The newest installment in our Mysteries, Myths and Motives Series, which includes our analysis of the Faith of the Seven and its similarities to Lovecraft’s Church of the Starry Wisdom and the Many-Faced God of Braavos and the Faceless Men.

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

Art and Visual Images Courtesy of:
Pamela Mertz-Lady Green Hand
Game of Thrones
Paul Taaks-Green Hand Knight
Fantasy Flight Games

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  1. Ack you guys another killer analysis! Indeed, the clues are always right in plain sight…and yet it takes such keen eyes to see them! Wish I had something more to contribute other than my appreciation, but so it goes…in case you didn't see my msg on the other vid–wishing you both a happy holiday season and sending my thanks for the past year of fun and ASOIAF scholarship thanks to the Green Handers!

  2. Hello Lord and Lady Greenhand.

    First my best wishes for 2018 which will maybe see the conception or the birth of your little princess Visenya Greenhand.

    Like all your videos on this serie this one and the precedent gave a lot of thinking about and I came to a theory of my own (based on nothing but my own imagination and what you stated in your videos, but maybe just WTF).

    Ok, let's begin: to start, what make me imagine the possibilty I'm going to write about is you quoting "familiarity is the father of acceptance". So in my mind it went like that: what if the six human aspects of the Seven were once six godly figures of the First Men.
    Bear with me with this one: I genuinely see the Maiden, Mother and Crone as a lunar triad (crescent moon, fool moon, waning moon) and the Father, Smith, Warrior as a solar triad (with the Warrior representing perhaps the setting sun going into the underworld to fight the Darkness.
    So, to me, the Andals take those six gods and completely perveted them, transforming them in a seven-faced deity by adding the God of Darkness to them. And just the name the Stranger, to me, showed that this "god" is completely estranged to the others and the true god of the invading strangers, the Andals.

    I hope you can give me your advice on my theory, like I mentionned it is not based on any proof, but I just wanted to share it with you nonetheless.
    Thank you for having read me and Happy New Year!

  3. Another great vid! Glad to see someone finally touching on the occult!

    I've long held the notion that he must be initiated into the higher mysteries due to the sheer amount of references woven throughout the entire series. Maybe it's all simply a coincidence, but they seem too numerous to me to simply be mere happenstance.

    Great work, and I'd love for you both to dig into this more.

  4. Church of starry wisdom ,the starry Sept always sounded to me like a secret society. The higher you go the more mysteries get revealed to you. The fiery hand and the swords and stars very well may be on opposite sides but the secrets held by their masters could be the same forbidden knowledge. The bloodstone emperor had his "wisdom" I wonder if the amethyst princess had hers as well and perhaps one took advantage of that before the other had a chance to display theirs. In other words perhaps the emperor made the move before the princess made hers. Maybe all the magic and power comes from the same source, and its up to the wielder of those powers to determine the course. To be honest, I don't feel a benevolent force in this series, people are flawed so they bring out a selfishness in their hopes and dreams leading the great power or great other to take a more pragmatic course rather than heeling. You have to give yourself up totally. With all the past lives in animals and weirwoods the powers are focused on those past lives and desires. The powers are focused on that. You can't move forward if you're always in the past.

  5. I enjoyed this series of videos very much thx guys! Although, since you bring Lovecraft into this which is obviously huge influence on GRRM you should know that the horrors he played around came from men realizing how irrelevant they are in the face of whats out there. You guys still try to explain things in terms of good and evil. Lovecraft nor GRRM work like that. If Gods exist in Planetos and they are Lovecraftian than they are simply being beyond human understanding that toy with humans for their own reasons. So the both sides are being used and in the end no one wins.

  6. When the Andals invaded Westeros they may have had superior weapons and technology, but they lacked something the first men had. Magic. Specifically blood magic. Rather than confront magic directly they created institutions to either encourage people to disbelieve/forget or oppose magic altogether. Furthermore since no one is 100% innocent in the world of ice and fire it"s safe assume that no one is 100% guilty either. Maybe the andals have legitemite grievances concerning magic. After all who knows what horrible and destructive things the first men did with magic? Fear may explain why the whitewashed and hid most of history.

  7. What i don't get is why the andals would chop down the weirwoods, since they're also representations of him of many faces. Perhaps they don't even realize what they're doing. Perhaps their actions are not as deliberate we're led to believe, and in true Lovecraftian fashion, they're but peons in a game they can't even begin to comprehend. I'd love to know what your thoughts are, and i can't wait for what you've got for us next. Happy new year.

  8. I love the video guys but im getting a bad vibe that this may not be true. This is starting to feel to much like the lord of the rings with the heros of the dawn fighting the dark minions of the evil bloodstone emperor it seems to over done. And George has said many tines he won't do it and thinks its over done

  9. Happy New Years yall. Keep the content coming so I can quietly disagree with it. Well, not all of it obviously. You guys are kinda good at this. All the best in 2018 to you guys and everyone in the fandom. ✌


    Just kidding. Kinda haha. Happy New Years yall.

  10. I just went into a quiet room away from the new years party with less than an hour for the ball to drop just to watch this. My girlfriend keeps texting me because she doesn't want to miss her kiss.


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