Part 4 of our character profile of Tywin Lannister.

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

Art and Visual Images Courtesy of:
Pamela Mertz-Lady Green Hand
Game of Thrones
Paul Taaks-Green Hand Knight
Fantasy Flight Games

Machiavelli Personality Test:

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  1. Note: in the books, the line from Roose to Rob is "Jaime Lannister sends his regards." This is a callback to when Roose released Jaime from captivity at Harrenhall, where Jaime jests with Roose to send his regards when he hears that Roose is on the way to Edmure's wedding. While Jaime was unaware of the exact details of the plotted assassination, he does get implicated due to Catelyn overhearing those words when Rob is stabbed in the heart – leading to her blaming Jaime for the Red Wedding after her resurrection as Lady Stoneheart.

    Even in death Catelyn is a real gullible dummy.


    Like maybe she's secretly smarter than everyone and really wanted this all to happen. Maybe she finally found out the truth about Ned, Ashara and Jon, and, assuring that Sansa (her true fave because she's her mini) would be queen and getting everyone else killed, take down house Stark, and fuck Duty in the ass.
    (She complains about how she "always did her duty" even when others didn't quite often, I feel like its important to note.)

  3. The theories and analysis of every aspect of the world papa George gave us which you both present are not only fascinating and eloquent, but accurate and intelligent. I appreciate the points you both bring forth and admire the ability to smartly interpret and analyze the moves and motivations of all the characters in the texts and shows. Thank you guys for what you do…and for not being just another theory/breakdown channel of ill spoken idiots. It's truly entertaining and edifying and I look forward to each and every video you upload.

  4. Ok, fundamental flaw here, and this why you got to keep Machiavelli away from psychologists. First, Machiavelli stood for something. He wasn't detached, and the prince he wanted was not "detached." He had ideals on what a citizen was, and wanted a leader unite and lead Italy, so it can stand up to foreign powers, and the Church.. While this may not matter to us who weren't 15th century Italians, it certainly mattered to Machiavelli, and you cannot understand Machiavelli without keeping this in mind. Second, the essence of the Machavellian ideas on figuring stuff out was not about being detached and applying principles, but about learning from history, and about great leaders in of past, and how they succeeded, and why others failed. Trying to read Machiavelli by distilling his "principles" is to misread him. Sun Tzu can be read that way, but Machavelli, no.

  5. Amazing video, fascinating analyses. The order is sure doing the world a service. I hope to take public office someday, videos like this help me decide what kind of leader I want to be. Well, not like I don't know what kind, it helps me see ample examples and features from it essentially.

    Took the MACH-IV
    it appears I am more Machiavellian than I thought hmm ..


  6. 95. Never thought of myself this much a serpent, but I imagine Machiavellianism and a heightened opinion of oneself go hand in hand 😂
    Here, you two lovebirds. Have a subscribe

  7. I took the Machiavelli test and scored 62, which apparently is somewhat high.
    However, I'd argue that the test has an involontary bias.
    I try and harm people as little as possible, yet I answered "neutral" on many questions about morals, given that I don't believe in an objective good nor an objective evil. Moral is inherently subjective, therefore rendering such questions absurd.
    You have one hour, discuss 😉

    PS: thanks for another great video. You guys really put a lot of work into it and it shows. I hadn't considered this level of involvement from Tywin and especially from Rhaegar in Aerys's madness before, nor that Tywin had planned the Stark's downfall so meticulously, but you absolutely convinced me!

  8. Bolton betrayed Rob after Stanis lost the battle in Kingslanding and Lannister-Tyrell union, Dorne and Vale neutrality, Robs marriage to Jane Westerling. Roose Bolton just make simple calculations and find out that Stark-Tully union cannot win the war. If you read medieval history(England, Scotland, France, Byzantine empire, Russia) you will find that all smart lords did the same thing that Roose did.

    Tywin just make good deal with smart man.

  9. What is the picture at 1:21? At first I thought it was Jaime being inducted into the Kingsguard, but I couldn't figure out why the the crowd were crying. Now I think it might be Barristan Selmy after rescuing Aerys, but I still can't figure out why the people are upset and crying. Is it the people of Duskendale?

  10. I did the Mach test btw. I got a 66 lol. And for the video, remember, Loris Tyrell offered to lead the attack on the Mountain, but Ned denied him. Little Finger seemed suprised by this. It seems the trap was set in part by Little Finger to take out Loris at least in place of Ned

  11. Oh god. I think I am done with you guys videos and now I am staring at the screen without knowing what to watch now.
    Like I said before, this is my favorite series by you guys, I love all the others but this one is special to me because Tywin is such an intresting character.
    I will go eat ice cream now out for my own mini depression, lol.


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