Mysteries, Myths and Motives Part 4.

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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  1. Gosh, you guys need to make some OtGH reads hate comments videos lol. So much vitriol. Love you guys, really. I'm reading again for the hundredth time and thanks to you guys my eyes are much more open to a great deal of things that I previously missed. I always thought, well, GRRM isn't really that intelligent, that every word is pretty much important. A lot of this stuff doesn't hold any important significance, he's just throwing in so much to enlarge his books and to keep his readers on a constant Easter egg hunt, and basically, he's not that good. My opinion has changed completely. He is better than the best. I am amazed at how many times I read the books and each time I came away viewing catelyn stark as a sympathetic character. After watching your catelyn SUCKS vids and reading again, I'm blown away by how horrible she is. Her witchcraft on Ned at the beginning, with maester luwins assistance, is a perfect example of how grrm implies the truth of what's happening instead of spelling it out. You must read so closely, and only then can you infer the truth of the events, if you're lucky. I never gave George enough credit as a writer to accept the depth and genius of this masterpiece. Until I stumbled onto you guys. Also, I would like to challenge you to a duel good ser, ala Littlefinger. That's the world's most enticing wench you've been graced with, and she just happens to be as fair as a Dayne of Starfall, which pales in comparison to her wonderful mind. I name you camel cunt, ser. Dammit, I can't help but like you too, for all this great insight. But I get so jealous it ain't right everytime I watch you. Isn't it just perfect that the woman that Littlefinger was madly obsessed with was Catelyn. It couldn't have been anyone else. Fair lady, I name you Queen of Love and Beauty. Be rid of this baseborn chull, he's neither landed nor wealthy, and shall never attain a lordship. He will betray you faster than a whore betrays Tyrion Lannister. Give me your hand and I shall pay your father your weight in yellow gold and rubies. In cinnamon, cloves, saffron, and spices rarer still. Bolts of silk and Myrish lace. I kid, I kid. But seriously.

  2. A note to reflect on…..The most important event for all current ASOIF characters in the recent past was the Tourney at Harrenhal.  This event triggered the events that lead to the War of the Usurper the shifting of power and appointment of Jaimie to the Kingsgaurd which had major effects for Robert Baratheons future linage and longevity of his reign it put Jaimie and Cersei back in close proximity for the first time in years.  The Tourney was arranged in the false Spring by a Kingsguard Oswald Went possibly at the behest of Rhaegar T.  The false spring may have even come about via manipulation of nature from the Children of the Forrest on the Isle of faces.  Howland Reed who is a Green Seer attended the Isle of faces and saw what the Children were up to then chose to appear mysterioulsy at Harrenhal to engage with Ricard Starks children.   He virtually ensured that Ned could not spend the night with Ashara Dayne which paved the way for Brandon Stark to spend the night with her Dornish women are a little more aggressive than most.  Barristan Selmy mused if he had been more prominent at the Tourney Ashara may have looked to him instead of Stark….not necessarily Ned.  So what does the most important event in Westeros in recent memory produce…..Union between Rhagaer and Lyanna….Prelude to War….Ashara Dayne with a Stark….Interference by Howland Reed and the Children of the Forrest in weather and in a Stark – Dayne Union.  The North Remembers…..Winter is Coming….The man who passes the sentence must swing the sword…..These Stark Sayings are all critically important to the War for the Dawn…..which means the Starks are Important….who are the two most important characters well it would appear to be Jon (Ice) and Dany (fire) so why would the most important Tourney with the most important families produce anything but the most important characters so important that the Children of the Forrest and Howland Reed get involved.  Jon is no doubt Stark and Dayne but Brandon is just as likely his father as Ned.  Ned would raise him as a Stark for his brother and keep it a secret to protect Catelyns honour as Brandon was already betrothed also Jon being raised a bastard remedies any possible succession issues with Rob.  If Val was his daughter or Brandon's why not raise her at winterfell?.  If Val is important enough to be following Arthur (Mance) Dayne north of the Wall she can't be a Stark – Dayne.  She would need to be Targaryen-Stark (R+L = Twins) as Young Grif Travels with a Kingsguard and Ashara Dayne presumably.  The other possibility is that Jon was born of a Stark Dayne union established at Harrenhal and Dany was born of a Targaryen Stark union established at Harrenhal…..Maybe they aren't related but they are similar age and they are symbiotically linked by events which would make sense given the title is ASOIAF.  Jon and Val being twins is extremely unlikely your main evidence because of reference to her being tall and slender her grey eyes and because Jons wolf likes her….well she is part Stark.  Jon is constantly described as looking like Ned…..Arya is constantly described as looking like Lyanna her Aunt…..Jon = Ned = Uncle…..I think more research and vision is required here

  3. I love the theory of Allyria and Jon being siblings but I always thought Allyria would be older because I was thinking she might be conceived during ToHH – that was before I learned about Val though I just thought of her a side character bethored to Lord Dondarrion

  4. I get everything but Stannis offering Val to Jon, unless both he and Val have no idea about Jon's parentage (according to A+N=J) To me, it seems more likely that Jon is indeed a Targaryen, and after both Mance and Val drop the truth on him – probably to avoid incest-y weddings – Stannis offers to wed him to the true Stark heir. Melisandre perhaps threatening to burn him in an attempt to have him reveal the truth. Think about it, an alliance that brings some peace to the realm, restores the true heir of the iron throne as well as solidifies the fight against the others. And would still be "a song of ice and fire" (; lel would be one hell of a twist.

  5. What are your thoughts on the theory that Meera Reed is also Jon's twin? Please note that I'm not necessarily speaking about R+L=J+M…. They are born in the same year & have very similar descriptions

  6. TL;DR I think Val is either Allyria or Aegon's twin sister.

    Val can't be Ned and Ashara's daughter if both parents have dark hair and she has golden haired. That makes ZERO sense, and this rebuttal is supported by the fact that GRRM treats hair color as a main genetic trait when learning someone's parentage, it is constantly used to distinguish between the Stark children who take after Cat versus those who take after Ned (in appearance). Ned uses hair color to determine that Jof, Mycella, and Tommen are not Baratheons, he uses it as one of the determining factors in guessing Gendry's parentage, Jon Connington dyes his hair along with Aegon's, implying that the hair is too noticeable to not cover up (you could argue that it would be harder to change other features, but Aegon's other features could belong to anyone. Any highborn lord-ling could be beautiful, as Aegon is described). It also wouldn't make sense for her to be born months after Jon and still be his twin, that is not how giving birth to twins works. IMO, Val could be Aegon's twin sister, as they are roughly the same age in ADWD. In addition, Targeryans more often have twins than the Starks, and I can't think of any Starks from any point in all of ASOIAF that were or had twins. However, your point about Ned's eyes and Val's eyes is a good one, I couldn't come up with a counter based on my current knowledge, but I still don't think that she is Ned's daughter, as Ned would have brought them both to Winterfell, instead of taking her beyond the wall…somehow? You guys don't even go into that, how she would get there. It is more likely that she was taken North with Mance Dayne, especially if she is the younger sister, which is a possibility.

  7. Hmmm, If Jon and Val are Ned's children, there should be (7) seven Direwolves. If not, there should only be (5) five Direwolves. The only way the (6) Direwolves fit with your theory is if Robb Stark (the Florian Fool) was the bastard of Brandon and Catelyn Stark.

  8. Is this video trying to say that;
    A – Jon Snow is actually Ned's child, and not Rhaegar's?
    B – That Allyria and Ashara are not sisters?
    Because neither of those make sense…. I agree with aspects of this though….


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