The newest installment in our Mysteries, Myths and Motives Series, detailing how just about everything the Andals claim about themselves and their Seven Faced God is a flat-out lie.

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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  1. Thank the gods you're here GreenHand; finally some stern story-craft analysis amidst the sea of "RLJ prophecy – why Arya will end up riding the Night King in the last scene" tripe . Anything but "S3as0n 8 Ep1s0d3 L3@kz – C0NF1RM3D!!!1!1!!1!" Seriously, If I could slap some channels, I would. Very happy that I can help support you guys; every video is totally worth it.

  2. I feel like an idiot, but what was the point of that last [Cersei] quote? SHowing how grotesque these people are, and therefore their persons? Seems obvious but I feel like I missed something

  3. You guys always give me so much to think about and so many rabbit wholes to explore…. Great job as always. Wishing you both a very special and safe holiday season. Love and hugs 💖💖💖🦏🦏🦏🐘🐘🐘

  4. Meh it's the first time I disagree with one of the videos. Specifically, the whole "High Sparrow lied".
    First of all, he didn't explicitly state that those bones were collected lately. In fact, it's much more likely they are a cumulative group of bones, taken during the years of war. Secondly, I don't remember the travel of the High Sparrow being that short. In fact (even in other ASOIAF theory videos), his travel was much longer, and still would have touched the river lands.
    It's not just Clegane, the entire Lannister army was known to be cruel "Burn the villages, burn the farms".
    1) It's not unlinely that those bones were from war. In fact, they are far too many to be part of some "conspiracy" in which the Silent Sisters took bones and used them to fabricate a false evidence. Also, this would require a great coordination, and the High Sparrow was a simple Septon, he had basically no power. It would require the cooperation of some Higher member of the order, like some Most Holy, but that would both be absurd (SOMEONE would have known), and nonsense (the whole point was to destroy the clergy in power, and make a new one. What crazy Most Devout or whatever would support the High Sparrow in a suicide mission?).
    2) It's not unlikely he collected those bones from war, and in fact ASOIAF is filled with corpses all over the stories in those regions. Even Brienne found some in her travel. Also, the High Sparrow could maybe fool the Queen(Maybe?) but was he so clever to fool THE ENTIRE population of those regions too? They saw war, and they came with him to King's Landing, some of them should know the truth, it would be easy to say "No Septon-massacre" happened, duh". I find it more likely that this huge crowd was actually mad because the High Sparrow was telling the truth (duh).
    3) Sorry but the whole Quiet Isle is fascinating…yet with near to no evidence. I'm not saying it's not true, cause George loves a dark twist and that would be a hell of a twist, kudos for you for thinking about this, but m8, what is the evidence?
    An isle in which pregnant women go and have children, that are taken as orphans. We are "assuming" they are actually killed (why? Why the effort? What's the point? Have they been doing this for centuries, just so that one day a random Sparrow would take power? They love bones? They to mean things? Wouldn't the Most Devout know? So many problems) women and children. I see no evidence of it, it's very unlikely and seems to be kinda "pushed".
    4) The whole channel made a great job at uncovering the lies of the Andals, and the Seven. Kudos for that, too.
    However, I think that this direction has maybe "pushed" this theory beyond correction. Like "Andals and Seven Faith MUST be evil at all cost, and everything they say MUST be lies". George clearly shows us that some factions we are lead to believe to be evil, can actually be good, or have good members. There is no Black and White, exept me cause I'm obviously Lawful good and charming. This video in particular seems to go on with the whole thing "Hey they must be evil, so the Septon said something very likely (Priests murdered during war, something so common is basically like breathing, nobody cares, and that's the problem for him) and used it to take power….it must be a lie, since the Seven use lies to take power". Well, nope.
    I see no evidence for it. And it's not like "Jon Snow's Twin", so a "Likely" theory that I still find hard to see happening (but could 100% be true since it's very rational), this is both unlikely and not very rational.
    5) Final note: Yeah, we all know how creepy the Seven Faith is.
    If you compare it to every Chuch in history, it is much more bloodier and cruel. It's like a dark, twisted version of Middle Ages, that laster forever. But….ain't we exaggerating on the High Septon? Yes, he was obviously power-driven, machiavellic and had no conception of State-Church separation (but really, WHO had that conception? This is kinda middle-ages, really). Yes, he wanted to control the King, control the Information (maybe, cause that seems the "Old Seven" ways. You know, be connected to the Cidatel and Old Town and stuff. But he is shown to be "out of those power games", money and stuff. I believe that the old "Power circle" that ruled the Six Kingdoms once was basically outed by him. Who would they be represented by? Most likely the Tyrells, even tho in the Books the tyrells are much closer to High Sparrow, he is STILL charging them and using them as he pleased). Yes, he wants to create a theocracy and cares very little about free will, but that's not his main motivation. I believe that he is "A honest bastard", in the sense that he wants power, but not for the lust of it, but because he is honestly convinced this is for the good of the people. He clearly wants to see a Poor Faith, with no gold crowns, jewels, money, power and corruptions. He wants it clean, poor, near to the people and the common folk. What he did there was obviously good. I mean, ignore the Militant Faith for a moment and everything they did in a power level: he just basically took a very corrupt, rich and powerful institution, and transformed it into a REAL charity,poor and humble association, driven by true faith. He seems to care about other people. Yes he is manipulative, but he is also "A Sensei". George said he was inspired IN PART by Pope Feancis.
    Now, that Pope can hardly be classified as a power hungry corrupt, can he? So he was obviously inspired by his "poor Church" effort, a good effort. So I believe, and George clearly endorses my view here, that the High Sparrow is a good person wantint to cleanse his faith, yet at the same time wants to enforce that view on the state, destroying everything that will oppose.
    And that's the "evil" part. Yet, according to this video, he is simply a power hungry mongreal (possibly corrupt) that wants to rebuild an old society. That is far from truth to me. High Septon is a deluded kinda good guy (exept with Homosexuals) which will use force for his means.

