Game of Thrones writers taunt Sansa rape critics in deleted Arya scene from the Braavos play in Season 6. This is a reposted short clip from a full hour-long video I made on the showrunners fighting with their directors.



  1. You can just sum up and say that Benioff is charismatic. Having a sufficiently high charisma gets you quite far in life, and it gets people on your side despite their logical reservations.

  2. not sure if you've touched on this in another video but i was watching the recent interview with the actors/actresses who played Tywin, Shae, Oberyn,Jofferey etc and what i though was quite alarming is that most of these actors/actress unless they read the books they had no idea that they were gonna be killed off and weren't even told by D&D. I thought that showed a great deal of disrespect and lack of organisational capacity by D&D.

  3. I think this show is screwing with other shows. I know that watching the few seasons I did (I got to Jon Snow being stabbed to death and stopped watching because I stopped caring about the overbearing tragedy) have probably affected my attempts at writing. My plans tend towards the dark and edgy, and I tend to think that anything good is too sappy and sickly sweet. Have any of you noticed how other shows tend towards being dark as well, because anything good is considered not cool? Just a ramble, but this show definitely revels in its darkness way too much.

  4. You have Benioff down pat. That's exactly how and why he talks the way he does. As for the way these showrunners (mis)handle being criticized, keep in mind their absolutely childish reaction to award-winning writer Orson Scott Card's criticism of their adaptation back in season 4 – the only reason for the unnecessarily long beetle-crushing monologue. They have bad comprehension in general and Benioff in particular comes off as a bully and complete jerk every time he speaks.

  5. Wow, I don't think I want to watch season eight anymore.

    Retroactively, you have ruined even the earlier seasons of GoT for me, by making me question the directors' competence and goodwill. And I'm kind of glad you did. I don't want to give those crude monsters anymore of my money or attention. I'll wait for the books.

  6. Ghost in the shell was likely a bad example. I've been assured by actual fans of that anime and iirc someone involved with making it didn't care, but the shell is racially ambiguous. I'm trying to think of a more appropriate example and maybe Goku from dragon ball evolution counts although he is an alien and not necessarily Asian, even deathnote doesn't count since it was a retelling in the USA with 3 major roles recast as white and black over the original Japanese. I guess dragon ball is probably the best example I can think of with the smallest reason for a cast change

  7. The "if you don't like it, watch something else" argument is so stupid, so what, do I automatically waive my right to criticise if I do decide to watch?
    Also, saw Sophie herself posted on Instagram about the rape scene and violence against women just now, good timing 🙂

  8. I truly fancy when you point out and deconstruct illogical and amateurish decisions D&D have made but once you start bringing that political angle into it, you lose me. Sansa's rape scene was ofc terrible mess, but this is regarding other things you mentioned, such as alleged "whitewashing" of Ghost in the Shell. If you don't like a movie just because filmmakers didn't produce it 100 % in accordance with your ideological requirements, well then… Maybe you should watch something else.

    Love your vids, keep up the good work.

  9. D&D are really just fanboys who got the unfortunate chance at Martins work. They can’t handle criticism nor do they even try to explain their choices. Because they simply can’t. Because it would twiddle down to one thing, shock value. And D&D eat that shit up. Which is extremely sad with the length they will go to in order to get it.

  10. What's really frustrating about this is that they had Arya say it. She's seeing what's basically a farce about her sister being raped, and she's not only unaffected, but annoyed when other people, as if she's actually enjoying the show? This is obviously out of character, meaning that they care more about getting a chance to insult their own audience than about actually doing their damn jobs!

  11. Would you say the same thing about Paul Feig putting jokes about the critics of the Ghostbusters reboot?

    Also, should gay or minority characters be untouchable then?

  12. The problem with the rape scene isn't the rape itself imo, but the build-up and particularly the aftermath to it. There's no reason why Sansa should have been married to Ramsay, and it seems forced to put Sansa into a dark situation. The rape scene didn't really have much impact on Sansa as a character moving forward, outside of making her hate Ramsay and distrust Littlefinger maybe? I think she was supposed to get a redemption arc, but the show butchers it by making her a very passive protagonist through later episodes. Maybe feeding Ramsay to the dogs in BotB was more satisfying to some people than it was to me?

    The fact that this affects the plot so little makes me (and a lot of others) label the rape scene as "cheap shock value" because that's basically all it achieves. I like to give D&D the benefit of the doubt and say they might have wanted this to be a big, transformative moment for Sansa, but if they did, they messed it up completely. They somehow took something that might have been there to kickstart Sansa's redemption arc (which they didn't need because Sansa already had enough trouble with Joffrey) and turned her into a damsel in distress. I don't think that was the intention – it's just horrible writing.

    The Arya scene isn't offensive as much as it is immature. Were they really going to have Arya completely break out of character for a cheap shot at critics? Are they really that insecure about themselves that they felt the need to attack people who criticised a scene about a very sensitive topic? Not to mention that Arya hasn't got enough going against her already. For her to see a depiction of her sister being raped and to say "go away if you don't like it" would ruin her character completely if it hasn't been already, all for a cheap shot at critics. It just goes to show that D&D aren't the brightest sparks going about, and the fame that has come with GoT has gotten to their heads.

  13. I love your videos so much! Thank you! I'm so glad that you included the announcement about Confederate at the end because this whole video I was thinking "how can they even be trusted to make that in a sensitive way". Sansa has always been one of my favorite characters and it's insulting that they took her from Joffrey's abuse directly to Ramsey's upgraded abuse. It did nothing for her character. She's always been a strong person who uses her courtesies and savvy to put up with the constant abuse that she has from others, just a bit naïve. To think that a female character needs to be raped in order to grow as a character is so disgusting and misogynistic. People who can't even defend their creative choices should not be allowed to create art, because that's the whole point of it. To begin a conversation and dialogue. I love the books so much, it upsets me that GRRM's beautiful, well thought out story, is being adapted by these two. The fame has definitely gone to their heads, it's less about plot/character development and all about shock factor and fan service now.

  14. There is also this weired scene where the playwriter goes off on a rant about how everyone critizises his work, but really they have no right to do so, because he's been doing this for a long time. Not very subtle D&D. Not very subtle.


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