Check out my new video! Why Jon Snow will Win the Game of Thrones –

With the release of this week’s episode “Oathbreaker,” we have gained valuable insight into the extent of the Three Eyed Raven’s powers and what he is capable of. The episode also hinted at the dark truth of the Three Eyed Raven’s past and why he is willing to lie to Bran Stark in order to protect him.

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  1. Saying "the past is already written" isn't a lie. Because you're making the assumption that the FUTURE isn't already written as well. When Bran gets Hodor to hold the door, he realizes he was meant to make all the mistakes he did. Before he was ever born.
    Of course, realizing the future is also written freezes us out of free will. So we can't deal with that suggestion.
    See what I did there?

  2. The point you are missing, and this is EXACTLY what Bran is missing too, is that he will and has already done these things.  The rabbit hole for Bran will be MUCH deeper, in the last season!!!  The ink is dry!

  3. I think this scene is just a bad adaptation from the book. In the book, bran sees through the weirwoodtree his father kneeling in in front of the tree (It was Eddards last visit to the weirwood before he left for Kings Landing as Kings Hand). Bran said or shouted something at him to which Eddard subsequently slightly reacted but quickly dismissed the thought of somebody calling to him and leaving the weirwood. Somewhere in the books it is written that you can actually hear these trees talking to you.

  4. Don't know about the show…but there is not a single reference of a 'Three eyed Raven' in ANY of the books in the series. Only the 'three eyed crow'. Please don't reference the books when talking about the show!

  5. His theory sounds absolutely right considering Hodor's death scene. Remember how Bran travelling in the past is the whole reason for the word Hodor? And how young Hodor went crazy? That could have happened to the Mad King

  6. When Bran shouted out "Father" to young Ned Stark, Ned heard it as a sign or an idea, later on telling everyone that he was Jon Snow's "Father" or Jon Snow was his "bastard son" so people wouldnt know who Jon really is (Aegon Targaryan)

  7. i dont think Bran can change the pass, what he did is to complete the loop of what suppose to happen. Hodor for example, he already go insane and lost his talk in the past due to Bran action. So every critical moment of event that already happen in the past might be cause the Bran power but when he start using it in the future.

  8. Azor Ahai is Jon snow and Daenery's child…Daenerys gets pregnant by jon before bran gets to tell him he himself is a targaryen and they have a child which ends up being turned into the first white walker by the children of the forest and who becomes what we know as the knight king….. that child is the prince that was promised considering the fact that dany is the true queen and john is the true king…. Master aemon knew who jon was since the day he met him.. thats why he always spoke to jon with references… there was one episode when he said to jon "Tell me, did you ever wonder why the men of the Night's Watch take no wives and father no children?
    So they will not love. Love is the death of duty. If the day should ever come when your lord father was forced to choose between honor on the one hand and those he loves on the other, what would he do?" This was a reference to the day Jon was born and Ned's sister told him to protect him and take him as his own… then there was another where jon came to him for advice and after they spoke he said to him "kill the boy jon snow".. that boy he speaks of is Jon and Daenerys's child… bran's job is to prevent them from being attracted to each other by telling them the truth of jon's true parents but he is always late because he is always wondering around in the past……… thats why the previous 3 eyed raven always told him that it isn't good to go back in time for too long because he might get stuck… in the ravens own words “It is beautiful beneath the sea, stay too long and you drown.”… what he was trying to tell him is that if he worries more about the past he's going to be too late to be able to fix the future… remember how the 3 eyed raven also told bran that he has waited for him 1,000 years ? Thats the exact same time that Azor Ahai is supposed to be reincarnated so that the prophecy could become true… Bran is the same 3 eyed raven he met that day in forever winter thats why we never see him walking not even to save his own life when the knight king approached him in the cave.. the only times he walks is when he's time traveling just like bran does.. Bran just doesn't know it because he didn't know of his abilities but his older self does and before he died he tried to warn him not to get stuck in the past for too long or the same things will be happening……………

  9. motherf**ker ! at 0:58 is exactly the noise my computer makes when it's "acting up", it serves as a warning for me to force shut down the computer. Why did you need that sound added there ? I can't be the only one who's annoyed by that…


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