  5. Great theories and details! Love the conversion aspect of making the gods relatable. A couple details I'd like to add, then one question. So one thing I thought about while watching the many faced God video is the idea of being faceless and how it relates to the children. I haven't actually gone back and read a dance with dragons in awhile but I do remember leaf saying she traveled the world and listened to men. And one question I had was… How TF did she just walk around as a child of the forest? But then the story the kindly man tells of the first gift being from a listener in the mines. And we know that the faceless men aren't truly faceless, but many faced. And that led me to believe that must be how leaf walked around around for years. This always transforming, somehow neither male or female, with a not quite not definite face is descriptive of the idols carved depicting the amdal stranger, but also a faceless man as well as a traveling COTF(who I think are one in the same but I'll leave off on that).

    The one question I have is, why do the andals war with the children? Because it does seem they serve the same god so why cut down the weirwoods?

    Oh one point, I wouldn't call it disagreement but I do think the symbol of the 7 pointed star is actually legit. As in it is a true symbol of the andals religion, and the "7" were crafted to fit that. Because when they landed they came with stars carved into their bodies and they also carved axes and stars where they landed. I think this ties back to the relationship to old ghis and the bloodstone emperor your channel has proposed in the past as in these people are an offshoot of the church of the starry wisdom.

  6. At first I thought the concept of the Seven faith being a death cult was silly. But the fact that you guys present such compelling evidence has convinced me that you are right. This is so damn creepy! Especially the Quiet Isle part. Maegor should have destroyed the Faith entirely! Brilliant channel, guys. Love your work. Keep it up!

  7. Yeh baby lets do this lovin this series. .I read the new short story..u guys are great. .what bugs channels who haven't prlbably read a book in thier life. .there channel is all hbo throns channel haa like 250000 subscriptions. .an all he does in talk of theory's am what might happen…I askes him theons sisters name..and hia reply was. .yara you twat .everyone knows that lmao..I just waa speechless. .and he makea like two videos a day all abiut thw book. .

  8. Hmm, your videos are making me increasingly more bewildered by the fact that the Hound now resides on Quiet Isle and so if he's supposed to be on a redemption arc while the faith is really this sadistic and actually tied to a death cult, what does that mean for him then? Will he discover that, and fight them maybe? Or will he stay on their side, thus making him part of the problem in the end? I haven't read the last book published yet, and thinking about getting all of the books on audible to listen to again faster than I would read them.

    I definitely believe the HoB&W is tied to the COTF though and the old gods and that they're doing blood sacrifices in their deepest chambers to some weirwood trees or something after hearing that on either your or Ideas of Ice and Fire's channel, can't remember now w/o looking back.

  9. … NONONO! You can't just end the video like that man… Common guys you're making my head turn with those lines, I'm going to need to reread a feast for crows, the only one I read only once.

  10. The Quiet Isle sounds like a strange place where women give birth, like it's some out-of-place maternity hospital. I don't know if the mothers are "being killed" because death from childbirth is common in Westeros. Great video and cool theories.

  11. Hey guys, been a while! I had no idea how much I missed this channel. I have a question tho, if it's true that they worship death and the weirwoods (have no idea about how to spill it.) Anyways, why'd they cut m off? If they worship a God and find it somewhere why create a whole new religion and go with all the trouble to fool everyone in it and about it when you don't need to at all? (I get that they're concedred Gods and not THE God but if they're playing it like that then it really doesn't matter) Ow, Yeah! Happy holidays 😊


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