Plus Robb could be seen as a voice of reason where Catelyn can't because of her Gender. Robb convinces Renly to work with Stannis.

    Renly and Stannis fight the Lannisters head-on while Robb stark deals with the Riverlands and the West. In This world, Robb doesn't need ships to fight cause Stannis has them, so Theon never goes to the Iron Islands, which means Winterfell stands and Bran and Rickon never leave. In turn, that means Cat never lets Jaime go out of grief and desperation.

    Littlefinger would convince Lysa to side with the Starks. He loves Cat and before the Starks were the promising underdog, but now siding with the Lannisters is a doomed pick. Remeber Littlefinger set up the whole Tyrell/Lannister deal, but if Renly is alive and well then the Tyrells won't hop ship. So to impress the woman he loves (Stalks) he would convince Lysa to make the Vale fight for Robb and Stannis.

    Robb sends Karstark to the west to fuck shit up for Tywin, which he would love since he hates Lannisters. So Robb keeps the Karstarks. The Boltons don't stab him in the back (heart) since Robb is still Strong at this point and The Freys…

    The Freys would still more than likely try to extort Robb like they did in canon, but at this point, Robb is working with the Tyrells, Baratheon brothers, and the Vale, I'm pretty sure Robb will just give them the option of letting them pass or die. Walder not wanting to die, lets them pass.

    Twywin and the Moutain are dead. Robb was crushing them in canon and if he can only focus on them, it's only a matter of time till they lose. Deff with the help of the Vale and Tyrells. So with the Moutain dead and Tywin, I'm pretty sure Dorne would be happy as hell and put their hand in line to help finish off the Lannisters. Maybe, maybe not, its up in the air, but Dorne wans Lannisters dead.

    Now Arya is back, no doubt about it. The Brotherhood without Banners or the Hound brings her back. Either or. Littlefinger will more than likely use his connections to help smuggle Sansa out of the city, remember she was a pawn at first, but if it looks like Stannis and Robb will win than he'll do whatever it takes to make himself look like a friend and keep his head.

    So Starks together and alive, Baratheons together, King's Landing falls, and hard. Lannisters dead, Varys dead. Jaime is more than likely killed. Stannis hates oathbreakers.

    At this point, Stannis has the throne. The North is intact since Theon never needed to go to the Iron Islands, Balon Greyjoy might try something, but he'd lose easily. So if Renly is alive as hand and as heir to the throne till Stannis has a son. Stannis will more than likely now that he is King, start cleaning house of all traitors and people he can't trust.

    Varys, again, dead.
    Littlefinger will be executed. Lysa is unstable and sooner or later start tripping over his love of Cat and out him like she did in canon by accident.

    The Freys, dead. They're too shifty, and either Robb will end up destroying them for extorting him or Stannis will.
    Boltons, dead. Ramsey and Roose are like the devil in plain sight, so pretty sure eventually Stannis and Robb will wake up to that.
    Dorne will more than likely join, for lack of a better option for survival since Stannis believes in "join me or be destroyed by my duty".

    Now on to Dany…She's dead. Like super dead. She only made it so far from luck, her dragons, Ser Friendzone, Varys, and Tyrion. Balon either dead or bent the knee. if Euron Greyjoy is in charge than he's deff dead. He'll do something dumb killed. If Yara/Ashara is in charge than I see her bending the knee too. So no ships for Dany, so her army can't get to Westeros…if she has in army since again, she's more than likely dead without Varys, Ser Friendzone, and Tyrion.

    Now, you're right about the Wall, it's more than likely still the same. Robb and Stannis will send troops to the wall to deal with the Free Folk, and deal with the White Walkers.

    Now whatever happens here is…up in the air, but I see the realm winning if their together.

    Anyway love the chanel, dude! Nice beard

  3. If say does still come to Westeros wouldn't the same people who backed her before (Tyrells and Martells) also jump to her side? The Martells are Targaryen loyalists and hate Stannis so they could be a sure thing. Plus knowing Stannis he might confiscate Casterly Rock from the Lannisters but I doubt the Martells would be happy about that since Myrcella is the heir. As for the Tyrells well I'm sure they are going to have some serious sour grapes about Stannis ruining their chances of seizing the Iron Throne. Perhaps when Dany arrives they will see another shot at retaking it by offering Loras's hand in marriage. That would cause Stannis a lot of problems.

  4. Why would Theon have left Robb's side? Theon was there when Robb was declared KitN, but in this scenario they don't need Ironborn ships cause Stannis has a fleet of his own. Surely Theon would stay with and fight beside Robb. Then Balon and Yara are overthrown by Robb and Stannis, and Theon is installed as Lord with them both dead? (Why do all your scenarios end with Theon's storyline the same? Why can't he sometimes not betray Robb?) Interesting take on the rest of the war tho.

  5. Wouldn't Sansa likely be killed by Illyn Payne just as Cersei had intended? I mean if the battle goes really poorly than before thanks to Robb's intervention then surely Cersei might consider killing herself and all the ladies cooped up with her early?

  6. I have two what ifs. What if Tywin got Lysa and young Robert Aryn to the Rock under his wing? Also What if in season 6 episode 10, Arya killed all the Frey men along with Jamei and Bron and send his head to Cersei with a note that says ""Winter is coming" also she cut off all the head of Frey men and put them on spike all around the Twins?

  7. Personally, I was a huge Robb fan. It killed me when he was betrayed, because if he wasn't the odds of him winning the war were relatively high. Good video.

  8. Another thing that I think would happen in this scenario, assuming they both sirvive, a wedding between Shareen and Rickon, not sure about the spelling on either of those names. I think this because Stanis would want his daughter and only heir to merry into the family of his most powerful bannerman. Besides, it would accomplish one of the goals of Robert, Stanis' older brother, making House Stark and House Barathion one, again not sure on spelling for some of that.

  9. Yay Kev another awesome video!!! What if Arya or Joffrey seriously hurt one another during there disagreement on the Trident? Also who’s your favorite Funko Pop Game of Thrones character? Just started collecting them.

  10. Great video. I wonder if Roose Bolton and Walder Frey would still betray Robb Stark and the Northmen in this scenario? I mean, Tywin would definitely still try to get Roose and Walder to betray Robb and neutralize the North which would give him more time to deal with Stannis. And i think Dorne would side with Stannis and Robb because they despise the Lannisters so there's that. The Lannisters are really fucked in this scenario but what if Littlefinger decides to side with the Lannisters, he could easily manipulate Lysa and convince her to send the Vale army to help the Lannisters… so much possibilities. Keep these vids coming, they are awesome ( I still don't like how you shit on Greatjon Umber LOL )

  11. why would Theon die?
    He left for the Iron Islands because King Robb needed more troops, in this scenario Robb would have been much less desperate for troops as he would no longer be fighting without allies.

    there is a good chance Theon would have stayed by Robb's side


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