Ever want a Top 5 list of reasons why Cersei Lannister is a complete idiot in Game of Thrones? Well look no further! Here are the 5 worst tactical decisions she has made!

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  1. Y'all wait, folks. EVERYONE seems to be missing this, but Cersei is making the RIGHT move by not joining by the war.
    Brave reader, prepare yourself to feel uncomfortable. Picture the TRUE heroine of our complex tale, Cersei, if we were to transplant her position w/the position of America on staying out of "European Wars", as Europe's best & brightest -whole generations of Great Britain's best educated minds, then all the REST of Britain's educated minds, then most off the REST of her minds, as well, were all extinguished. Great Britain stalwartly held the wall between the rest of the world and facist, Nazi Germany for a LONG, time. America stayed out of it, mostly.
    Well, when America did arrive, she arrived as truckloads of fully equipped, newly trained, saviors, (especially in our OWN retelling of it,) fresh &raring to go finish off the remains of the Nazi military complex – ALL of Europe, in fact – was already pretty worn down by the time AMERICA even SHOWED UP. This left America, because of her isolationist policies, essentially free to go forth and WIN the 20th century.
    How will pacifist GRRM view Cersei's decision? I believe he won't end the tale by saying that "justified" wars end WELL for their participants. I think he'll put Cersei ahead of the game for staying out of it.

  2. The stupidest thing Cersei did was sleep with her brother and have kids with him and pass them up as Robberts and had to kill people to protect her children and deceive her father to wage wars over a lie. Everything happened because of Cersei's secret.

  3. Cersei is stupid and mean but firing Baristen wasn't one. There is no way to know thing you can't know. Her judgement was that he was old and it was his job to protect the King Robbert but failed. Cercei was trying to get Jofrey the best protection she could and has no confidence in Baristen. Anyone would do what she did. The only stupidity in the dismisal was that Cersei humiliated him in the process. Also when he drew his sword, I expected him to be killed but they let him go which proved to be a mistake because he turned a traitor.

  4. Dude I have to agree with you, she is dumb at Fuck, she suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder. She doesn't even love her children she actually see them as extension of herself. She thinks she loves her children but she actually doesn't LOL

  5. Cersei is stupid. But D&D are trying really hard to sell her as a genius (post season 5) cause they love Lena Headey. So, obviously she had to last till the end.
    In the books she thinks she is smart, but she is stupid and paranoid, which makes for a great read tbh. In the show they made her for real, into what Cersei believes she is in the books. Remember though, this started only post season 5, when there where no more books. In season 7, they went as far as to transform her into a Tywin 2.0 type of character. A mix of Tywin and the Mad King, if you ask me.
    I love Hedaey and I think she has done a wonderful job as Cersei. But Cersei has outlasted her story and it has become a tiresome character, at least in my book.

    I didn't care a bit about the storyline in the KL in season 7, and I don't care whether she lives or die anymore. All I care in season 8 is the battle between the North&Dany vs WW, and the closure of my favorite character's story arc.

  6. Well, even in the books I don't think Cersei planned to get Robert killed in that boar hunt, as a 100% thing. More in a : ohhh, let's try and make sure it happens, without anyone suspecting a thing.

  7. Wait…Lansel "confessed" he "did the thing" with the Kings wine on that hunting trip, in the same breath that he "confessed" his sins with her…
    I believe it was season five episode one…to which Cersei replied something along the lines of…"I don't know what you're talking about."..

  8. She’s “Reactionary” but not stupid. Your pussy ass would still be in the Black Cells. That bitch yelled checkmate and destroyed all her enemies she has Lady Balls of steel and pure will to take her destiny in her own hands.


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