Our newest installment in our Mysteries, Myths and Motives Series, detailing how just about everything the Andals claim about themselves and their Seven Faced God is a flat-out lie. This video also includes an analysis of George RR Martin’s newly released short story, The Sons of the Dragon, which is featured in Gardner Dozois’ compilation titled, The Book of Swords. The Sons of the Dragon details the early lives and reigns of Aegon the Conqueror’s sons: Aenys and Maegor Targaryen, and their conflict with the Andals and their followers of the Faith of the Seven.

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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  1. I've listened/watched this 3 times and it blows me away! I mean, all your videos seem to whether I ascribe to that particular theory or not (usually I do). The amount to research and dot connecting you do has made book readers like me see the true genius of GRRM come to life like no one else possibly can, save for Ilio and Linda. (Do you know the horse that changes gender?) Love your work! Please keep it up!

  2. Chills guys!! I’ve got chills! One of my favourite series yet! I have a few I love love love and it’s up there
    Amazing work! You two really compliment one another. It would be so cool to see you guys at work
    Can’t wait for the next!

  3. Do you think that the child of Jon and Danny Targaryen is the Child of Ice and Fire? If so do you also think its possible that the NK was PROMISED this Prince? Another theory I have thought about is that the Lord of light is the NK, after all he can manipulate fire like the flickering flames in fires that his priestesses interpret? Like the arrow head that was revealed to the hound. I believe the NK led them there to kill and turn danny's dragon to bring down the wall, all this , in my opinion, was planned via the NK's Green sight abilities. Interesting? believe me I think long and hard and come up with these guesses on my own. I also believe the blood on the weir wood trees has some significance, My guess is there is a sacred tree in the god's eye that either Bran or the child aka Prince that was promised, needs to be sacrificed for their blood for that tree in order for the NK to become human again (curse removed). Jon said in an early season his father would of done whatever was right no matter what, I believe that was for shadowing for what needs to be done in the final season 8. Then possibly another pact and the cycle begins again, also would entail the bittersweet ending Georgr RR Martin spoke of. Thanks again, Lee

  4. Great video as usual. Once again I see a lot of similarity between the seven and catholic religion. My country was declared independent from Castilla by the pope 800 plus years ago. 500 year ago the world was divided in two by the pope and was divided to cool down the dispute of the two most powerful catholic countries at that time, Portugal and Spain. The Canarias which are now Spanish territory were a Portuguese territory and that was part of the negotiations to dividing the world, it was a trade off so Portugal could push the line forward to reach the territory that is now Brasil. Until today both inhabitants are mostly Catholic. Although religion got a severe blow after the great earthquake in 1755 that destroyed Lisboa, that was perfect storm earthquake, fires, and tsunami, 2/3 of Lisboa population died in the fires and then the tsunami. So with this how people would still believe in a God that failed them this way, the interesting is that across Europe the blow in faith was also felt and seemed to endure better than in Portugal. I think the religion was much more consolidated and in depth based in Portugal that anywhere else.

  5. And this is why some of us prefer the mercenary lifestyle, religion becomes political device filled & bloated with hypocrisy and corruption, as it festers so does the rest of the body rot away, so sometimes what your really you need is get a very sharp silver coated steel knife & fire, burning white-hot flame, bleed it then cauterize the wounds. And all that can come to at a great negotiable price, cleaning is not included.

  6. Don't get me wrong. I love your work. The problem is you're going in the direction GRRM wants you to go. You're problem is the same problem the people of westeros have. The person writing the story for them is extremely good at magically making you turn away from the truth.

    The Andals are the good guys. They showed up about 400 – 500 years ago and it brought the doom. Well, half of it. The Maesters aren't really at fault. They're trying. But the crows are watching and if they make a wrong move they have to start over.

    Imagine you found a wonderful place to mine and a workforce that couldn't openly complain. If they died they would just get back up again and start working. Their minds would slowly fade away until they couldn't remember who they were. Day after day century after century their bodies forced to keep going.

    But this magic needs blood. You need to feed the trees. So, you find some humans and teach them a set of values that work against the slavers. But they have to invade and make it look normal and natural so the slavers don t suspect some one's is ruining everything.

    Unfortunately one family in the North is really freaking good at rallying to protect the old way. How do you get them out of the way without tipping off the other side?

    Just when you finally get the dragons you need hatched, the girl who did it gets distracted. She's been programmed too well. You need her on dragon stone getting the serious planning down, but instead of going west to kill the white walker mine guards when you bring the wall down so you can free the zombies from eternal servitude, she plants herself in the middle of Essos to free THOSE slaves. LMAO. Time is huge. If it takes to long to get the pieces in place the Crows will figure it out and counter you.

    In fact, they probably already have figured it out. Euron Greyjoy is going to pour a shit tonne of blood into the water and that blood is going to give them the power to fight back.

    Hopefully leaf and Brynden are just playing dumb and they are actually aware of the 3 eye'd crow sitting in Bran's head spying on them.

    Coldhands is the first faceless man. He's managed to kill the dragons that were brainwashed and get help organized.

    Now if Missandii could get her non aggressive butt in gear and slap Dany till she wakes up and gets those dragons over here.

    There are unfortunately a number of opportunists that are getting ready to mess up the plans. Stannis has a bug up his butt about how mean Robert was and he's throwing his little tantrum to have his turn on the thrown. The crows are constantly trying to brainwash Jon and point him south so he can waste more strength from the lands south of the wall before the war starts.

    The red trees are evil. The story of the past is fake. Westeros is just a murder factory. Why do so many huge battles happen at the gods eye? To fill it with blood.

    The Andals have invaded several times, but everyone keeps forgetting. MissANDALii is the one one organizing this one.

    Maybe Bran will turn into a Night King. Maybe Jon. Who knows. I'm sorry. It's just been a very long time waiting. It's frustrating and funny. On the one hand I dug it out. But at the same time I get to watch readers fall for the same traps reading the book that the characters fall into, LOL. It isn't the type of plan where you have half a.million people staged and ready. Every single person will be spied on so the slavers can fight back. You have to stand on the bone mountains and throw them at Westeros like paper airplanes. And some of them get minds of their own. Do we need to burn the trees? Yes. Do we need to burn babies to put Stannis on the thrown and add more spirits to the collection below westeros? I don't think so.

  7. The Valyrians are conquerors and I always found it hypocritical of Dany to put that much weight to her birthright when at the same time she was so proud of Aegon who took the Seven Kingdoms with no resemblance of a claim at all. And how she had no claim to take Mereen either.
    But Maegor is a different story. He didn't claim or reclaim some throne but defended it. So by Targaryan standards he wasn't a bad King at all.
    It always nagged me how fast the realm turned after the concessions made to Aegon who was – judging by the Faith – even more of an abomination than Aenys or Maegor ever were. I never thought about it as that kind of conspiracy, but it does make a whole lot of sense. I'm looking forward when your theory moves on to the Dance of the Dragons and the decline of House Targaryen. Can't imagine whom you will blame for THAT one.


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