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Game of Thrones – The Prince That Was Promised Theory!

Beau Oliver discusses the Prince that was theory and how the one man in Westeros who knew the prophecy has been dead for 17 years.










  1. I like your ideas and analysis. Im with you on the anti-war and truce pact resolution, but I think you have Jon & Dani swapped. Jon joins the Nights Watch and we learn it's mostly murderers and rapists. He joins the Wildlings and we learn they are actually Freefolk.

    Dani, on the other hand, becomes khaleesi, but refuses to become a Dash khaleen. She conquers Slavers Bay and leaves a void in government and economy.

    I think it would be Jon's notion that someone must die, and Dani will betray him and make him the White.

  2. Seeing how its all being steered in the show, im gonna say 90% Dany will die birthing. She has groomed herself from the beginning to lead thinking she was the rightful Queen. But what now stands in her way….? Jon being a legit Targ and him being the rightful heir to the throne. He will start season 8 pushing for her since he isnt looking for power but he will take it when she passes. Unless they throw us for a loop, this has all been fore shadowed with her vision in Kings Landing with the snow on throne and her reaching but not touching, then all of season 7 saying she cant have kids. Of course there will be all kinds of in between story arcs to finish up but the bittersweet will be Jon forced to take the throne after Dany dies, with their son (most likely) by his side to be groomed for king. Well they could have a silver haired girl, since the way hollywood is on their social feminism rant right now. Either way, this is the way im seeing it. Hopefully the books go a whole other direction so it wont be like reading a re-run.

  3. I think the "bittersweet ending" in the books at least was hinted at in A Feast for Crows at the end of the novel when Jaime sees the White Raven and knows Winter has come and realizes their is no more time to plant any crops and as a result many people will starve to death. Whether Stannis, Cersei, Dany, Jon, Aegon or Littlefinger are still alive and victorious at the end is irrelevant, since whoever wins the Game of Thrones will have a Pyrrhic victory due to the coming winter and/or the invasion of the white walkers. The Others/White walkers could be taken as any of number of metaphors, but to me they seem to symbolize time and how it catches up with everyone (usually in the form of death) and the anti-war telling of the War of the Five Kings and Dany's conquests in Slavers Bay symbolize how petty differences cause a waste in resources, time and lives that leave the survivors reflecting later on how they lost so much for reasons that usually in hindsight were pretty minor compared to the harsh and unforgiving nature of the weather itself on Planetos.

  4. The night's king is actually the Knight king… remember my words

    . It's talking about Aragon, from TLOTR, the withe chick is the Elf, elfs are the only kind of creatures to procreate with WW, when Aragon found that the Night king was after his lady, he killed her to stop the WW, now the night king is after Aragon offsprings that have enough elf blood to be able to have childrens.. maybe not… xD

  5. Still don't understand Dany seeing her possible child ruling the world. The dead were already killing at the start. Why would the Knights King not start the long night any way? Would it not be easier without Dany and her Dragons? Her choice doesn't stop whits we saw.

  6. In book 3 melisandre sees who she believes is stannis on the iron throne bit we know it is Jon who she sees. And in book 3 dany dreams of a battle at the trident where instead of Robert she is fighting the white walkers. So if dany dies there that would be the second targareoyn there making Jon king.

  7. Could jon survive but be forced to be king of westeros , like he was kinda of forced to but lord commander and the king in the north, daenerys will die and her dragon's along with the white walker's ending the apocalyptic weapon's. idk but i want got to end like that

  8. Season 7 was predictable as fuck. Even worse it actually did less than I imagined.

    I knew immediately when I saw the trailer of the walkers with Jon that Dany would save them and that this early confrontation with the walkers would bring down a dragon. The dragons were far too overpowered against the walkers. I actually imagines a Giant white using a bow and arrow like they did on the wall (they were able to accurately hit the crows at the top of the wall)

    instead we got an ice spear….. but considering they didn't hit castle black but went to the ocean side of the wall I imagined the fallen dragon breathing ice and freezing a path for them to cross.

    but the rest was too obvious. Dany had too many allies and cersei was outnumbered by a long way. I actually thought that she would ally with the walkers but then realised that's too good. Instead they did the predictable thing of insta killing 3 of her allies (Theon is alive but who cares)

    I could never have predicted seasons 1-3. who could've predicted the red wedding? All of my predictions weren't even imaginative. I simply looked at other movies and saw how they did it.

  9. My favorite theory is that during the battle with the dead, the night king stabs Jon through the chest with Longclaw, and in horror Daenerys runs to him and pulls the sword out and it ignites into flame, light bringer to kill the night king. In this miracle a dragon egg is produced by one of the dragons. To celebrate and mourn the end of the long night, they go to burn Jon and Melisandre will burn herself to pay for Jons life and his skin won't burn. Jon Snow will be dead, and Aegon Targeryen will be born. When this happens the new dragon egg hatches to Aegon, a white dragon he'll name Ice; in memory of Ned and his Mom.


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