Wait a minute… (Picture: HBO)

After coffee cup-gate, Game of Thrones fans are starting to readily recall more instances of when the show suffered blink-and-you’ll-miss-it on-screen blunders.

And here’s another potential production oversight that eagle-eyed GoT viewers picked up on in last week’s episode The Last of the Starks: where on Westeros has all the water around King’s Landing gone?

Geography-inclined fans on Reddit initially made the observation about the capital city, which, in previous seasons, used to spread out into the ocean from its picturesque coastal location and be surrounded by mountains.

We see the sea (Picture: HBO)

But, in the latest episode, King’s Landing now looks like it’s situated in the middle of a dry, dry desert-like wasteland.

‘WTH? King’s Landing is landlocked now,’ one fan wrote in confusion, while another succinctly added: ‘What the shit?’

Yeah, we agree.

Everyone looks remarkably dry here (Picture: HBO)

Unlike a certain non-Starbucks coffee cup, though, surely this choice of setting was an intentional decision from producers.

Does that suggest, then, that there’s a deeper explanation for why this particular entry to King’s Landing was no longer a bit wet when Daenerys and her army turned up to take on Cersei Lannister’s forces?

Well, maybe. Or maybe HBO have just been playing us all for fools.

Here’s one possible explanation, though: seasonal changes.

‘The sea recedes during winter, like a super long lasting low tide,’ one fan on Reddit hypothesised. ‘This is one of the areas where the bay has receded, leaving [a] barren area leading up to a city wall.’

Or could Cersei have actually moved her stronghold to somewhere like Dorne, throwing off viewers entirely?

Surely all will become clear about the apparent sudden drought of King’s Landing in the remaining episodes – and if not, you best believe that GoT fans are going to remain seriously puzzled.

Game Of Thrones continues Sundays on HBO and Sky Atlantic.

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