Game of Thrones infamous antagonist Knight king met his fate in a sudden stab and vanished. He was the mightiest villain of the series until his death but remained a mystery.

Night king’s character is not adequately disclosed in the series; he has so many secrets hidden behind his motives. But Why Makers didn’t reveal a single one yet, its end of the series now and there is no chance of it. Actually, they are bringing a prequel of Game of Thrones to reveal more about the character.


Silent But Violent Nature

But besides his magical powers, do you ever think about why he is so silent? And didn’t utter a single word in the whole drama. His this type of nature making him more impressive as he only talks with his killer antics in the show.

Children of forest Creation

Makers have a specific theory about the White Walkers that the first one created by the children of forest to develop much nuisance. The only aim to create him is to terminate all threats coming out his way, and he was created as a weapon to kill the men when children of forest losing the war with them. He has only one aim to kill the people, and other functions are disabled, such as making contact with somebody, and there is no function rather than killing humans.

Mystical Powers

The most astonishing thing about the creature is that he can revive people from death and made them their slaves. He had an army which is called the Army of Dead, which comprises people who were died and wandering for their prime objectives.

An Ultimate Warrior

Despite his mythical antics, he still a better warrior who mercilessly killed his enemies in one quick shot. He killed mighty Viserion with a spear and made him his companion for providing further damage and to breached the wall in quick seconds.


Prequel of Game of Thrones

House of dragons is confirmed as the prequel of popular HBO series Game of Thrones. This will feature the past incidents that happened in Westeros and in Seven Kingdoms.

Script Demand

It is awkward, but it seems legit that show makers never wanted him to speak, even a single dialogue. So this is why its nature is preferred as a silent predator who only aims to kill his enemies.

Night King, Center of Attention

Makers didn’t give a clue about Night King in Game of Thrones because they want to focus on the character individually. Now, as the house of dragons is confirmed, it could feature the life of Night king, so now viewers will get to know more about Night King. Only his origin was disclosed in the Game of Thrones as Children of Forest created him, but now we will see the picture more clear and precise. But it could be a significant doubt after Naomi Watts’s controversial Bloodmoon is out of the box now. So Night King will still remain a history for some time if they haven’t any plans for him.

So we were criticizing the makers after his death as many plotholes were made after his termination. But now fans will get to know about the tiny details of the character — his silent nature, his motives, and of course, the mysterious pattern of the white walkers.




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