Our newest installment in our Mysteries, Myths and Motives Series, detailing how just about everything the Andals claim about themselves and their Seven Faced God is a flat-out lie. This video also includes an analysis of George RR Martin’s newly released short story, The Sons of the Dragon, which is featured in Gardner Dozois’ compilation titled, The Book of Swords. The Sons of the Dragon details the early lives and reigns of Aegon the Conqueror’s sons: Aenys and Maegor Targaryen, and their conflict with the Andals and their followers of the Faith of the Seven.

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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  1. This is probably the first video that I have to disagree with. Maegor The Cruel earned that name for his craving for violence and death. He enjoyed killing animals as a young child. After the construction of Maegor’s holdfast, he invited everyone involved in its construction to a feast… then he had them all slaughtered to keep its design a secret. He tortured his nephew to death. He murdered his wives (as well as the midwives and Grand Maester) for failing to produce him a viable heir. He ripped one of his wives hearts out and fed it to his dogs… His destroying the sept and the faith militant was probably the kindest thing he ever did.

  2. Omg Ser and Lady Greenhand did you know one of the two known Kings of Torentine is called Samwell Dayne the Starfire who sacked Old Town? We have a Dayne baby going to Old Town, son of King Beyond the Wall, accompanied with a Maester called Samwell. Holy…..

  3. what do you think of Tyanna? why did she poisoned the pregnancies of Maesgor's other wives?, did she simply wanted to be the only one that gave Maegor the sons he needed?, if that was the cased then she failed terribly by not getting pregnant, or was she working with the Faith the whole time?, then why save him?, or was she framed?

  4. My thanks & I bow to your greatness. I have only recently come across the wolf den & I am now a leal bannerman of the order of the greenhand (first & foremost) I will follow up this claim with patreon support in the not too distant future (I already support history of westeros & Got academy but am trying to budget better so I can support you two)

  5. Hi, another great video as ever. I have really been enjoying this serie so far.

    I have a question: do you believe that the maesters in charge of Maegor's pregnant queens poison them (or compell Tyanna of the Tower to do the deed) so that they gave birth to "monsters"? I think it is also possible that the Grand Septon had an hand into that as well, as Queen Ceryse was his niece and she was almost set aside for her barreness in favor of fertile women.

    I must add that your video has changed my opinion on Maegor. Now, we should call him Maegor the Great.

  6. Maegor may not be the friendliest king in history, but without him all his father's life's work would have crumbled and the seven kingdoms would have started to fight each other again! PS: great work your videos always make me happy!

  7. you kept us hanging there…i was like…"where are they?" "what are they doing?" "are they even thinking of ASOIAF right now?"….but you never dissapoint in the end!

  8. It's impressive the way you read between the lines. In fact two Brazilian girls mention very often about a maesters conspiracy. You know what is cool is that you turn the waiting for the books very interesting although it makes the anxiety grow. Eh eh eh. Kudos to you both.

  9. How do you make captions for these videos ? I'm thinking of translating the Maegor videos and post them in our Facebook group since most people people there don't know English or don't know enough to understand everything in these videos; all with your permission of course.

  10. You guys are great, really opened my eyes to just how in-depth and complex this series with another fantastic video! This video further proves at least to me a theory among my friend group that reads the books, that Jon's real name will be Maegor.

  11. Just a lesson from History. Saint Wenceslas, patron of Czech lands (known to you as "good king Wenceslas from christmas carol) Reigned as Lord of Bohemia. He was on good terms with the Church, pious himself, he reigned in peace, but paid a lot of money to maintain it. He was killed on his way to church by group of unknown people, probably aristocrats, who feared the extreme power of the church and foreign influence. A new king was crowned – his brother Boleslaus the Cruel (and yes, his mother was a hardcore lady, commanding elite soldiers, who taught him her ways). He was a powerful ruler, who put both church and foreign rulers in their place. He even successfully fought Otto I of Holy Roman Empire for long time, later making peace with him and forging an alliance, which helped to crush powers to the east and expand Czech lands greatly. His successor is most known for reconciliation with the church powers and for being a good diplomat. I am not saying it must have been Martin's inspiration, but he certainly knows a lot from history, so it should be considered. And in Czech, there is word for someone, who is sometimes crazy, even violent, the word is "magor".

  12. Have you read the graphic novels? I've just read volume one and The Hedge Knight and it was good. It is not a perfect adaptation with errors beside not being able to fit everything(I laughed my ass off when I saw Rhaegar in pure white armor). I can best describe it as where the TV show zigs the GN zags and vice versa. However, I get the feeling that they are trying to tell GRRM's story instead what the fanfic-… I mean the TV show is doing(I remember reading the artist agonizing over how to draw The Others). Plus GRRM likes comic books.

  13. Maegor was the greatest king in the history of Westeros in my opinion. He did whatever was necessary to ensure the survival of not only his family, but the realm, sort of like Tywin. Therefore, I propose we refer to him as Maegor the Great from now on.

  14. Agreed! I do love this series and you guys make some GREAT points about Maegor. I feel i understand his fight with his nephew Aegon now but what about killing his nephew Viserys?

  15. What an interesting web that George has spun. Can't help but see the parallels in the world today. The grand meisters would be the ceos of at&t, time warner, Roche Pharmaceuticals, Johnson and Johnson, pfizer, Gilead, ExxonMobil, Disney (and the other 5 major studios), cnn, abc, nbc, cbs and fox. The iron bank are the Rothschilds. The faceless men are the cia (their heart attack gun springs to mind), MI6 and Mossad. The Faith Militant is the US military. Or maybe I watch too much Alex Jones. Lol.

  16. I love these.

    I just don't understand why you don't go back to the beginning. Why are you documenting the lies and cover-ups without proving the foundation they were built on? Why do they try to hard?

    What do Ny Sar, Volantis, and the Citadel have in common? Purple moss

    Why do the Rhoynar have a story about 10000 ships, but history tells us the sandship was the original home of the Martells?

    Why does the description of the base of the Hightower and a number of other sites have a basic description that sounds like the layout of Sunspear except that Sunspear isn't made of oily stone yet?

    Why do the maesters and the Dornish seem to share a love of poisons?

    Why so many outbreaks of plagues? Could there be a connection between them visiting certain places before westeros? And isn't is bizzar that the first place the Rhoynar tried to settle was right next to the mega creepy Gogossos that the dragon people were using for magic monster making and the worst people they wanted to punish?

    Why are we told the Rhoynar brought their own gods but no one seems to know who they are?

    These videos would be easier to understand if you took the time to establish the faith and maesters were put in place by people escaping the dragonlords. Without substantiating their motivation all it sounds like is basic sceptical reading. Wouldn't it make more sense to start at the beginning than waiting till the end to release an origin story?


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