Game of Thrones is getting closer and closer to conclusion as you read this. The final season premieres in 2019, and filming is about to wrap up soon. Now, everybody is all hyped up for Season 8, and we have been getting cast interviews teasing the show for a while now. Now, as we know, Hannah Murray, who plays the role of Gilly, was present at Con of Thrones recently, and she teased Season 8, in an interview with Watchers on the Wall. Read on!

First off, Hannah spoke about Gilly, and how the character has changed over the years:

“Her beginnings are so harrowing and so awful and we’ve watched her get given things and we’ve watched her grow and we’ve watched her gain in strength … if anything she’s become softer and warmer as time’s gone on.

Then there were moments once we got to season 4 and [Gilly and Sam] were at Castle Black where I was like, ‘Oh she’s happy and she’s happy for the first time.”

Pictures leak from last of Cáceres filming, showing Sam and Gilly in Oldtown

Moving on, she talked about Gilly and Sam as a couple, and why they’re adored :

“I think there’s something about them both coming from such a vulnerable place that no one’s paying enough attention to them to ruin their lives. So, they’ve been able to actually build a life and a family within all this chaos and that’s a very beautiful thing.

I think that the relationship with Sam could have been so many different things and I think it’s grown in a really organic, really honest way that feels subtle. John and I have always tried to make sure it doesn’t feel saccharine because I think there are moments when maybe it could.”

Hannah Murray (Gilly) done filming Game of Thrones Season 8

She also spoke about Gilly not getting he credit for discovering Jon Snow‘s real parentage:

“I hadn’t read the scene where he passes on the information to Bran and I was like, ‘Wait you’re not even going to give me credit! But also, to be fair, she didn’t know the weight of information at the time. She was just reading a book and she was lucking to stumble across it. They were both lucky that they stumbled across that piece of information.”

In the end, she left us with a bit of a tease on Season 8, calling it “satisfyingly surprising”:

“I knew to expect the unexpected. Anything that felt too obvious to me I knew was not going to be what [happened]. So there were certain things where I was like, “Well it can’t be that but I don’t know what it is going to be.

It’s not like a fairytale happy ending by any means at all and I think it’s a really wonderful final season. I’m really excited for people to get to see it.”

We don’t know if that’s a good thing or bad, because after such a long haul, one would think there’s a happy ending. What about you guys? How do you think the show will end? Talk to us in the comments, down below!

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