Part 2 of our Bloodraven series, detailing what we believe a weirwood actually is

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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Pamela Mertz-Lady Green Hand
Game of Thrones
Paul Taaks-Green Hand Knight
Fantasy Flight Games

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  1. Idea: the weirwoods are not "dead" per se, and are not actually trees at all. They're an unusually fibrous and large mushroom easily mistaken for a tree. A fungus would be able to feed on dead bodies, and wouldn't need sunlight.This would tie in well with the mind-controlling fungal trees in "The Men of Greywater Station" by GRRM.

  2. I've been around YouTube looking at other "theorists" and have not found anyone quite like you guys. Others just spout out text, but don't commit to the big leaps like you two do. The leaps and the links are what makes your videos special. It's bold & fresh. Keep up the good work. I'll always come back to my favorite channel.

  3. S1e1 after ned beheads the deserter, he sheaths his bloody sword. Why not clean it first? He then cleans it in a water next to a weirwood tree.
    Was Ned knowingly feeling the tree blood?

  4. Do you guys ever consider that ALL the Starks kids have Targaryen blood? I'll explain. Cat's mom was a Whent. The Whents were servants of the Lothsons rewarded with Harrenhal for helping bring them down. The bat sigil, close relations, and fact that the Whents got the castle suggests house Whent is an offshoot branch of Lothson probly when an up jumped Whent knight married a Lothson daughter and adopted a similar sigil. The LOTHSON house at Harrenhal started when young Prince Aegon, the future king Aegon the Unworthy, at age 14, was banging Falaena Stokeworth his 1st of 9 mistresses. When his dad Viserys II found out he convinced his brother King Aegon III to marry her off to their master at arms Lord Lothson and make him Lord of Harrenhal so Falaena was sent away. But Prince Aegon made frequent visits to Harrenhal in the years that followed. Fast forward to when hes king with his 8th mistress, Falena's daughter Jeyne Lothson. TWOIAF suggests she might even be HIS own daughter. With all those frequent trips I think its damn safe to assume that all her brood were sired by Aegon the Unworthy, including the future Lord Lothson. The Lothsons are survived by the Whents. I realize I'm making a lotta assumptions but look at TWOIAF pic of Jeyne Lothson and tell me it doesn't scream "Sansa"

  5. Whitewalls was the site of 2nd Backfire rebellion and made of weirwood. Bloodraven had it torn down and sewn shut "so it would not be another BF martyr site like the Redgrass Field", a dubious explanation as the 2nd rebellion was a stillborn joke as the 1st was not, the 2nd wasn't even a battle and the 1st was, and you would think the castle described as so damn magnificent would be a great prize for a Targ loyalist as it's the kind of reward future generations will remember who gave the lands and castle and thus guaranteed not to become a Blackfyre memorial site…… But its made of weirwood and BR has it destroyed. And he's allied with Danelle Lothson of Harrenhal. Do we know what she actually did???

  6. You guys are friggin brilliant!! Your research is deep, you're insights cogent, and your overall thinking very unorthodox (ie. out of the box 👍). I love that your theories, aside from being very well researched and argued, are so different from those being spouted all over the web. Your videos are beyond engrossing and I've binge watched most of them just this weekend. They have a very audiobook quality to them and are structured in a fashion very pleasing to my left brain. Needless to say, you've made a believer out of this ASOIF fan.

    I'm sure some will say that these qualities make your productions tedious and boring, but as Jon Snow, they know nothing. Pay them no mind!! I'll leave you with the recurring thought that comes to mind every time you say: "This video's already running too long."…. NOOOOOOO, NOT LONG ENOUGH!!! 😁 Keep it up!!! 🤘👍🤘

  7. Bloodravens appearence in the show was such a dissapointment, dispite being played mostly by great Max von Sydow. Why not make him look like him in the visions and like a bloodless corpse in the real world? It's not like they haven't done stuff like that in the show before..

  8. I've been thinking about this for a while & I'm interested to hear your thoughts…Based on some info in this video & also the 'singers' sweet robin hears at the eyrie, do you think that Bloodraven's weirwood bow could have 'lead' him to the children of the forests' cave?

  9. Why would Bloodraven help the Children bring Bran? Or, if he's seeking to counter the Children via Bran, why would the Children assist Bran? Why would the northerners keep the weirwood trees? Isn't it as consistent an explanation that the northerners, green seers and all are allies of the Children (for whatever purpose)?

  10. Awesome videos as ever. I am looking for some indepth analysis on the house of the undying, of how it seems to mirror the wierwood trees, the shade of the evening mirrors the paste Bran's wierwood paste, how the house of the undying allows Dany to see timelines, past, future and some that may not come to pass etc. I think the black wood of the trees around in the house of the undying is the same ebony wood we see in the house of black and white.

  11. If Weirwood never rotted, there would be huge Weirwood plantations, owned by rich and powerful merchants, who would use their wealth to challenge the feudal system. GRRM needs to history more before he introduces a concept like that.


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